One more reason we need to tax advertising in SD

Seems K. Lesnar is in a bit of trouble. They should also make him pay a recycling tax since that’s all that ever happens with that rag.

Seriously, I think an advertising tax would be a good way to subsidize a new events center, and all of our entertainment and recreational city owned facilities in Sioux Falls. Funny how the Gargoyle Leader will beat the Event Center drum, but mysteriously the only idea they have to subsidize the facility is a tax on Joe Six Pack, drinking a six-pack.

An advertising tax makes sense, because businesses that advertise have the most to gain from entertainment facilities in Sioux Falls. Not to mention, it could be rather low, like 4%. It is not a regressive tax either, because it is voluntary (and not addictive like Video lottery).

Hey, progressive leaders of Sioux Falls, are you listening?

City Survey Results

If you study it closely you will find that most answers got between a 60-70% rating (100% means excellent). the two lowest ratings were the economy downturn and street repair they both got a 30% poor response and overall under 40%. I still don’t think this survey means a damn thing. When you only survey 1,000 residents out of 170,000 I don’t think this is fair assessment of what is going on in a city. Not to mention, I would be curious to see a map of where these surveys went.