What a great attendance Downtown for First Friday. I think it’s time DTSF considers closing off Phillips from 10th to 12th on the weekends like they do with their DT in Austin, TX.

From the patio of Icon on Friday night, and my new favorite park Today

The Downtown Parking Ramp groundbreaking is on Monday;

What: Groundbreaking ceremony for the mixed-use parking ramp project

When: Monday, May 7, 2018 • 4:30 p.m.

Where: 110 South Mall Avenue, Downtown Sioux Falls near Tenth Street and River Road

Former Minnehaha State’s Attorney Dave Nelson did a robo call for Curt Soehl. I wondered if there was some other secret weapon up Soehl’s sleeve. I heard a robocall from Nelson today left on someone’s VM. I believe the message was left on election day. We had heard rumors that Soehl was recruited by Huether and Erpenbach, and this kind of confirms it. Nelson chaired Huether’s run for mayor.

Greg Belfrage used to play softball. On Friday’s show Belfrage was talking about how he used to play softball. I almost called in (I usually have trouble getting past the producer) and said, “You know Greg, I didn’t know you used to play softball, but I always kind of wondered considering the questions you asked Mayor Huether over the past 8 years.

The city recently fell victim to a phishing scam in the finance department. The city isn’t saying the amount they were scammed out of (go figure) but claim it will reimbursed by an enhanced crime insurance coverage. Whatever that is. But it surprised me considering all the gloating about the new financial software and the over 20 people that work in the finance office. Makes you wonder what kind of policies the city has when checking each other’s work. It’s a good thing we spiked Turbak’s salary by $16K before he retired 🙁

Drinking Liberally gives us an update on the Dems;

The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) held its annual McGovern Day celebration on April 28th. The top ticket Democratic candidates, Gubernatorial candidate Billie Sutton and Congressional candidate Tim Bjorkman gave strong performances and both should do well this fall. It is an uphill battle for both but they give Democrats a real chance of winning both contests.

SDDP Chair, Ann Tornberg, touted her success recruiting Democratic candidates in a record number of South Dakota’s legislative races, 103 of the 105 if I remember correctly. While this is an accomplishment of sorts, it papers over the decline in Democratic voter registration the SDDP continues to experience. As I noted in a previous invitation, for the first time in living memory Democratic voter registration fell below 30% of all South Dakota registered voters in March (29.9%). In April, the Republican registration advantage over Democrats increased by another 1657 voters, reducing the SDDP’s share of the electorate by another 0.2% to 29.7%. When asked about the continued decline in Democratic voter registration, Ann and her staff pointed to a $50,000.00 grant the SDDP had just received from the Democratic National Party to conduct voter registration and Get Out The Vote among our Native American citizens. Native Americans have proven to be a solid Democratic constituency and they make up approximately 15% of South Dakota’s total population. The $50,000.00 will prove helpful I am sure but I doubt it will stop the overall decline in Democratic voter registration. The grant is an expansion of a similar $10,000.00 grant the SDDP received last summer (2017) during which statewide Democratic voter registration declined 3.31%. (This decline was due in part to annual voter purges of inactive voters conducted by County Auditors.) By way of comparison, last summer Democratic voter registration declined by 4.8% and 3.7% respectively in Oglala Lakota and Todd counties, two counties with large Native Americans populations. During this same 2017 period, statewide Republican and Independent registration declined by 1.93% and 0.95%. Ann can spin all she wants but in the end the numbers and the voters tell the story.

In Sioux Falls: The hotly contested nonpartisan Mayoral election on May 1st wasn’t so hot as the Republican candidate, Paul Ten Haken, defeated the Democratic candidate, Jolene Loetscher, by 24%, 62.7% to 37.3%.

In my humble opinion, Democratic candidates are on their own for the most part and the SDDP needs to do some serious soul searching. To quote myself, “It is time to make the Democratic Party, democratic.”

My failed tax petition

Pammy sticks it to the Gov

The McCain Rallies

The streets are finally safe

S**T Sandwich

The failure of Measure 11, and again

2009 State Legislative Goals

Leadership Johnny

The Auto Bailout


An Angry Guy article

Welcome to Iraq Mr. President, and this to!

Calendar Gate

Hospital Mega-Plex


Comparing the Presidents in Black & White

Some things never change at city hall

How we miss Vern

Burrito Birth

A million ways to increase education funding in SD without raising taxes, and here to

Always look for the exit when Clubbing

Yet we still elected him to Senate

Called out at the Council Meeting (this was when the council was allowed to interact with the public)

Remember this, It caused over a 100 properties North of Town to be in the floodplain, and when we did get repaid, we blew it on a pool we are building on land we do not own.

$50K public art, now sitting in a storage yard. Part II

SD Priorities

This is when my love affair with the Parks and Rec Department started

I think one of these wishes came true for me.


I know what you are thinking, not any more than usual in South Dakota, which really doesn’t have that many laws protecting the citizen’s right to information, heck, and even if government is found doing something wrong our recourse with ethics law is non-existent.

So that best I CAN do is point out the latest assault on South Dakota Democracy and lack of transparency;


SB166 was ‘tabled’ after Sen. Corey Brown ‘claimed’ people were cursing at pages. I guess my question is “Why were they answering your phone anyway?” But the worst part about the situation was that several people showed up last Friday and sat through hours of pointless testimony so they could speak about the bill. But Senator Brown didn’t allow it, he felt there wouldn’t be an ‘intellectual’ conversation about it. Yeah, the two main opponents of the bill who showed up to testify were former state legislator and current Minnehaha County Treasurer Pam Nelson and Sioux Falls Petition Queen, Theresa Stehly. I have a feeling Brown feared an ‘intellectual’ conversation. (Bob Mercer wrote and interesting article about the I & R process: I&R History – Bob Mercer


I really think they strive at looking more ridiculous by the day. For years parents and teachers have tried to work with administration and school board members on a school start date and have been IGNORED. Now all of sudden after thousands of signatures have been collected and the measure being put on the ballot, the school board wants to ‘compromise’.

This isn’t the first time the school board has pulled this (sick leave graduation, pledge of allegiance and substitute teacher pay come to mind).

You look foolish, childish, hypocritical, out of touch and quite ignorant. Morrison’s comment today in the Argus Leader says it all when he exclaims, “It isn’t transparent enough, apparently.” You think? DUUUUUHHHHHG?!

Let voters decide in April because after wasting 5 years of their time trying to work with your body they have decided it is easier to collect 6,000 signatures and have an election.


After 29 applicants come forward to apply for the empty commission seat to be appointed, the county administrators (non-elected) picked the five finalists (for the commission) and shred the applications. Then the county commission picks (in private) the appointee and votes for them in a poorly publicized public meeting where no questions from the public were asked. It was the worst display of closed government I have seen with the county in years. If I was Commissioner Bender I would be embarrassed of how I was chosen.


I know, where to begin on this one? So I will narrow down to three;

-We have no idea what is going on with the EC siding. Who will pay to fix it? Will it get fixed? Nothing. In fact every time they do release a little information about the project, they go back on the promises made.

-Ambulance service provider contract. This has been handled so poorly I think the whole process should be scrapped and start from the beginning. If you have a little free time before the meeting tonight to approve the contract I suggest googling some names involved with the selection committee, Paramedics Plus, Fitch, etc. etc. It is so insidious you would think we chose a Hueterrite colony to run our ambulance service.

-The indoor swimming pool cost overruns. Besides being lied to over and over again about the project, starting before the election, there are a ton of unsolved mysteries here. Has the VA given the city an MOU about using the park for indoor aquatics? How do we plan to pay the levee bonds back in a few years since we are using the Federal repayment for the ‘cash’? If I was a city councilor I would vote against the cost overrun based solely on the lack of transparency. Why vote for a budget that you have been lied to about?

As a citizen and a blogger I will continue to watch my local government, but with them all misbehaving, it is getting harder every day to keep up with the secrets and rumors.

UPDATE: If you were following the live tweets from Huether’s YPN luncheon today, he makes some interesting statements about people who question the transparency of the city (click to enlarge) he also talks about the Super Walmart that WILL be built on the Southside of town.


Rat Fink, we are headed for Brandon

There is probably several reasons why Automania decided to leave SF to go the Weirdsville, but you gotta love the excuse they are ‘telling’ people;

The annual show draws 50,000 to 70,000 people each year. This year’s event is scheduled for June 28-30.

Automania chairman Bill Nelson says the move is simply about space and logistics. He says the number of spectators made it hard to find enough space and parking in downtown Sioux Falls.

Yet 50,000 found a place to park each year. Sure, Bill. The ‘rumor’ on the street is that Brandon gave Automania an ‘in$entive’ to relocate while DTSF would not. If anyone could verify that, I would appreciate it. I suspect Automania will return to SF the following year after attendees find out how much fun Weirdsville’s cops are to deal with.

This is what camping used to look like

You can park your ginormous RV in front of your house now, for at least 48 hours;

And the owners of recreational vehicles also will be allowed to park those vehicles in their driveways for up to 48 hours.

While I don’t understand the concept of an RV unless you are traveling with Willie Nelson’s concert tour, I will defend property owners on this one. As long as your vehicle is entirely on your property, that you own, and pay property taxes on, there should be no restrictions on it. It’s silly and goes against property rights. But my other argument is, that if you can afford one of these monstrosities, you should be able to afford to store it properly. It reminds of something I said about golfers bitching about green fees, if you can’t afford them you should take up a less expensive hobby, like lawn darts. It seems these days everyone wants to be king shit even if they can’t afford the shit.