
Stop the Funding petition drive is running full steam ahead. On Tuesday August 9, 2016, Bruce Danielson announced to the Sioux Falls City Council the first week results of 3,000 signatures of the 6,500 needed.

Over 1,000 petition sheets are circulating in Sioux Falls allowing 20,000 voters the ability to sign. If you need help finding a place to sign, go to the west door of Minnehaha County Administration Building at 425 N. Minnesota Ave (where you buy license plates). You may also call (605) 376-8087 for more information.

“Kermit Staggers and I want to thank all who have supported this effort so far but we must get our petitions in to have a voice in this bonding.” said Bruce Danielson.


Bruce Danielson


PO Box 491

Sioux Falls, SD 57101

Office / FAX: (605) 334-9511

Cell: (605) 376-8087


Email: bruce@citizens4integrity.org



For Immediate Release (WATCH KSFY-TV video explaining the drive).

Stop the Funding will hold a press conference Monday afternoon:

Sioux Falls City Hall

South Entrance

224 West 9th Street ( 9th  St and Dakota Ave)


The Stop the Funding campaign is proud to announce 12 year City Council member, Kermit Staggers is joining the petition signature drive as Co-Chair. Kermit is the longest serving member of the City Council. Public is invited to attend and welcome Kermit Staggers to our efforts

Stop the Funding is a citizen petition effort gathering signatures to force the City of Sioux Falls to place the funding of a planned $25,000,000.00 city government overflow administrative office building to a public vote before sales tax revenue bonds are sold.

“The Sioux Falls City Council has voted 3 times to not allow this project to move forward. Only through two tie breaking votes and a mayoral veto did the project reach the point of direct public involvement in the process. The public’s response to our signature drive have been overwhelming,” said Bruce Danielson, Co-Chair.

The response to this grassroots petition effort is generating interest across every neighborhood of the city. Each petition contains 20 signature lines and Bruce Danielson spent the weekend distributing leadership petition packets to at least 35 neighborhood leaders.

The proposed ordinance in proper form is as follows:



The City of Sioux Falls shall not sell sales tax revenue bonds for the construction of a city administrative office building.

Bruce Danielson

Citizens4Integrity, PO Box 491, Sioux Falls, SD 57101

FAX: (605) 334-9511, Cell: (605) 376-8087

www.citizens4integrity.org, Email: bruce@citizens4integrity.org


The Sioux Falls City Council said Good Job and Good-bye May 10, 2016 to Dean Karsky, Greg Jamison, Kermit Staggers and Kenny Anderson, Jr. For their service they took home the award, a flag and the thanks of the city for trying


Kenny & I had our first meeting at Granny’s Golden Oven

I didn’t get emotional tonight at the last meeting of the outgoing councilors. I know that I will still talk to them on regular basis. While not in my close circle of friends, our conversations over the years have been anything but coffee talk.

Kermit said it best tonight, local government matters the most in our lives. I dare anyone to pick up the phone right now and get a direct call to Thune, Rounds, Noem or Obama. Not happening. I can’t say that about our local officials.

I know they may or may not know it, but the conversations I have had with them have been wonderful, fruitful and enlightening. I will always cherish the ear they brought me. I still tear up thinking about when one city councilor just called to share their condolences about the passing of my grandma. It’s the little things that count.

I can be cold sometimes, even a real asshole, but I think my cynicism and pessimistic attitude coaxed them to be better, to look at the bigger picture, to ask the right questions, to shape policy that helps us all. It’s hard to say a bad word about the four that are leaving, they all served during an instrumental time in our city. I can honestly tell you, over the past 5-12 years they served they have changed our lives dramatically. Sioux Falls is different and better because of their service. I sometimes wish I had a recording of all those defining moments I could box up for each of them.

The one thing that the citizens of Sioux Falls should remember about these four guys is that they truly care about this town, and while at times it was easy to hate the decisions they made, they always had the heart of community, and what was important to them, their families and tax payers. It’s not an easy job, I get it.

Tonight, their hearts are heavy, I saw that in Kenny’s eyes, in Karsky’s commitment, in Jamison’s sense of support and always the historical aspect of Dr. Staggers. They may not be on the dais of Carnegie Hall after today, but they will always be committed to this community, I know this for a fact.

I wish them luck in the future and Godspeed.



“Do the ‘Karsky’ “

The public is invited to attend a reception from 6–6:45 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at Carnegie Town Hall, 235 West Tenth Street. The event will honor Councilors Kenny Anderson Jr., Greg Jamison, Dean Karsky, and Kermit Staggers whose terms end on Tuesday, May 17, 2016. Following the reception, the outgoing councilors will be recognized at their 7 p.m. regular meeting with a public service recognition award.

• Councilor Anderson Jr. was elected in 2008 to represent the Northeast District. He was reelected in 2012.
• Councilor Jamison was elected in 2008 to represent the Southwest District. He was reelected in 2012.
• Councilor Karsky was appointed in 2011 to the Northwest District seat vacated by Bob Litz. He was elected in 2012.
• Councilor Staggers was elected in 2012 as an At-Large City Council Member. He also represented the Central District from 2002–2010.