Erickson & Jensen want to talk to you about housing, if you can make it

The only problem is you will have to be late for work to have that conversation with them;

Public Invited to Discuss Strategies to Expand Homeownership in Sioux Falls 
Councilors Alex Jensen and Christine Erickson will hear from citizens on how the city can make homeownership more accessible in Sioux Falls. Ideas gained from this outreach effort could be used for future legislative efforts intended to tackle the lack of homeownership opportunities. 
When: Thursday, May 20th 
Where: HyVee at 37th and Minnesota 
Time: 7:30am to 9:00am 

I have often noticed that if city councilors really want to hear from constituents they have these kind of meetings on a Saturday or after 5 PM. The Vice-CountCilor and Errackticson have ZERO interest in talking to constituents about these issues, that is why they are doing it on a Thursday morning when most working class stiffs are at work. Jensen even said in the meeting yesterday something like, “We would like to discuss these ideas with developers and contractors, oh, and I guess the public can come to.” You can’t make this stuff up, even if you tried.

Is Sioux Falls City Councilor Erickson likely to run for mayor in 2022?

Gotta love my city hall moles, I guess Christine has been running her gums about challenging Paul in the halls of city gov. I’m still on the fence, 1) I don’t think she is dumb enough to challenge a popular incumbent, BUT, 2) I also think he will bail and she will be waiting in the wings.

I really believe he has had it with a real job making a paltry wage and I think she is salivating at the opportunity. But if they go head on head, this could be the most entertaining mayoral race in a long time.

Maybe we should throw Stehly and Starr in the ring? Let’s have a full on Sh!t show!

Medical Cannabis Licensing discussed today at Minnehaha County Commission Meeting

FF: 46:00

Item #12) Briefing to Consider Direction for Possible Draft Ordinance Regarding Initiated Measure-26 (Medical Marijuana) – Eric Bogue

They received a briefing from the Deputy States Attorney on the topic today. It looks like the the County Commission will just sit and wait for the state to act. Commissioner Barth read the rest of the commission the riot act. I agree with him, let them sell it anywhere or make rules and regulations.

UPDATE:Pathetic Sioux Falls School Board Election turnout

UPDATE: Looks like Parker and Murren will be our board members.

As I predicted, turnout was awful;

Turnout: 5.13 %

6,133 registered voters cast ballots

119,511 Registered Voters for the 2021 School Election

Murren leads right now by a wide margin and will likely win one of the seats, the other is a toss up. I ended up voting for Parker as my 2nd choice.