Seems someone is a little butt hurt about the suit, even though the Argus isn’t suing them;

Not to mention three owners are NOT local. Funny how the council and school board said they needed to use a local publisher, yet HALF of the owners don’t even live here, one is from out of state!

Funny how they needed to contract with a LOCAL publication but about a third of city employees and directors don’t live in Sioux Falls or even the state. They consistently use professional services from out of state (even though well qualified professionals exist in Sioux Falls). Heck, we are even teaming up with an Iowa developer, and giving him a TIF to boot! So you local yocal crap doesn’t fly with me.

But the big story here is that Matt Paulson is one of the investors. (not sure why is name is spelled wrong in the Smello story?)

Whether he contributed $10 or $100,000, doesn’t matter. His campaign funding of almost every single councilor sitting on that dais has just created a massive conflict of interest. In respects, there is not much we could do to Paulson to remedy this but we could file an ethics complaint against EVERY SINGLE CITY COUNCILOR that voted for this contract, you all received money and assistance from this guy, and now you are rewarding him with a contract, and don’t even f’ing get me started on controlling the media and burying stories!

But what is even more funny is that Joe flat out lied to me about the ownership group in a text exchange (I will share it eventually). He said only him and Jon own the scab rag.

So you didn’t file your paperwork on time, you received a contract before state law was in effect, you have an investor who basically bought city government and now the media, and you think you are qualified to be our legal paper!?

These folks are clowns!

I urged councilor Thomason on May 30 he MUST request the investor data before voting for this. Five minutes after I hang up I start getting nasty texts from Joe, littered with lies.

They should change the name to The Duped Scab.

This city council better grow up! And FAST!

Today at the informational meeting the consultants for the Riverline District recommended we build a new convention center. Well isn’t that funny? When you pay a consultant they usually tell you what you want to hear. Well Craig Lloyd is involved with the land deal, and rumor has it that an elected official with the City of Sioux Falls’ spouse is brokering the deal. Can you say massive conflict of interest!!!! (I’m still collecting information on that, hopefully have an update soon).

Well Mr. Lloyd decided to step to the microphone at public input and proceed to tell the council and public that unless we rid ourselves of the homeless downtown none of this development will happen. Well Craig, what have you contributed to the solution? You would think someone who has received millions in tax rebates and other housing grants would throw a couple bucks at the solution? Oh that’s right, he is only interested in taking.

I have a new nickname for these folks, The Original Downtown Panhandlers!

Curt Soehl asked during the presentation why we got rid of the trolleys because we could have used them to run shuttles from the Convention Center to Downtown. Another empty promise from the last mayor.

But the public input at the regular council meeting was glorious.

One gentleman asked why we have a policy of closing the indoor aquatic center when there is lightning outside. He even researched other cities and NONE of them have the same policy. Can’t wait to hear the response. I told someone it is because city staff is F’ING LAZY and any excuse they can have to NOT work they will find it. A former building inspector told me once that the forestry manager spends 60 hours a week trying to get out of 40 hours of work (he is retired now). I have noticed that after covid ended and the city employees went back to regular office hours they are still in covid mode. Tell me the last time you have seen a city employee besides mowing grass or filling potholes?

Tim Stanga returned to inform the council that his grandson was shot with a pellet gun and the cops never showed up. He said after 30 minutes, an officer called him and said, “Do you need an ambulance.” and he responded, “NO! I need you to come to my house and file a report because this is assault.” The officer responed, “You need to tell the neighbor kids to stop shooting your grandson.” Must of learned that directive in cop training.

A lady from Elkpoint who had showed up before to talk about the lack of access to our city government (YAH THINK!?) complained about the fact when you go to city hall you are greeted by an officer. She said it wasn’t very friendly and welcoming. Just to remind folks, we have security at city hall because some random transient walked into Paul’s office early in his first term and stole a Coke, and they had him on camera. Leave it to Poops to turn a funny incident into a paranoid episode of terror and danger, you know, kind of like that RACIST mural he rejected. Tone Deaf!

And finally the cat neuter dude showed up. So he catches stray cats, neuters them and then throws them back in the wild.

What do you think?

Should we just neuter them or should we euthanize them and be done with it? I am on the fence about it because stray cats carry many diseases that they can pass on to household pets, some are deadly, so I’m not sure what we are accomplishing besides putting a bunch of sterile diseased cats back onto the streets. Maybe one of my smartass readers can convince me otherwise.

I have been looking for this ever since the collapse happened in 2022. Not sure why the penalty amounts are $0, and there seems to be some kind of settlement.

When the collapse happened, an engineer friend of mine said,

“Bet you they have not been doing inspections, because if you inspect the crane properly, these things don’t happen.”

Sure enough, sloppy safety checks. The company is lucky no one died.

I also find it ironic that the developer teamed up with OSHA to make this a partnership with the project for worker safety. Probably won’t be getting that partnership again anytime soon.
