
Stop the Funding is pleased to announce signatures of Sioux Falls voters will be presented to the City Clerk following a 10:30am, Tuesday, August 23, 2016 press conference at the historic Carnegie Townhall.

“We are excited this part of the process is finally coming to a close and the citizens of Sioux Falls will be able to begin restoring their right to be heard” Bruce Danielson, co-chair of Stop the Funding said. “The people want to be part of this decision and their signatures are the first step.”

Co-chair Kermit Staggers also added “The citizens are now looking forward to the ultimate right of American citizens, to vote.”

“The past three week collection of petitions was successful in both numbers and more importantly the number of citizens willing to walk door to door in their neighborhoods to help their neighbors sign.” Danielson added.

We still ask anyone who wishes to sign a petition or wishes to turn in petitions they are carrying, to turn them into the volunteers collecting signatures at the west entrance of the Minnehaha County Administration Building, 425 North Minnesota Ave. Also, the Stop the Funding office in the 300 Building, suite 106 located at 300 North Dakota Ave. between 3pm and 6pm when a Notary Public will be available.

Please turn in all petitions no matter how many signatures are on them today or call Bruce Danielson for final preparation needed for final submission.

August 22, 2016

For more information contact:

Bruce Danielson

(605) 376-8087

Remember when Michelle Erpenbach was Council Chair? This is a snowgate blast from the past. December 18, 2012 the Sioux Falls City Council was required by state law to set an election date because petitions had been filed with and verified by the City Clerk.

The City Council Chair pulled an interesting set of rules out of a body orifice to limit discussion. Kermit Staggers challenged the unknown and never before experienced or even voted on rule the Chair presented. To no big surprise to attendees, the 20 minute public silencing “rule” was used. The vote also was pushed to 2014 to no big surprise.

After this show of arrogance, the voters of Sioux Falls in 2014, slammed the Council and administration lies down by voting 76% to force the city to attach snowgates to plows for clearing snow.

We learned through these displays of misplaced priorities what to expect from the City Council and why we have worked so hard to reset Council processes to be more citizen first in 2016.


I couldn’t agree more with this letter writer;

Whether you agree or disagree with this project, Councilor Erpanbach’s words are a clear admission that her head is fully engulfed in sand and she has no intent to represent the people’s wishes or adhere to the right to petition within the First Amendment.

She pulled the same crap with the snowgate petitioners making citizens wait over a year before they could get them after approving them overwhelmingly, by delaying that election. (Item #31 of the December 18,2012 city council meeting);

  Sponsor: City Council


A motion was made by Council Member Greg Jamison and seconded by Council Member Kenny Anderson Jr. to adopt said Resolution.


Vote to adopt: Roll Call: Yeses, Greg Jamison, Kermit L. Staggers, Kenny Anderson Jr., 3.  Noes,  Michelle Erpenbach, Dean Karsky, Rex Rolfing, Sue Aguilar, James Entenman, 5.
Motion Failed.

Kermit Staggers and I are hosting a Friday evening and all day Saturday DRIVE IN, SIGN OR DROP event to allow an easy way for petition circulators to submit any signatures they have collected. The DRIVE IN & SIGN event was so popular last weekend, we were asked to do it again to collect petitions and for those who missed it, to sign petitions.


Stop the Funding has received requests from petition circulators to hold a DRIVE IN, SIGN OR DROP event with this twist added. We will have a crew of Notary Publics present to allow our fellow voters to properly file their completed petitions. The event will be held at the 300 Building, 300 N. Dakota Ave. FRIDAY Evening 6:00 to 9:30 SATURDAY 9:00am to 6:00pm

”If you have petitions with 20 signatures or just one, bring them down because we need them all.” Said Kermit “This petition effort is our last chance to stop the waste of $25 million of your money on a building we don’t need when we need the money to fix our streets.”   We are in need of Notary Publics and other helpers, call Bruce at 376-8087 for more information.

Bruce Danielson Citizens4Integrity PO Box 491 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Office / FAX: (605) 334-9511 Cell: (605) 376-8087 Email:


Stop the Funding has received requests from petition circulators to hold a DRIVE IN, SIGN OR DROP event with this twist added. We will have a crew of Notary Publics present to allow our fellow voters to properly file their completed petitions.

The event will be held at the 300 Building, 300 N. Dakota Ave.

FRIDAY Evening 6:00 to 9:30

SATURDAY 9:00am to 6:00pm

This past Tuesday evening Bruce Danielson, with Kermit Staggers, in attendance announced to the City Council during the regular meeting the in-hand total of 3,000 signatures collected in one week by Stop the Funding. 1,000 of the signings happened in the 10 hour event held last weekend.

Stop the Funding is a citizen driven petition drive attempting to Stop the Funding of a proposed government office building to be built with borrowed money in downtown Sioux Falls.

“Voters of Sioux Falls have signed their names because the money to fix the roads is going to be spent on a grand office building” said Danielson. “The City of Sioux Falls has plenty of office space in their many buildings to use until our officials learn to combine Lincoln and Minnehaha county needs with our growing town.”

Kermit Staggers added “We citizens only have so much money to pay for the extravagant and wasteful wishes of the administration.”

Petitioners need to turn in their sheets to the 300 Building office this weekend so we can get a count. A Notary Public must certify the petitioner’s signature on forms, call or email for other Notary help. If you wish to help with this event call Bruce to volunteer.

Danielson added “Feel free to just Drop in and Help. If you are a Notary Public, we can use your help! Stop the Funding still needs every signature, please join us.”

Kermit Staggers and Bruce Danielson want to thank everyone who showed up to sign petitions and especially those who were able to take petitions with them to help their neighbors and friends sign.

Stop the Funding still needs signatures with more petitions available for pickup at our ground floor office in the:

300 Building

Suite 106

300 North Dakota Ave.

Sioux Falls


Daily at the west door of the Minnehaha County Administration Building from one of our volunteers.

Call Bruce at 376-8087 for more information or to have petitions delivered or picked up.


Bruce Danielson


PO Box 491

Sioux Falls, SD 57101

Office / FAX: (605) 334-9511

Cell: (605) 376-8087
