The Gargoyle Leader, the official newspaper of SF

A motion was made by Council Member Brown and seconded by Council Member Jamison to adopt said Resolution 105-08.  
Vote to adopt: Roll Call: Yeses, Beninga, Brown, Costello, Jamison, Knudson, Staggers, Anderson Jr., 7. Noes, Litz, 1.   Motion Passed.
                                    RESOLUTION NO.




Pursuant to SDCL 9-12-6, the official newspaper for the City of Sioux Falls, SD, shall be the Argus Leader, for a period from July 1, 2008, through July 10, 2009. 


This Resolution is effective upon the date of publication.


Date adopted:  07/07/08.

                                                                                                          Dave Munson



Debra A. Owen

City Clerk


Councilor Bob Litz joked “I think the Shopping News has a larger Distribution.”

City Clerk Debra Owen commented that this has to be done according to state law to print legal notifications and added that the city spends about $90,000 a year with the AL. Brown made the comment that it should be available online since many people don’t subscribe to the paper. Owen says state law would have to change to accomodate that. Hey De, you are sleeping with the majority leader, why don’t you ask him about it.

The city could give me $45,000 a year and I’ll put their legals on my site. The AL is ripping the taxpayers off. I have always had that assumption since they push to subsidize everything from the Pavilion to a new events center. Enough Already.

Newspaper Editor: Bloggers are Nazi’s in Jammies

Pat Powers reminded us of this comment on the TV show THE FACTS on Sunday’s edition. He mentioned how ironic it was the the same editor that condemned bloggers, now has turned it’s own journalists into bloggers on their website. Of course all they talk about is recipes for cupcakes, Ribfest and how to avoid branches on the bike trail. Maybe that’s how Hitler grew to power so fast? If you can’t beat em’, join em.