You can accomplish anything when you have your parents credit card.

UPDATE: I thought I would re-post this today (form January 2018) after reading the Argus Leader’s analysis of Huether by reporters Whitney and Sneve.

I often hear it from friends and enemies,

“Why do you pick on the mayor so much Scott? He has gotten a lot of things done.”

I often agree, he has accomplished a lot. And if you don’t believe me or them, just ask the mayor himself. But when you really look at what has been ‘done’ it was done using other people’s money or borrowing other people’s money. The problem with that is that it’s the taxpayer’s money, OUR money, not the little dictator’s at 9th & Main.

These ‘accomplishments’ or ‘WINS’ as the mayor likes to call them, are not really wins at all, but just expenditures that I believe could have been done in other ways to save taxpayers millions while providing those services better. They were nothing more than playthings built to attract more overpaid doctors to town.

While Huether says our debt is the same amount as it was in 2010, what he fails to mention is that he created NEW debt at the tune of almost $250 million while the debt that was paid off was already scheduled for repayment or paid off early due to over 50 fee and tax increases over the past 8 years. There have also been repercussions over these fee and tax increases. Sale tax revenue has continued to go down percentage wise even though we have has an explosive population growth. I believe this has to do with a couple of factors. Wages have not stayed in line with these increases in taxes, healthcare costs, housing inflation and the widening gap between rich and poor. In fact a majority of the middleclass in Sioux Falls has seen no growth or negative growth over the past 8 years. Even with all the quality of life projects, financially the middleclass isn’t doing much better or even worse than we were in 2010, the numbers don’t lie.

Our roads are also still at the same rating they were 8 years ago, 7 out of 10. Which is still good compared to other South Dakota municipalities, but ZERO improvement. One reason may be because our roads fund, the 2nd penny CIP is being robbed by mortgage payments to new entertainment facilities that don’t pay for themselves.

But when it comes to Huether really expanding services to ALL of our residents, what really has he done in 8 years?

The massive annexation Huether has implemented has only pissed off neighborhoods, cost millions in infrastructure upgrades (handouts to the corporations that asked for these annexations) and caused a riff with un-annexed islands that were created after the intentional urban sprawl while our core has become a meth crime haven.

Speaking of that, Huether has done little to combat crime. He hired an un-experienced police chief, a fire chief who lives in Canton (because, as he says, it is safer to raise his kids) fired the former fire chief for allegations of child pornography (but let him keep his pension). Screwed the Police union on raises while giving corporate like raises to directors who have followed marching orders like spiking the Finance Director’s salary over the past two years by $16K right before his retirement.

He has done little to improve project trim to become either free or more affordable to taxpayers. Has cut back street cleaning and snow removal, cut bus and paratransit routes while insisting on charging more and offering ZERO solutions over the past 8 years how to improve service and make it more equitable. I actually look at the do nothing attitude of public transit by Huether as one of his biggest failures as mayor.

He has cost us AND the citizens of SD (Public Assurance Alliance) millions in legal battles that we didn’t have to fight because of the incompetent and non-transparent administration he runs.

Water rates and regulations have only gone up in numbers while sales tax revenue has tumbled, only to take this extra money and put it in a savings account.

But besides the ‘WINS’ he decided to pass up, as I said above, let’s look at the things he called accomplishments by spending our money and borrowing in our good name;

The Denty. This project started on a bad note to begin with. Instead of bonding the entire building we had other options. I think we should have used a combination of private investors, cash reserves and state revolving funds to bond remainder. The vote was also a sham. It was an advisory vote which wasn’t legally binding, ultimately the council had to approve the bonds. In reality, with that much bonding it should have been a legal bond vote which would have required a 60% threshold from voters. It was also built in the wrong place. While Downtown would have been more ideal, I think anyplace but next to the Arena would have been better. The location has only contributed to the money vacuum the Denty has become, sending millions out of town. Than there was the cost saving measure to put flat siding on a curved building that caused a SD Supreme Court case and troublesome siding that will cost us millions to replace over the years. He also lied about the settlement, a lie the very media that sued him continues to peddle. They still claim we got at least $480K, which we did not, that money came from a savings account that was supposed to be protected for future repairs to the facility. Essentially we got ZERO. Proof of this is in the pudding and the reason the money could never be used to fix the siding, because it doesn’t exist. I think we could have built an Events Center, but Huether’s plan has been a complete disaster because of several bad decisions by hizzoner.

The Railroad Redevelopment project has cost Federal Taxpayers (and local taxpayers) well over $27 million. In return we got dirty land for $62 a square foot. The trains are still switching downtown and running more frequent. This boondoggle, while expensive, has done nothing to improve downtown. I consider this one of the biggest failed negotiations of the Huether administration. And if we see another derailment like we just recently did and it’s something other than corn (like ethanol or a chemical) it will take a heck of a lot more than $27 million to clean up.

The city administration building was a gigantic middle finger to the taxpayers of Sioux Falls that was decided by one person who manipulated his executive powers and crapped on 6,400 petition signers. The irony is this $25 million building wasn’t needed. We exchanged a $100K a year lease payment for a $1 million a year mortgage that doesn’t include maintenance costs. There is nothing in city charter that requires the city to invest in office space capital. In fact, the city’s finance director Turbak said it was more equitable to lease space. This is a lie that also continues to be peddled by the mayor. During yesterday’s ribbon cutting he claimed their was ‘collaboration’. There was no collaboration, not with the public, the city council or other government entities.

The indoor aquatic center was poorly planned and based on a campaign of lies and confusing ballot language. The location can not be expanded and built on land the Federal government has the quit claim deed on. We also robbed millions from a repayment of Federal levee bonds that should have been used to repay the bonds. We could have built a larger facility at the Sanford Sports Complex with a public/private partnership with Sanford. It would have also been located by all the other special interest sports clubs. We now have a facility we will have to subsidize up to $400k a year or more in a bad location.

Huether allowed the city to go into a parking ramp agreement with a developer that is facing Federal criminal charges and that has illegally dumped asbestos into our landfill with a penalty that was waived. But even if we picked a good developer, the deal doesn’t add up. We are paying over twice as much for fewer parking spots and a lease agreement that wasn’t based on any appraisals. This deal should have never been penned.

Choosing Paramedics Plus for our ambulance contractor was troublesome for many reasons. Not only their pending legal issues nationally, conflicts of interest with the consultant that recommended them and the ‘Phantom’ ambulances, we could have saved consumers $$ while helping to fund our Fire Department. Since the Fire Department already shows up to medical emergencies, sometimes faster than PP, I think a more prudent decision would have been implementing a public ambulance service. While the initial up front costs would be expensive, the fees charged to consumers would help pay for itself, and help to subsidize the Fire Department. As taxpayers we are already paying for the FD to respond to these emergencies, why not get reimbursed for it?

As you can see, the Mayor likes to talk about ‘dreaming big’ and ‘getting things done’ but he has done all this recklessly and by racking up our credit card. The next mayor and city council will be battling these bad fiscal decisions for years to come, and at the end of the day the taxpayers will be footing the bill for all of these ‘WINS’.

I guess after 4 years, the gloating continues;

Campaign donations from local business leaders, luck disguised as misfortune, excellent timing and smart advertising — those were the keys to winning public approval for a new arena in Sioux Falls, according to Dana Dykhouse, one of the facility’s boosters.

Dykhouse said those efforts were necessary to overcome a contingent of 6,000 to 7,000 people in Sioux Falls who, in his words, “will vote ‘no’ on everything.”

“We kind of knew that this was our one shot,” Dykhouse said, “and that if we got all the positive people out to vote and could overwhelm them, we could do it.”

And there is a lot of irony in the things Dana is saying. He is right, they had to get a high voter turnout to win this thing. People who have never voted before or who rarely vote in municipal elections.

Ironically, many of those first time voters who cast their vote in the EC election HAVE NEVER VOTED AGAIN in a city election. That’s right, a shiny new dented up building was and has been more important to them than actually electing people who represent us on local issues, like taxes and fees, infrastructure repair, clean water and public safety.

Oh, and the other irony in all this;

Dykhouse said he was part of four task forces and many fits and starts leading up to the 2011 election in which Sioux Falls residents voted 58-42 percent to approve the construction of a $115 million arena.

Voters never really ‘approved’ anything. It was a vote of the city council that authorized the bond sale for the Denty. If it would have been an actual bond vote, it would have had to pass by over 60% of the public vote. That was the ‘trick’ played by Dana and his little promotion group. It was an advisory vote that had no legal standing, that is why the council had to approve the bond sale.

Oh, but what about all the success?

Dykhouse said the arena was immediately successful and sold out 23 shows in its first year.

While that is true. Most of the money pulled in from those shows went straight to the artists and promoters, out of town. The Denty has acted as an entertainment revenue vacuum. It also doesn’t pay for itself, not by a long shot. After operating expenses, maintenance, and the mortgage, taxpayers lose between $6-7 million a year, that comes straight from our roads fund. I guess I would measure success with a building that at least would break even while generating tax revenue. And we don’t even want to go into the problems with the siding and secret settlement that we will be paying for dearly for decades.

My ONLY advice to Rapid City is when you vote on this, make sure it will be 1) equitable to your city 2) be a legal bond vote and 3) Find a different contractor than the one we used.

He goes on to say on the B-N-B show that most people probably think he is running for a 3rd term and don’t know he can’t. He basically accuses the mayoral candidates of not getting their message out there.

While I will agree with Mike partially that voter turnout will be low again, I think he is sadly mistaken about messaging. I think the normal municipal voter turnout will be there on election day and have been listening. In fact when I attended the YPN mayoral forum, it was the largest crowd I have ever seen at a mayoral forum.

Ironically, one of the main reasons why nobody knows about the municipal election is because the city refuses to do a PSA either on CityLink or in a water bill insert. There are many things to discuss; absentee voting, precincts, voter registration, dates of election and run-off, who is running, etc, etc. While we will be spending well over $100K on both elections we are spending zilch on promoting the election. Go Figure. Heck, why don’t we just skip the election and give the money to the Huether Tennis Center?

Besides the fact that he is in a state of denial that he is finished on May 15 and a new person is taken over, he continues to think the RR redevelopment project was one of the best projects he negotiated. LMFAO! Burlington Northern certainly got what they wanted. They sold $62 a square foot dirty land to Federal taxpayers, they continue to run the trains through the same area, more frequently, and still store and switch cars only a couple of blocks from the redevelopment land. They literally got their cake and ate it too. We got hosed! Big time! You can’t even build housing in the area, because the first time a train whistle blows some stinky rich empty nester will be crying to the SFPD about the noise. I would have been extremely embarrassed to have negotiated such a deal. But that is what happens folks when you do these kind of deals in the dark of the night. If that plan would have been negotiated in the public I guarantee the train traffic would be moving differently. Probably one of MMM’s biggest failures of his administration (but that list is pretty long).


While Mike deserves some credit for revitalizing downtown in his past 8 years, that train left the station in the early 1990’s, I know, because I was working downtown. Than the downtown folks put a boot up Munson’s butt and it really started moving. The mayor claimed on the show this morning that downtown in 2009 was a ‘ghost town’. Puhleezze! as I have told people, Munson dropped the snowball at the top of the hill and Huether is now standing at the bottom of the hill claiming he created the snow boulder. All Mike did (with mostly action by the city council) was continue the progress that was already set in motion.

While they were discussing that matter the mayor referenced transforming DT into a place where you can Live, Work & Play. A caller reminded the mayor that ‘HE’ doesn’t live that way. That was hilarious. The mayor lives in a very sleepy neighborhood over by Paisley Park and has a lake home on a swamp nobody else has a house on.

He was also asked about the noise levels downtown in reference to having entertainment facilities mixed in with residential in reference to the ICON / Jones building kerfuffle. He said there are some issues that need to be ‘worked on’. In other words, next mayor’s problem that our city’s building department does whatever they want. Don’t believe me? Here’s a short list; Events Center buckling siding, Copper Lounge collapse, McKennan Park Monster House, etc, etc.

City officials are saying the report won’t be ready for another month or longer. It will be interesting to see how and when the report is released, especially with an upcoming city election. Those numbers will be very important to the council and mayoral candidates campaign platforms.

I do know that the administration is planning to do some bond re-financing next month. I think they are planning to tell the public about how much debt has been paid off over the past 8 years and tax collection being down doesn’t matter.

One of the main reasons why so much debt has been paid off is because the water/sewer enterprise funds have been swimming in money because of the multiple rate increases.

We will see how Huether and Turbak spin this.

UPDATE III: This explains why the Mayor needed to do his presser today;

On Monday, the citizens of Sioux Falls should get some clarity on the possible political future of Mayor Mike Huether.

“Yeah, I would love to be the governor of South Dakota,” he told KSFY’s Brian Allen back in December 2016. “I’d love to be the President of the United States. I’d love to represent South Dakota as their senator or representative.”

Huether’s mayoral term ends this spring.

The mayor and his wife will announce what a city spokesperson calls their “next steps.” It will take place Monday at 11 a.m. at City Hall.

Not sure if he is running for higher office or not. I’m starting to think he will sit it out for a couple of years OR run for Governor. But if he was running for Governor I don’t think he would announce at City Hall.


Copy of the Final Report: siding-report

I gave it a quick read. While it seems the siding itself is keeping water out, there seems to be an issue around the windows that ‘needs to be monitored’.

The biggest reveal in the report is how badly the siding was fastened to the building and that over time due to weather the siding will have to replaced in areas because of buckling. They also said that the siding should have been ‘pre-curved’ before putting on the building.


While I am happy there is no water coming in thru the siding, there are many flaws with the siding that we knew about already, and many we did not. While the best thing to do would to be replace it all, it’s still going to be costly keeping up with the maintenance since it was so badly installed. But else would you expect from Mayor Secret, Secret, Secret, RAMROD?

UPDATE II: After the press conference, you are left with more questions. Obviously we are going to have to wait until the vendor comes on Jan 16 during a CC informational to get more questions answered. Like I said above, the vendor said in the report that we should not have installed the flat siding. During the presser, Joe Sneve, asked who authorized this type of installation and the Mayor refused to answer. MMM kept trying to make it about the sold out concerts at the EC. Stehly also hammered them about the secrecy of the report itself. It was also evident the other councilors boycotted the event in protest to the way the presser was announced. The mayor told a reporter who asked about it, “I don’t think my council leadership would boycott this event or use that kind of language.” A little over 4 months left of the mayor’s fantasy world.


I don’t have much more information except that the Mayor’s office called the press conference about an hour ago.

This is interesting for many reasons, because NO one from city council has seen the final report or the draft report. Remember, this report was commissioned by the city council to help rebuild trust over the siding settlement fiasco, yet the administration is handling all the edits and letting the mayor’s office to see the report first and present it.


If I was on city council I would be pissed and would be putting a boot up his rear end. Not sure why city councilors are so scared of a Lying Bully Coward.