Thinking back . . . you’ll be missed DISINFORM


Last summer it seemed that Sux Falls had their very own Banksy-copy-cat-stencil-artist-vandal in our midst. It got me thinking all nostalgic about one of my artistic influences Keith Haring, and his collages and drawings he would do in the 1980’s in New York’s subway stations. Most graffiti artists suck, but DISINFORM was kind of good, but hey when you have influences like Banksy, anything is easy, right? Being the loudmouth artist that I am I figured it would only be a matter of time before the fingers started pointing in my direction. I knew that all the underground artists and punk rock kids in town didn’t suspect me, because they all knew who he was. And since I was probably going to be a suspect, no one would tell me his name (I still don’t know who it is) and on top of it the answer I would get to my inquiry was “But you know him.” Well apparently not well enough. Well to my chagrin, the coppers never knocked on my door, must be too busy guarding casino’s and such. But a reporter from Bill Janklow’s favorite Alternative Press did call me. Nestor Ramos called me one day accusing me of being DISINFORM after I told him I didn’t know who it was. It took me a little off guard, but I did find it humorous and produced this cartoon to go with a column that Nestor wrote about it. But once again the Gargoyle Leader pulled the rug underneath me and printed the column without the toon, in which Nestor accused me again of being DISINFORM. After I emailed him and asked where the toon was he blamed the page layout department. (They like to pass the buck at the Gargoyle, a lot.) They did print it a couple days later. I decided instead of getting mad about it I would  have a little fun with Nestor. I started emailing him different places I (supposedly) seen DISINFORM’s work. I had him driving around a few times looking for something that was never there. Eventually Nestor caught on and ignored my emails, but it was fun while it lasted. Besides, a Gargoyle reporter actually leaving their cubicle is newsworthy in itself.

BTW, over the holiday season I was able to send a list of questions to DISINFORM through one of his friends, he still hasn’t responded, but if he does, I will post the interview here. I understand he lives far away now, and that’s probably a good thing. Though I discourage vandalism, I do enjoy anybody who can pull the wool over the coppers eyes once in awhile in this cold, boring town, makes things interesting even when C-list journalists call you asking ridiculous questions.

Holy Mackeral!


I was reading the interview today in Janklow’s favorite Alternative press with the NEW Pavilion director and he said this:

“But Wood understands a center that has operated in the red most of its life needs to become self-sufficient, and that’s his goal, he said.”

I can’t believe the Board of Directors didn’t have a freaking heart attack after that comment?! Imagine that, someone who wants to make the place actually make money so they can bring in better educational programs, exhibits and concerts. What a concept!

Now for his salary:

Wood will make $125,000 a year, said Michael Williamson, spokesman for the pavilion. Hoffman was making $118,400 before he left.

This part doesn’t surprise me, BUT I find it unusual that he will be making more then our mayor who has an operating budget that is 100 times larger then the Pavilion’s. But as I have known with art institutions and organizations that receive public subsidies, they like to take care of administration’s wallets first and the community needs second.

Washington Pavilion names its new president and CEO

Staff reports • Argus Leader • March 4, 2008

The Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science has chosen a Minnesota native as its new president and CEO.

Gary Alan Wood will start his duties in May, replacing Steve Hoffman who left in October for a job in California.

Wood, who is originally from Anoka, Minn., was most recently the President and Chief Executive Officer of The New Orleans Center for Creative Arts/Riverfront. He has worked in arts education, symphony orchestras and arts administration for nearly 25 years, according to the Pavilion.

He was involved in leadership of symphony orchestra education and community programs in Minneapolis and Philadelphia and was executive director of Da Camera of Houston, a chamber music and jazz organization.

The Pavilion will introduce Wood to the public at a 5 p.m. reception.

 Wood’s wife, Sakiko Ohashi, a native of Japan, is a concert pianist. She has been on the faculty for piano at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts since 2002, where she is the assistant chair of music.

Hmmm, nothing in the article about his salary or the fact that he has already hired his daughter to work in the Visual Arts Center. But of course, that is really none of the Public’s business, just put on the blinders, pay your taxes and drink your Budweiser and let us take care of the details.