If you go over to Pastor(?) Steve Doohickey’s blog, vocies carry, you will notice there is a link to John McCain’s site. I find it interesting that they would not only endorse a candidate on their site but John McCain, a pro-war candidate. It is estimated that over 4,000 American soldiers have died and some estimates think that between 150,000 to 400,000 innocent Iraqis have died with almost half of them being under the age of eight. John voted for the Iraq war and continues to support this operation, that continues to kill our brave soldiers and innocent Iraqi children.

So is John McCain really pro-life? You be the judge.


From Pastor(?) Doohickey’s blog:

– we know God’s dream for every life – including Leslie’s – does not begin at conception – but his dream for each life begins in his mind long before that dream ever manifests in it’s mothers womb.

Huh? Now this is a crusade to make sure people have children, before they decide to have children?

And they wonder why people call them bonkers?