The SD blogosphere has gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

I’ve gotten a lot of grief from people from both sides of the SD blogosphere about some of my wacky stances and positions, but I’ll admit, I have always approached them with honesty and a sense of humor.

Over the past weekend I’ve watched several of my counterparts in the SD blogosphere completely lose it, and not in a funny way. Not sure if it is because of Obama becoming president, or what, but you guys are seriously scaring the shit out of me.

Pastor(?) DooHickey is having trouble praying for Obama.

Sibby is afraid that Karl Marx was just inaugurated today.

– Pitty Pat Powers warns about the evils of public health and public safety.

– And Todd Epp suddenly has gotten a sense of humor, kinda.

Please guys, leave the wackiness to me. You guys can go back to writing about killing babies, the evils of Unions, the greatness of conservatism and Bruce Sprinsteen. Thank You.

Christmas is for kids (and those who still celebrate the Roman Emperor’s birthday). And since I am neither a kid or a Roman I’m just going to put out a gleeful thank you for continuing to read South Dakota’s nastiest-rotteness political blog. I want people to know, not many things will change in the ‘nasty’ department in 2009 on DaCola, so don’t hold your breath (That means you DooHickey). I may even add some more contributors but I wanted to give a shout-out to my current crew.

Ghost of Dude

Angry Guy


The MotherLoad


& Johnny Roastbeef

We are still working on Warren Phear, and hopefully he will come around one of these days.

I also want to say my favorite SD blogs to read are these:


SouthDakotamac (my new favorite!)



& Madville times

Best Links

Argus Leader

Rapid City Journal

Crooks and Liars

Happy New Year!

. . . even with Angry Guy in attendance


Present: Angry Guy, Oliver Surden, Ghost of Dude, The Motherload, Johnny Roastbeef, Detroit Lewis

Absent: Eggbert (I think he was looking for turds in the woods last night)

Minutes; Approval of the last minutes was not done, because no one took minutes.

Topics; Beer, bar food and the fact that two conversations should not being going on at the same time at the same table (can’t remember who brought that up?) and Pastor(?) DooHickey’s crazy followers. A collection was taken to fill the jukebox with some music.

Adjournment; (Thanks for the ride hom GoD).

Sidenote; just so you know Warren, most of us walked to TJ’s.