Hello there!  Good news from my family to yours.

A new addition to the EggBert family is arriving in Sunny SD very, very soon. My Aunt Bertha is returning from Alaska (via canoe) where she used her irresistable charm and rape-drug one passionate night a few months ago to manhandle and have her way with  GOP V.P. candidate’s hubby Hotty Toddy.  She retreated from oil-bellied Alaska as soon as Toddy advised Bertha to abort the love-child, but utilizing her strong right-winged arm of morals she fled out the back door of the Wasilla Moose & Drool Pub, stole Hotty Toddy Paladin’s award-winning snow-machine, barely escaped the clutches of pissed-off members of the Wasilla Wheelin’ Women’s Associated Pro-Abortion Medical Opt Out Safety Elite (WWWAP-A MOOSE – see photo below),

Roller Derby Gals Leap

and is now paddling her bundle of Pro-Life, bastardly joy down the Bering Strait to stateside with her new lover and canoe-mate, Eddie Eskimo.

Though my family looks forward to helping raise Aunt Bertha’s bastardly Alaskan baby, we urge you to Vote Yes For Life on South Dakota Measure 11 on November 4th.  The close-knit EggBert family (except Uncle Rusty and Grumps Gramps who ignorantly do NOT want our beloved Gov. Mike Roundless’s-led SD government dictating what should happen to the baby-making parts or portions of baby-bloodthirsty, irresponsibly impregnated SD women) does not believe people should have sexual touching issues IF they want the unborn baby killed by greedy, crime-commiting doctors. Although an abortion can still be applied IF there is health-related endangerment to the mother and if there are cases of rape and/or incest, the birth of my fragile and sissy sister-nephew Nathan Jane WASN’T and NEVER will be celebrated in the EggBert family because she/he WAS and still IS an evil abortion attempt.  Icky! 

Oh well, at least the isolated freak isn’t a blob of dead tissue goo. 


EggBert Tiber. Frank. Ichab. Goofen.

P.S. VOTE YES FOR LIFE (except in cases like Nathan Jane and Democrat zombies)

Hello everyone. How are you?

My family and I (except for Aunt Bertha who is currently involved in an Alaskan snow-machine contest running shotgun w/taser for GOP V.P.’s hubby, Hotty Toddy Paladin) set out to paint the town red last night expecting to see the Walt Disney “WallBanger-E” late movie movie at the West Mall cinema (with its comfy, creatively angulated seats).Who would of thunk that instead, they showed us a thought-provoking drama (Factual) of heroic white Republicans who made the right decisions throughout the movie and one black Obumma look-a-like who made the wrong decisions throughout the movie. It also featured white women who were strong, coherent, and articulated. They voiced their opinions, gave meaningful advice, and stayed calm throughout the movie – even though the evil Zombies (Joe Biting-like Democrats) were terrorizing them. Thank Goodness the movie’s left-winger media was ignored, and the white military (Republican) eventually once again won the day – saving their fellow Republicans and a few weak, vulnerable bleeding-heart Democrats (literally) as the dangerous dead Democrats took bites out of whiney Democrats while the strong, gun-toting, Pro-life Republicans put a hole in their brains. Sound familiar? The McCane/Paladin ticket also emphasizes these things: (see public domain photos below of the “Night of the Living Dangerously Dead Democrats”). Of course, Uncle Rusty and Gramps Gumps just ate popcorn, laughed, and rooted for the Zombies to win – the liberal Zombie-lovers!

Dangerously Dead Democrats illegally protesting at what appears to be the GOP convention…

Same old, same old: Dead Democrats trying to feast on brains of wholesome Republicans…

Nancy Pullosi-type zombie leads the Democrat Zombie charge…

Corrupt Democrat youth eats what resembles an innocent GOP Presidential candidate…
Shotgun Woman

GOP V.P. candidate Sarah Paladin’s doppleganger takes aim at the brain of what looks like her Zombie former brother-in-law…


EggBert Tiber. Frank. Ichab. Goof.

Before my Aunt Bertha left for Alaska on the mission to steal Hotty Toddy Paladin from the GOP V.P. candidate (although in her last smoke signal she announces that she may now shift her sights on one Leon Johnstone, the young and frisky, very handsome and strong farm boy fiance’ of Pistol, the young and innocent non-frisky, well-educated, sexually-abstaining daughter of the Paladins), she advised us to continue viewing Just The Facts of Life on our local educational television network, CPM (the Christianly People Media) on Channel 21 each Sunday morning divinely between 10:30 and 11:00 A.D.  So, in following her spiritual guidance, our entire family (except for Gramps Grumpa and Uncle Rusty, who are gradually becoming atheit-tic in their unGodly walk in life, chosing to instead watch from afar  – outside on the backyard patio – drinking beer and smoking cigars while discussing trivial un-newsworthy, non-biblical EVIL matters such as current events and politics, science and science fiction, and peace without war – or as Granny Gumption calls it – FREAKIN’ FANTASY) sits down in front of our 101-inch TV after returning from Sunday-morning Massive at our beloved Pastor Steve’s Church of the Late Gate  – (see recent photo below of Massive ceremony illuminating SAVED and counseled sexual-crisis issue victims honoring Pastor Steve’s crusading exploits):

Bacchus Dance

This morning, we found ourselves entranced as this episode of Just The Facts of Life cranked it up a notch.  Today’s show (surely to be an emmy-award nominated one) was about a series of mysterious children’s books, created by a non-patisan, humble yet Christian, non-self-promoting professional SD home-grown team of writers and artists who travel across this beloved state of SD in a journey of searching for actual and factual evidence – unique to South Dakota not found anywhere else on the planet – on the mission to locate items that differentiate our state from all other crappy states – thus, once again proving that we do indeed live in the land of divine and infinite variety.

This TV program explained to us that our beloved SD has special items and rare artifacts such as rocks (see photo below), trees, and corn.  


What a perfect utopian state of society we live in!  Get out there and buy up these wonderful Christianly SD factual mysterious books to celebrate Christmas and to continue our beloved President Bush’s call to stimulate our minds and help continue the GOP’s strong economy as well stimulating the economy of the book’s creators so they can create more mysterious SD factual books.

God Bless all Mid-west GOP-voting loyalist Americans who create such SD factual books and quality SD factual TV programming!


EggBert Tibe. Fran. Icha. Goof.and most family members and neighbors