Low wages in South Dakota? Get out!

As if this story is ground breaking. I do appreciate the update in our dismal wages, high regressive taxes, and high cost of housing, but this has been going on for decades;

State and federal data routinely show that:

  • South Dakota employers pay some of the lowest wages in the nation.
  • A high number of families pay an excessive portion of their income on housing.
  • The state has a regressive system of taxation.
  • Many workers are not seeing their pay cover the rising cost of living in the state.
  • Meanwhile, the state is seeing a sharp spike in the cost of housing and health care, two critical components of living a happy life.

I will admit over the past 5 years or so I was able to quit my part-time job and only work one full-time job and make a decent living wage. I am also debt free. But this didn’t come from not working hard. I worked around 60 hours a week for over 20 years and I have NO dependents. But sometimes I wonder how much better off I would be if I just got paid a decent wage.

When I moved to Sioux Falls in 1991 my first job paid around $4.20 an hour.

Let’s face it, as long as we keep electing Republican business owners to the legislature we will continue to have regressive sales taxes, low wages and unaffordable housing. We need a progressive state legislature that stands up for workers.

I know, I am dreaming.

I have suggested to Sioux Falls city councilors that they institute a wage listing ordinance that forces businesses to list there minimum/maximum wage in a job listing for the Sioux Falls metro. Research has shown that not only will employers pay more they will get better and more applicants. It’s not just a win for workers it is a win for businesses.

It’s time we stop screwing around, especially in Sioux Falls, and invest in our workers.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, May 25-26, 2021

NOTE: The City Council has a very busy agenda over 2 days. They will be discussing some very important issues.

City Council Working Session • 2 PM • Tuesday May 25

Council will be discussing Medical Cannabis (I really wish this working session was on a day with not a full agenda and after 5 PM so people could attend and speak out, but they are not real keen on transparency 🙂

Informational Meeting • 4 PM • Tuesday May 25

City April financials

Minnehaha County/City Council joint meeting • 5 PM • Tuesday May 25

Private airport conditional use permit (I am still on the fence about this, but also believe that we seem to have so much wealth in Sioux Falls, the upper crust needs to build themselves their own private airport. I flew commercial last week, it wasn’t so bad).

Lincoln County/City Council joint meeting • 7 PM • Tuesday May 25

Zoning issues, two items

City Council Working Session • 10:30 AM • Wednesday May 26

Discussing appropriations for Covid Supplements (another prime example of a meeting that should be after 5 PM. Wouldn’t regular folks like to weigh in on this, kind of hard on a Wednesday morning when they are all at work. You do realize, this shows just how little they care about our opinion).

Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken lies about Village on the River

While Paul was still in his garage polishing his medals and ‘other stuff’ I have been following this POS project from the beginning, so it surprised me when he flat out lied about his position;

“Obviously, you know, it’s no surprise that that project hasn’t gone like anybody would’ve like to seen it gone, myself included,” Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken said. “But, it was here when I took office, trying to do the best we can with it and move it forward. I’m confident that soon we’ll see some progress happening there.”

To Paul’s credit, he was NOT involved with the ground breaking or taking out the bond, BUT, the project was in stand still when he rolled into office, and he could have stopped it. We would have had to pay a small fine for returning the bond, somewhere around $1 million, but we would have saved taxpayers around $26 million in a project that should have never happened and he could blame Mayor Bucktooth and Bowlcut for the fiasco. Instead he accepted a bar napkin credit validation from the developer and moved forward. To say the Bunker Ramp was completed when he took office is a flat out lie. Of course, I don’t blame Paul for his normal ‘you betcha’ moment, but a cruise control media for not challenging him on that lie.

What has the Innovation & Tech Director for the City of Sioux Falls been doing?

A few days ago someone asked me why we don’t hear much from Mike Grigby who replaced Liquor Cart Boy. I couldn’t really answer the question, except only saying I saw him buying some plant food at the Downtown Ace Hardware a few weeks ago, other than that, not a peep.

There have been some rumors swirling around city hall that Mike and Paul seem to be having an unusually high number of closed door meetings and it is a grand mystery what they are cooking up. I guess if they were working on some top secret program we would have heard something by now.

Some of my other moles tell me that Mike seems to be ‘cutting deals’. I’m not even sure what that means? Better cyber security for the city? Getting the videos to work for the council meetings? We could be so lucky.

Like I said, not sure what he has been up to, but several city minions seem to have some concerns.

It is like I said last night to a friend, â€˜Good leaders do their best work transparently and in the open. Scammers, schemers and crooks do it in the dark.’