The Tom Waits Project

I will be doing a two part exhibit starting in August at Michelle’s coffee in Sioux Falls for the Wait’s themed exhibit. I still am finalizing the second part of the exhibit, which will be out of state, and bring those details to you when I get them.

The above two paintings have been sold to a private collection and will not appear in the themed exhibit (Jockey Full of Bourbon, Christmas Card from a Hooker in MPLS)

Could have seen this coming a mile away

When cops setup stupid entrapment stings, it just ends up costing taxpayers in legal fees. I’m all for them catching child predators, but the investigative unit should concentrate on ACTUAL complaints from parents, not creating crime. The Sioux Falls PD has a history creating crime. I remember a few years back an undercover cop was trying to sell fake dope to some kids in a Shopko parking lot. You know, for a department that claims to be understaffed, they sure have plenty of time and staff working on being 13 year old sex starved girls. Dumb.Â