Cory Nails it again

When I used to write letters to the editor (and still do on occasion) people would always ask me if I was worried about backlash. Well, sure. I have had quite a bit of backlash over the years. But no one has taken away my birthday (yet). These are some of my more memorable ones:

– I wrote a letter disapproving of naming a school after Terry Redlin. The morning the letter printed a local radio station called me. The DJ said that Redlin was a great American artist sometimes compared to Norman Rockwell. I said “Norman Who?” One lady wrote a rebuttal letter saying how dare I make fun of an artist who has only one leg. (I thought Terry painted with his hand, but what do I know). The Redlin Museum actually has my letter posted in the lobby of the museum. I always joke I’m the only other SD artist that has my work displayed in the museum. I send them invitations from time to time to my exhibit receptions.

– I wrote a letter about how I think city folk hunters should have to pay farmers to hunt on their land. I made the comment that hunters needed to stop crying about it. A guy called me at home saying I would be the one crying after he kicked my ass. I took my name out of the phone book after that.

– In one letter I made fun of SF residents taste in art when they picked the big ugly goose sculpture as the winner in SculptureWalk one year. The founder and supreme leader of SW, Jim Clark, tried to get me fired from my job over the comments. I even called his boss in MPLS to tell them he owed me an apology. I still haven’t gotten one to this day, that’s okay though, I sure like chiding that goofball.

– When I wrote a letter about the stupidity of jurying an art show that solicits contributions from local artists, called Arts Night, one of the board members twisted my words by accusing me of being a complainer because I got juried out of the show, and all his mucky-muck friends joined the club in attacking me.

I’m not scared of these people though, just because someone has more money or power then you doesn’t mean squat. The 1st Amendment and Freedom of Speech is what makes us equals in America, and I commend and encourage any ‘Peon’ to stand up to those who think they are smarter or better than you.

I still have my birthday.

Find the Polar Bear in the snowstorm

Okay, about a month ago I came across about 6 young deer on the bike trail, they just stood there and stared at me, I didn’t think to pull out my phone camera, then a couple weeks later I saw a wild turkey, but she was too fast to shoot a picture of. Yesterday I caught two little Bambi’s eating on the trail, this was the shot I got of them running away. What? Can’t see them? Me neither.