Hi ya all – My Aunt Bertha’s got some bitchin’ to do on her bullhorn –

Aunt Bertha’s Bullhorn on April Fool’s Day, 2009:

“Our new President OBummer is boring and black…

– while former President Bush was our beloved white Frick’n Funny Fool…

So, to those of you so-called Americans who voted for the black guy for President – who’s the Butt of the Joke NOW? Huh?  Huh? What up – Huh?”


EggBert (& Auntie Bertha who does not get enough from Uncle Rusty who watches too much PBS with Gramps Grumpy Gump who hasn’t given Granny Gumption what she desires for the past 77 years due to 1) his leaky weiner and 2) because she ONLY wants it filled up in the can)

unknownOkay, I am starting something new, C & L has done this for awhile, but I decided to start this tonight, because Eggbert sent me this image a few weeks back, and I haven’t been able to use it, but it makes me laugh until I puke everytime I look at it. So post your links and topics and let me know what you think.

Dear fellow blogsters:

RE: http://www.siouxlandlib.org/News/2009/March/18/fe_seminar

Date: 3/18/2009
From: Siouxland Libraries
Title: Financial Education Seminar at Oak View Library
The Oak View Library will host a free financial education seminar on Monday, March 23 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.The topic is Living Within Your Means, and participants will learn about setting financial goals and creating plans for spending and saving. The seminar is presented by the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Lutheran Social Services.Call 367-8718 to register or with questions.

grumpy_old_man38113906_std.jpg GOG picture by jkernitzki

After reading this bit of informational news from the Sioux Falls city website, my Gramps Grump Gumption cursed, spit, and growled out, Consarn it, maybe insteada carvin’ up Tate/LaBianca California folks, old man Sioux Falls Mayor Davey Manson oughta attend his own Damn Fancy Pants City Library-hosted finance class & go carve up his own city budget to help out Sioux Falls, SD folks. Of all the fool-darn ironies, sheoot!  Why, I oughta go Helter Skelter on his Ass!”

Of course, we disagreed with him, as we believe our city leaders are already highly knowledgeable in the proper ways of finance, i.e. spending & saving & spending, so we sat there and put up with his stink. But when the old fart was finally finished rantin’ & ravin’, we gave him a Lienenkugal beer, more of his “special” prescription medication, and sent him packin’ to Wednesday night church for confession…  


EggBert & his fellow BBB (Beer-Bloggin’ Buddies)

HAPPEE DAY, EVERYONE! THIS kind of wonderful, city-wide event is what makes us love this city and our city leaders so much – Jeepers Creepers PEEpers, anyhew!

The City of Sioux Falls along with EPA Launches Its First “Fix a Leak Week” March 16-20, 2009. How long have you been ignoring that constant drip…drip…drip coming from the shower or faucet? How about that running toilet?

Any takers out there (or over at City Hall) up for helping fix my Neice Nellie’s boyfriend, Petey Schwetty’s leaky wiener?


EggBert & Neice Nellie’s boyfriend, Petey Scwetty’s wild & wooley weinerÂ