
Scott puts all other digital artists to shame. Scott uses a combination of vector and raster software to produce his pieces. Many of the photographic images are digital photos he has taken himself or scans. In reality Scott’s work is a combination of photography / draftmanship / colorization. A lot of the drawings you see in the images were done with a mouse or a Wacom tablet. No clicky-click for Scott. When he had his last exhibit he explained that some of his images contain over 90 layers (do that with a lite-table and onion skin paper, no thanks). Scott works as a font geek and Apple scripter and does his digital art in his free time. He also is a talented graphic designer, writer and comic book collector.

I have a small print of the dragster image and a very large piece of his from his Washington Pavilion exhibit on my TV room ceiling (wasn’t enough wall space to hang it).


DECEMBER 19, 2007


So let me get this straight. It’s OK for a pharmacist to deny a woman birth control pills but a gas station clerk can’t deny a man condoms. What’s the difference? Seems like a double standard to me. Birth control should be available to everyone, regardless of a pharmacist’s beliefs. The quickest way to end abortion is by education and birth control, not legislation by middle-aged men who haven’t had sex in twenty years.