Not so much anymore. I guess the 1,600 (retail) properties in the floodplain are not much of a concern anymore either;

The city has delayed issuing more than $40 million in bonds to pay for flood-control upgrades because officials are optimistic the federal government will send money for the project.

This is where I do my ‘I told you so’ dance. Will you join me Councilor Costello?

“I just really think there’s going to be more funding from the stimulus bill, so we’re going to wait,” Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson said Tuesday.

Wait! Wait for what! Another flood where water is flying over the spillway and basements are getting flooded* and people are DYING! APOCOLYPSE NOW! *(My bad, that was because of faulty infrastructure not lack of levees)

In a letter dated March 2, FEMA notified the city in an official letter that the new floodplain elevations were completed.

Huh? So we didn’t need to build these new levees right now? Get outta here. Are you setting us up for another Katrina, Dave? I heard our current president doesn’t care about ‘white people’.

“Whatever we get, we’re going to be appreciative of,” Munson said.

Because my knees are beginning to hurt, real bad.

Another hardworking Eastern South Dakota politician in their element

Maybe it’s the cynic in me, or maybe it’s that I follow politics too closely, but none of this surprises me, especially here in the Sioux Empire;

A former office manager for the Sioux Empire Fair Association has been charged with embezzling almost $250,000 from the fair in 2007 and 2008.

Is the manager to blame, most certainly, but she was so blantant about it it makes you wonder who was paying attention? Adamski certainly wasn’t, he was getting gifts given to him by her (hopefully he will be brought up on charges also). The fair board certainly wasn’t and the Minnehaha county commission certainly didn’t give a rip.

Why not? Because that’s the times we live in folks, out of touch politicians who ‘don’t want to get involved’ or ‘Know the details’. Just look at the Sioux Falls city council, they vote on bonds all the time without knowing or even caring about the details. In fact, they probably don’t know to this day how much interest we will be paying on the Levee bond, yet they already approved it. Who cares – not my money.

When something like the Sioux Empire fair, which is fairly successful starts losing money hand over fist, fire alarms should have went off, people should have been asking questions and external audits should have been done yearly, in good times and bad times. This whole ‘I’m upset about it’ won’t freaking cut it anymore. Action NOT Anger will solve problems.

Can we trust our elected officials anymore to watch out for taxpayer’s money? I’m starting to lose what little hope I have had.

I’m watching Munson right now discuss the economy in regards to Sioux Falls.

Munson mentions “You don’t want to get into deficit spending.” in regards to the reserves.

Really? So please explain the city debt growing almost $210 million dollars during your two terms. All during decent growth and economic times. Isn’t that ‘Deficit Spending’?

Munson brags about the ‘diverse’ jobs available in Sioux Falls and brings up the hospitals.

In reality there is only 6 major industries in Sioux Falls. Healthcare, credit card industry, meat packing, city government, construction and the restaurant industry. Guess which one pays the best? None of them. Sadly the best wages are in government, why? They are union and have no accountability to the bottom line.

Munson is talking about the stimulus package and how important it is to get the levees done in 2 years instead of 8 years. He also mentions the 1600 properties affected.

Rumor has it that the only reason FEMA came in and claimed we were in a floodplain was because the guy in the city government who staved off FEMA for 15 years retired, so FEMA pounced. In other words, there is no ‘imminent threat’ of flooding. As I mentioned in a post about a week ago, climate studies have shown we are NOT going to flood in Eastern SD anytime soon. Also, during the city council debate, not one single property owner came to the council to beg them to vote for the levees. Why? I think because Munson already promised them he would get it done. Most of the property is retail and apartment buildings, not homeowners. This is more catering to big business. I also think that the property owners agree with me, there is NO threat of flooding anytime soon.

Munson is talking about the RR relocation project.

Something I support totally. I think it is 10 years past due. I disagree with how it is being paid for though. I don’t think taxpayers should foot the entire bill. I think the RR companies could have been forced into paying for it through condemnation while the taxpayers pay for the land given up. But of course government only screws with regular citizines in condemnation, not private industry.

Munson is talking about the Event Center and saying how a new Event Center will help our city and he is lobbying the legislature next year to raise money for it (taxing us more.) Munson lies about how ‘Not much money is being spent’ on exploring the EC. bologna, give us a figure. He talks about ‘Educating the citizens’ on how it is important to have a EC. Jon Wilson brings up  he thinks this is ‘old against young debate’. Munson agrees and says this will only help the young people and doesn’t really help the older generation. Munson skirts the pricetag question and doesn’t answer it. Munson hints at tearing down Howard Wood.

Typical. No dollar amounts are presented on exploring or building the facility. He also doesn’t talk about how the city would like to tax us additionally on retail items (the plan they are proposing), instead of a bed and booze tax which was initially recommended. Also no mention of corporate sponsorship, which I think is the best route.

Munson talks about working with a ‘great council’

I will give Dave credit for one thing, never any sour grapes. And why should there be any, he runs right over the council, time and time again.

Munson talks about the pay raises and blames the 3 Unions and their contracts for the raises. Says we “can afford it” because we are in good financial shape.

Munson fails to mention that the highest pay raises go to NON-Union members.

Munson talks about how he is retiring from politics after he is done being mayor, but never really gives a straight answer.

Gawd, we can only hope.

Below are the “shovel-ready” projects Sioux Falls submitted in the 2008 U.S. Conference of Mayors report.

South Dakota Highway 100: Construction of a new four-lane divided highway to alleviate congestion on existing state highways and local roads. Approximately one mile of the entire 18 miles has been completed. 2000 Jobs – $100,000,000 – Streets/Roads

Sioux Falls Flood Control Project: This project includes raising the current levees, reconstruction of the 41st Street bridge over the Big Sioux River, and construction of a dam to protect property totaling $750 million in value from flooding. 700 Jobs – $35,000,000 – Streets/Roads

69th Street Extension/Interstate 29/Interstate 229 Reconstruction: The project will provide a critical east-west link for the region’s transportation system and will alleviate traffic congestion on local roads and the interstate highway system. 500 Jobs – $25,000,000 – Streets/Roads

85th Street and Interstate 29 Interchange: The project will provide access to over 200 acres of land planned for a new medical/office/retail center that will include the creation of over 8,000 new jobs for the region. 400 Jobs – $20,000,000 – Streets/Roads

Rail Relocation Project: The project includes construction of a new rail yard, trestle, and accompanying connections in Sioux Falls. The existing tracks would be removed to allow for redevelopment of land in downtown Sioux Falls. 160 Jobs – $8,000,000 – Streets/Roads

69th Street Railroad Overpass: The project will improve safety for a nearby residential area that includes a K-12 educational campus and a college athletic complex. 150 Jobs – $7,500,000 – Streets/Roads

Maple Street Expansion East: This project will expand the City’s transportation system and connect two heavily used regional recreation facilities. 140 Jobs – $7,000,000 – Streets/Roads

Southeastern Avenue Extension: The project will improve access to a residential growth area in southern Sioux Falls. 70 jobs – $3,500,000 – Streets/Roads

Maple Street Expansion West: The project will improve safety and access to a major university campus and residential neighborhood in northwest Sioux Falls. 68 Jobs – $3,400,000 – Streets/Roads
Benson Road Expansion: The project will improve access to a growing retail and office development in western Sioux Falls. 56 Jobs – $2,800,000 – Streets/Roads

Central Main Sanitary Sewer: This project includes the reconstruction and expansion of a critical segment of the sanitary sewer system located along the Big Sioux River. 620 Jobs – $31,000,000 – Water

Water Supply, Storage, and Distribution Enhancements: The project will include expansion of the City’s above and below ground storage capabilities, new well construction, and replacement of aging distribution lines. 560 Jobs – $28,000,000 – Water

Covell Lake Bank Stabilization: This project will stabilize the banks of Covell Lake to prevent erosion of the shoreline and improve the water quality. 20 Jobs – $1,000,000 – Water

Public Parking ramp: This project includes the construction of a new public parking ramp providing approximately 1,000 parking stalls in the downtown area. 360 Jobs – $18,000,000 – CDBG

City Hall HVAC System: This project will replace the obsolete HVAC system at City Hall, which includes replacing the original boilers, installing digital controls, and associated equipment that will bring the air quality in the building up to current ASHR standards. 10 Jobs – $900,000 – CDBG

City Hall Elevator: The project will replace the present antiquated elevator in City Hall. 6 Jobs – $600,000 – CDBG

City Hall Annex HVAC controls: This project updates the HVAC controls in the Annex. 6 Jobs – $200,000 – CDBG

Caille Branch Library and Ronning Branch Library Improvements including a new roof, ice and water shields, security systems and carpet. 30 Jobs – $200,000 – CDBG

Energy Efficient Traffic and Street Lighting Systems: These projects will replace older, inefficient incandescent traffic signals and streetlights with high-efficiency LED lamps. 40 Jobs – $2,000,000 – Energy

Construction of an instititutional fiber network. 144 Jobs – $3,000,000 – Public Safety

Fire Rescue Training Center Tower:This project will replace the 30-year-old training fire building that is utilized by fire departments and law enforcement agencies across the region. 50 Jobs – $2,750,000 – Public Safety

Fire Rescue Training Center Academic Building: This project will provide for an addition and major renovations to the current 30-year-old training center academic building. 30 Jobs – $1,250,000 – Public Safety

Almost $295 million in projects – Good Luck with that! South Dakota cities submitted a total of $472 million in projects. That’s right, Sioux Falls is asking for over 60% of that cut. Is it selfish – not really, because this is only a ‘Wish List’ I suspect Sioux Falls won’t even get half that amount, but I guess we will see.


Munson could not be more excited, Christmas is coming early this year;

Now that the economic stimulus bill is signed, city leaders in KELOLAND are wondering how much will come their way for local projects.  We spoke with Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson about where the city could use the financial boost the most. 

And to make it look like I really care I will only mention NEEDED infrastructure projects.

Munson says the levee improvement program tops his list.  The new flood plain affects about 1600 properties, which is why the levees need to be raised in Sioux Falls. 

To have the flood insurance that they’re going to have to pay for those properties to up to the level it is, that’s not acceptable,” Munson said. 

But charging extra retail taxes on groceries to old ladies on fixed incomes is perfectly acceptable.

Next on the list is Highway 100. The city needs about $100 million to finish the 17-mile project.  It connects Interstate 90 to I-29 at the Tea exit and is expected to encourage further development on the east side. 

Hey, Dave, might wanna mention that 90% of that project is a state and county project, not a city project, not sure if Jodi forgot to send you the memo.

“We’re so fortunate, in Sioux Falls, we’re growing in every quadrant of the city, we really need to have the stimulus package proposals out there to really help,” Munson said.

While we are $100 million behind on current infrastructure and maintenance! Woo-Hoo! Because instead of spending the 2nd penny on roads and such we blew it on ‘Fun’ projects.