Okay, seems like basic common sense to protect women? Right?

U.S. Senate Democrats are counting on a fight over reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act to give their party’s female Senate candidates an edge in the November election.

The measure is part of a strategy to brand Republicans as anti-women and help Democrats retain control of the Senate in November. To bolster those efforts, Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, wants to bring the Violence Against Women Act to the floor before the end of the month, said his spokesman, Adam Jentleson.

And it seems like Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag isn’t gonna let a little rape or violence get in the way of the Dems ‘dirty tricks’;

Republicans say Democrats’ attempt to turn female voters against them won’t work and is an effort to distract from the lack of a Democratic strategy for improving the economy.

“It has politics written all over it,” Senator John Thune of South Dakota, a member of the Republican leadership, said in a March 14 interview. “Most women, particularly independent women, want to see us talking about economic issues.”

Yeah, cuz, gosh darn it, I don’t care if my husband or boyfriend beats the shit out of me daily, as long as he brings home the bacon. Because at the end of the day the economy is more important then safety, compassion or peace. Remember Thune didn’t think there should be rape protections for American contractor women working overseas. (scroll down past the first couple of stories).




That race gave Thune a firsthand appreciation for the dangers of being perceived as straying too far from one’s heartland roots, so, as he faces reelection, he’s spending more time in his native Murdo, S.D., than in Manchester or Des Moines.

Murdo? More like the ‘C’ Street house and Sioux Falls.

Thune is generating buzz, but the early chatter also poses an important question: With few significant accomplishments, is the talk reflective of somebody seen as real presidential timber or a leading indicator of a party establishment casting about for a candidate in what could be a thin field?

What? He has said NO to everything Obama has proposed. Isn’t that significant?

“No one seems particularly excited about the current prospective field,” said GOP strategist Mark McKinnon. “And everyone loves Thune.”

Who is everyone? How about interviewing some South Dakotans. He is a freaking tool.

Thune supporters point to his leadership on promoting energy alternatives and trying to overturn the Troubled Asset Relief Program and say he’ll step up his critique of what he believes is excessive spending by Democrats — a line of attack that could help further elevate his profile.

Even though he voted for TARP under Bush.

“At a time when we’re burning taxpayer money like coal in a 19th-century steam engine, Thune’s message of focused fiscal restraint, coupled with aggressive small-business incentives to drive growth, will resonate extremely well with the GOP base and independents as well as Democrats,” said Jeff Kimbell, a Republican lobbyist and Thune enthusiast.

And if DM & E would have gotten their 2 Billion dollar loan from the government we could be shipping that black gold across South Dakota right now.

“To a certain extent, he’s our version of Obama — the tall, lanky, good-looking, well-spoken senator” is how a former top party official put it.

Well spoken? You mean when he runs from bloggers when asked about his pro-rape vote? Or when he changes the subject about healthcare when a veteran asks him about his healthcare coverage?

“I think John has got unlimited potential,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a leading advocate for making the GOP more inclusive. “He presents well, he’s well-liked, he’s smart — I could see where he could be a national figure.”

Yeah, because if you can take anyone’s word, it’s Lindsey’s. Mr. Talk out of both sides of his ass.

“He’s a great new leader for our party,” said DeMint, calling the South Dakotan a “common-sense conservative.”

Conservative? Thune isn’t a conservative, he is a wingnut who will say anything to cover his ass, time and time again.

Though he doesn’t promote it, and it wasn’t listed on his 2004 campaign website, Thune is a graduate of a California Bible college. And on cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion, he’s pure to the party base.

But protecting rape victims? Forget about it. That isn’t ‘biblical’ enough to be concerned about. If you get gang raped and pregnant, you better have that baby.

Those who witnessed him in both Senate races said the differences were striking and lauded his growth as a candidate.

They sure were. Thune and his goons, like Lauck, painted Daschle as a lobbyist lover because he was married to one, the thing they forgot to mention was Thune was a lobbyist before he ran against Daschle. I guess it is worse to be married to a lobbyist then to actually be one.

“The question for him would be his ability to handle the crucible of a national campaign,” said a Democrat who worked against him in the state, noting the contrast between the South Dakota and the national media.

Damn right there is a difference. The SD MSM acts like Thune walks on water. And there is yet to be a story about his rape vote in the SD Media.

It’s what Thune did before he took on Daschle, though, that could be used against him. After his 2002 defeat, Thune became a Washington lobbyist. While at Arent Fox, he represented a home-state railroad client that had an ambitious plan to rehabilitate and expand more than 1,000 miles of track. Then, after being elected to the Senate, he pushed for federal funding for the same rail project on which he had just worked for as a lobbyist.

“I don’t apologize, and never will, for working for South Dakota companies that are creating South Dakota jobs,” he said at the time.

Jobs. Yeah, whatever. How many jobs would have that 2 billion dollar loan created in SD? I think the estimate was like maybe a 1,000. Wow! What a bargain for taxpayers.

Thune backers suggest that portraying the senator as a slick former lobbyist won’t be easy, given his small-town profile and the brief period of time he spent on K Street.

And don’t forget about his cute picture in a black-eyed susan field with his family.

Thune, his aides noted, returns to the state nearly every weekend.

“He lives in a regular house in a regular neighborhood in Sioux Falls, S.D.,”

I live in a ‘regular’ neighborhood. Mr. Thune does not.

A former aide recalled that when the then-candidate greeted scores of fans by name at a 2002 South Dakota State football game, a national TV crew got angry, thinking the campaign had planted a group of supporters to come through the gate while Thune was working the crowd.

“I told them, ‘John is just amazing at remembering people’s names,’” said the former aide. “He proved it when he later remembered the entire four-person TV crew’s names two hours after he met them while walking in.”

BAHAHAHAHHAHHA! I have a Thune ‘Popularity’ story for you. Right after Thune lost to Johnson I was working at the Washington Pavilion as a lead usher. Thune was attending a concert and as he was leaving, several people walked up to John and shook his hand and thanked him for running. Well Thune got into ‘politician’ mode and just started shaking every hand that came up to him thinking everyone there wanted to. He reached out to one man, and the guy scowled, put his hands in his pockets and walked away. The look on Thune’s face was priceless. Sorry, Politico, Ironic Johnny isn’t as popular as you think he is in SD.

Still amazed that the SD MSM hasn’t touched this story with a 10 foot pole. Are they protectionists of Thune’s record? One wonders.


These are the stories that they think were ‘important’ in 2009.

Here are the top 10 news stories of 2009:

1. Statewide smoking ban

2. Sanford-MeritCare merger

3. State balances budget

4. Deputy Mechels killing

5. VeraSun plants auctioned

6. NSF authorizes money for Homestake

7. Legislators pass openness law

8. H1N1 claims at least 21 lives in South Dakota

9. Rising rivers

10. Hyperion air permit

Rising rivers? That’s called ‘the Spring Thaw’. Dumb.

As South DaCola reported last week (yet the SD MSM did not say a peep about it) Thune voted against rape protections for federally funded private contractors. But it gets better, a blogger from http://www.thecrookeddope.com/ tracked his ass down and asked him why he voted against the amendment, his response;

Thune said that he might have supported the amendment if it had been narrowed to cover rape (only) rather then extended to cover other sexual-related abuses.

WTF!? So in your book John, rape is bad but not other sex crimes? Not only are you a jackass, but that is one of the biggest bullshit excuses I have heard from you in a long, long time. You truly embarrass our state.

Read more of the excuses here.


Informational Meeting, 4 PM

There will be 4 presentations/reports during the informational, that look very intriguing, unfortunately I have no supporting documents yet, so I have no idea what they will be about;

• Siouxland Heritage Museum board

• Property tax reduction programs

• Construction manager at risk (the timing of this is interesting considering the change orders in the consent agenda during the regular meeting that are very mysterious)

• Sioux Falls Thrive Update

City Council Regular Meeting, 7 PM

Item #6, Approval of Contracts/Agreements

The city is subsidizing transportation for a private Non-Profit and the School District at the tune of $226K;

Once again the city coffers are footing the bill for entities that should be able to pay for these on their own. Isn’t if funny how the SFSD has oodles of money for admin pay and brick and mortar buy can’t scrape money together for actual EDUCATION.

The Arts Council comes for it’s annual subsidy;

While most of the time I wouldn’t think nothing of this, usually in the past an Arts Council representative would do a presentation about what their programming is. To tell you the truth, ever since the last director left, several months ago, I have NO IDEA what they have been doing. Maybe it would be a good time for an update at the meeting. A city councilor needs to pull this agenda item and get some man splain’in.


Item #7, Change Orders

While change orders are not uncommon with multi-million dollar city buildings, almost a half a million on a $25 million dollar building is mysterious;

After I saw this on Friday, I started asking contractor friends if they knew anything. The ‘rumor’ going around is that the thermal system they were going to use for HVAC (which requires drilling into the ground) didn’t work because of water and quartzite issues.

This of course would be an engineering mistake, so why wouldn’t the construction manager at risk (CMAR) catch this? And if they did, why are the taxpayers on the hook for fixing it? If a contractor miscalculates or makes a mistake in engineering, isn’t that their fault?

If all of this is ‘true’, the city needs to put on their big boy pants and tell the CMAR to ‘EAT IT’ or at least get a judge to tell them to.

Hopefully the council will pull this item so we can get some more man splain’in.

Item #10, 2nd Reading, Ordinance to give a Heckuva Deal on a lease agreement to a major Communications company. Oh, and we don’t have a choice in the matter, because it’s the ‘FEDS’. Another contract the ‘powerless’ city council is voting on that they have NO input or control of. Silly.

Item #12, 1st Reading, Ordinance to repeal drone regulations in our city parks. While this makes sense, since the FAA regulates our air space, just another example of the FEDS telling us what to do. Thanks John Thune.