Trump has been sued over 4,000 times starting in the 1970’s with housing discrimination. He is a liar, a sexual assaulter and a racist. He is a crook and has always been one. It is unfortunate it took 12 regular citizens to finally convict him because the elected leaders in our country don’t have the spine to do it. I feel for these people, because many of them will probably have to move because of threats, etc.

Let’s have fun. Pretend this is a cartoon and have each person narrating. Copy and paste into the comments;


Ginger’s friend:

Scooter man:

Pointy lady:

Bike girl:

You can change up the order however, but let’s have some fun.

Here are my suggestions;

Ginger: The clocktower is so dazzling today!

Ginger’s friend: Absolutely dazzling!

Scooter man: I must photog this dazzling display.

Pointy lady: Look! He is taking a pic of the dazzling display while navigating his scooter in moving traffic! Not only dazzling, but magnificent!

Bike girl: (Keep riding. Make no eye contact.)

UPDATE III: This gets better by the minute, or worse, depending on how you look at it. I guess the meeting wasn’t supposed to happen. The explanation is that there was a software glitch and it reposted an old meeting agenda. While I would agree that may be the case, how did the date get changed? You can timestamp things on the internet, but you must physically do it. The software wouldn’t change the date, or maybe it did? But the kicker is how they tried to cover it up. They have been telling folks that the agenda was only up for a few minutes before discovered. LMFAO! It was posted Friday afternoon and NOT pulled until this morning. That is 72 hours+. Let’s pretend for a moment that the agenda was NOT supposed to be posted, which is fine, but you need to repost the meeting as CANCELED, especially if it appeared in the agenda online for several days, you can’t just REMOVE IT. I don’t think I can defend the city clerk anymore, or for that matter council staff that should really be proofreading this stuff for the city clerk. I told a new city councilor tonight that it is embarrassing for the council to have such incompetent staff, but beyond their embarrassment it is very bad for the citizens when agendas are randomly posted then removed without notice. There is some weird sh!t going on at Carnegie and City Hall, and I don’t even think George Carlin could explain it. God rest his twisted soul.

UPDATE II: Apparently city hall has been flooded with calls about the agenda, and probably why the meeting has been pulled off the city agenda page. Many have been questioning the date but also why councilor Jensen is listed.

UPDATE: I have a feeling they are doing this meeting because the state law of gifting dead animals out of state goes into effect July 1 and I am sure the administration wants to ditch these animals as soon as they get an opportunity and I have no doubt those animals will be loaded into a truck and ready to roll on July 1, which falls on a Monday.

See, you can actually post an agenda for a public meeting on a public meeting agenda page! Glad you figured it out! Where do I send the cookies?

As usual, the dead animals. The gift that keeps giving.

This one has to do with employee privacy and monitoring.

I’m sure some constitutional lawyers could have fun picking this apart. I think this all came about when MMM banned my blog from city computers, in which Staggers complained and the site was NOT blocked to councilors sitting on the dais at the meeting.

The only part I would question is on the third page, 2nd paragraph. While someone could certainly alert HR that a city employee is posting something less then flattering about the city on social media, I don’t think they can ‘monitor’ private social media sites and I am surprised a city employee hasn’t challenged this crap rule written on a bar napkin (that’s what I call EO’s because they don’t mean crap).

City employees don’t give up their 1st Amendment rights once they become employed by the taxpayers, and I would also like to say that city employees have a DUTY to whistleblow when they see corruption, you are protected by Federal Law.

Calling your co-worker a fat bitch on Facebook? Not a good idea. Turning in other city employees for corruption, embezzlement, etc., always good.

So this is a intriguing story of how HyVee decided to help out a community just shy of 150K when they closed;

In a statement, Hy-Vee says “No business wants to close a location and that certainly includes Hy-Vee. Over the past several weeks, we have listened to community leaders and residents about the impact of our store closures… Unfortunately, these three stores have each been losing significant amounts of money for several years, and they are simply not feasible for us to operate any longer.”

Funny how HyVee does this in a smaller community in Iowa when they get called out on their crap, but in Sux, we just shrug our shoulders.