• The new year started with a NEW Golf Contract due to an emergency meeting and a secret city RFP process.

• Repeal of Downtown parking ramp fails.

• Judge orders McKennan Park big house must go, after some appeals it is eventually demolished.

• Pat Lalley continues independent local political show, but ends it before the year is up.

• Huether has multiple pointless press conferences up until the end of his reign. He never does reveal his ‘big plans’.

• Independent(?) siding report reveals very little. Huether still refuses to admit he probably authorized the bad siding.

• New blog; thesiouxfallsheadliner.blog keeps us laughing.

• Ribfest finally ends, and nobody seems to care.

• Nick Weiland switches from the mayoral race to run against Erickson on council. The GOP Hate machine beats up ‘Man Bun’ over it.

• The push for a state veterans cemetery in Sioux Falls is successful, thank you SF taxpayers for the generous donation of land.

• Entenman’s ties to Huether doom his race for mayor, even though he spends almost triple of what his closest opponent did. That’s too bad.

• A rumor gets started that Stehly may run for mayor. God tells her not to.

• Hard copies of executive orders mysteriously disappear, rumor has it that Fiddle-Faddle and Erpenbach had a shredding party before they left the city. The world may never know.

• Representative Jamison’s secret settlement bill fails in Pierre. Secrecy continues to rule South Dakota government.

• Frequent public inputer calls Mayor Huether a SOB, twice. It causes major changes to public input.

• Charter Revision Commission allows NO changes to ordinance on the ballot. One member said that if they allow ordinance changes on the ballot, they may pass. Oh, Heaven forbid.

• Council Candidate Soehl gets funded by the big wheels, and after only winning by 40 some odd votes, he doesn’t let them down.

• Paramedics Plus changes ownership, city council approves with little discussion or concern.

• The debate over public ambulances is in full gear, due to me bringing it up during the Mayor’s race.

• City still struggles with using snow gates properly and on EVERY property.

• David Z doesn’t make the mayoral ballot, his temp help collection signatures lost track of time.

• Dumbass buys a condo DT with a patio facing a long standing nightclub and wonders why it is noisy.

• Mayor Huether goes on Belfrage’s show and says that most people probably think he is running for a 3rd term and don’t know he can’t. He basically accuses the mayoral candidates of not getting their message out there.

• We find out that Mayor TenHaken likes to take selfies, and a lot of them.

• TenHaken promises to get tough on crime during campaign, then fails to negotiate a fair contract with FOP.

• In one of the strangest votes, the city council denies a beer license to a discount movie theatre, 8-0, then turns around and approves them for several axe throwing venues. It is still baffling.


The good folks over at the Argus Leader got the paperwork proving Legacy had over a 50% ownership in Hultgren Construction. Good Job.

I figured all along that was the case. I mean really, the writing was on the wall. 1) Aaron could not have financed this business by himself 2) A development company having it’s own construction company it could manipulate and break rules for them is a smart business move, unethical, but smart.

The public warned the city council before approving the Downtown parking ramp that this was likely the case, but they had this O’Shucks attitude that Norm Drake from Legacy was just stuck in a bad business situation while moving LLC’s around like it was a Chinese checkers board. Give me a break!

The sad part is there is probably little the city council can do now after signing the paperwork and breaking ground, they are stuck with their very, very, very, bad decision. To say they have mud on their faces is an understatement. They are chin deep in the hoopla, and it’s going to be entertaining to watch them spin this.

This was a bad deal for the taxpayers and it’s too bad we can’t pool our money and get a big city attorney to sue the city for misappropriation of bonds. Sadly, it would only cost us even more.

It’s hard to pinpoint if this is just government corruption or worse – blatant ignorance but when I watch our city council do things like this, I wonder why I even bother making a stink about it. It’s almost like we enjoy bad local government.

There has been some criticism from councilors and from the media about the frequency of certain commenters at public input. As I have noted, I ALWAYS talk about things concerning our city. I don’t talk about state government unless it has to do with city business and I don’t talk about Federal Government. I don’t even talk about my blog or personal things like community art shows. If I was trying to get ‘publicity’ wouldn’t I be talking about different things at public input besides city business, I don’t. I attend public input not only to address my concerns with city government, but the concerns of many citizens in this community who either don’t have the time to attend city council meetings or are to shy to comment. I read the minutes of the 26 meetings I spoke at, these are the topics I covered. I sometimes address several topics during the 5 minute period I am afforded. As you can see EVERY SINGLE TOPIC has to do with city government. No carrying on about personal government subsidies or how no one listens to me. Some say you can contact your city council outside of public input. I do, I also blog about a lot of stuff that I never address at public input. I will say this though, a majority of the council WILL not respond to emails or phone calls. Sometimes city employees/directors won’t either. That is why public input is important, it is a time to address concerns, in public and on the record. This is how you get results.

Public Input (4)

Decorum of City Council

Open Government and Open Meetings (4)

Falls Park Safety review

Affordable Housing

Alcohol Licensing

City elections (8)

Trains (6)

Construction of City buildings

City Planning (3)

Sioux Steel moving

Top Ten Wins

TIFs (3)

Decibel Noise Levels Downtown

City Lawsuits

Public Ambulance & current ambulance service (3)

City Financial Reports & Budget (3)

Sanford Sports Complex

Charter Revision Commission

Municipal League

City Bonds (2)

Event Center Siding (3)

Events Center & SMG (2)

Downtown Parking Ramp (3)

City Arts funding


Washington Pavilion

Great Plains Zoo

SF Fire Department

Sioux Falls Parks (2)

City Ordinances

What a great attendance Downtown for First Friday. I think it’s time DTSF considers closing off Phillips from 10th to 12th on the weekends like they do with their DT in Austin, TX.

From the patio of Icon on Friday night, and my new favorite park Today

The Downtown Parking Ramp groundbreaking is on Monday;

What: Groundbreaking ceremony for the mixed-use parking ramp project

When: Monday, May 7, 2018 • 4:30 p.m.

Where: 110 South Mall Avenue, Downtown Sioux Falls near Tenth Street and River Road

Former Minnehaha State’s Attorney Dave Nelson did a robo call for Curt Soehl. I wondered if there was some other secret weapon up Soehl’s sleeve. I heard a robocall from Nelson today left on someone’s VM. I believe the message was left on election day. We had heard rumors that Soehl was recruited by Huether and Erpenbach, and this kind of confirms it. Nelson chaired Huether’s run for mayor.

Greg Belfrage used to play softball. On Friday’s show Belfrage was talking about how he used to play softball. I almost called in (I usually have trouble getting past the producer) and said, “You know Greg, I didn’t know you used to play softball, but I always kind of wondered considering the questions you asked Mayor Huether over the past 8 years.

The city recently fell victim to a phishing scam in the finance department. The city isn’t saying the amount they were scammed out of (go figure) but claim it will reimbursed by an enhanced crime insurance coverage. Whatever that is. But it surprised me considering all the gloating about the new financial software and the over 20 people that work in the finance office. Makes you wonder what kind of policies the city has when checking each other’s work. It’s a good thing we spiked Turbak’s salary by $16K before he retired 🙁

Drinking Liberally gives us an update on the Dems;

The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) held its annual McGovern Day celebration on April 28th. The top ticket Democratic candidates, Gubernatorial candidate Billie Sutton and Congressional candidate Tim Bjorkman gave strong performances and both should do well this fall. It is an uphill battle for both but they give Democrats a real chance of winning both contests.

SDDP Chair, Ann Tornberg, touted her success recruiting Democratic candidates in a record number of South Dakota’s legislative races, 103 of the 105 if I remember correctly. While this is an accomplishment of sorts, it papers over the decline in Democratic voter registration the SDDP continues to experience. As I noted in a previous invitation, for the first time in living memory Democratic voter registration fell below 30% of all South Dakota registered voters in March (29.9%). In April, the Republican registration advantage over Democrats increased by another 1657 voters, reducing the SDDP’s share of the electorate by another 0.2% to 29.7%. When asked about the continued decline in Democratic voter registration, Ann and her staff pointed to a $50,000.00 grant the SDDP had just received from the Democratic National Party to conduct voter registration and Get Out The Vote among our Native American citizens. Native Americans have proven to be a solid Democratic constituency and they make up approximately 15% of South Dakota’s total population. The $50,000.00 will prove helpful I am sure but I doubt it will stop the overall decline in Democratic voter registration. The grant is an expansion of a similar $10,000.00 grant the SDDP received last summer (2017) during which statewide Democratic voter registration declined 3.31%. (This decline was due in part to annual voter purges of inactive voters conducted by County Auditors.) By way of comparison, last summer Democratic voter registration declined by 4.8% and 3.7% respectively in Oglala Lakota and Todd counties, two counties with large Native Americans populations. During this same 2017 period, statewide Republican and Independent registration declined by 1.93% and 0.95%. Ann can spin all she wants but in the end the numbers and the voters tell the story.

In Sioux Falls: The hotly contested nonpartisan Mayoral election on May 1st wasn’t so hot as the Republican candidate, Paul Ten Haken, defeated the Democratic candidate, Jolene Loetscher, by 24%, 62.7% to 37.3%.

In my humble opinion, Democratic candidates are on their own for the most part and the SDDP needs to do some serious soul searching. To quote myself, “It is time to make the Democratic Party, democratic.”

So yesterday the Chamber of Commerce sends out notices of events. Two important events pop up;

May 7, Groundbreaking of Downtown Parking Ramp &

May 10, Administration Building Ribbon Cutting

I asked 3 city councilors today if they knew about the obvious last minute events before Mike leaves office. None of them had heard anything before I told them.

Keeping it transparent all the way to the end.

No wonder the mayor didn’t want to take questions at Dem Forum today. Oh, but one lady did ask one after the mayor said the per capita debt in SF is lower then the rest of the region. This lady yells out quickly, “What is that amount?” And Mike replies, “I don’t know.”

May 15th can’t come soon enough.