
Yeah! MSNBC has announced they may be doing a TV program featuring Rachel Maddow. For those of you that are not familiar with her she has a radio program on Air America and is a frequent guest pundit on various shows like Chris Matthews and Olberman. She is very witty and intelligent. Not too many women can get Pat Buchanan to shut up.

I wish her luck.



What’s been going on at the Washington Pavilion lately? Good question. Over the past couple of weeks it seems there has been quite a few layoffs and resignations and more to come at the big purple building (with pretty new windows). Trust me, I don’t know the whole story, and that’s the crux of the whole thing.

Why isn’t our local media covering it? Seriously. It seems anytime CitiBank or John Morrell’s lays off four or more people it’s the lead story of the day, but when a taxpayer subsidized entity like the Pavilion is loosing employees left and right the media seems apathetic. Is it really the duty of an amateur / hobbyist editorial cartoonist to uncover the truth?

Is the media protecting them because they are a good advertising client? Is there other relationships we don’t know about? Are the Board of Directors so powerful they control our local media? Still, more unanswered questions.

It’s no secret that I have locked horns with the Pav several times over the past couple of years, and for good reason. Secrecy and censorship runs amuck and our local press turns a blind eye and in some cases hides evidence or misleads the public into thinking every thing is rosy in the big purple building.

What will it take for someone to uncover this debacle so I can finally say I told you so.



The mystery of Mormonism

Last week Romney (attempted) to shed light on his religion.  Besides telling us he reads the Bible, he really didn’t expand on much else. Mormonism IS different then Christianity. The term derives from the word Mormon, which was originally used as a pejorative term to describe those who believe in the Book of Mormon, a sacred text that has been added to the religion’s canon in addition to the Bible (Old and New Testaments). Christians DO NOT believe in the Book of Mormon, that is the obvious difference. Romney claims they are one in the same, that’s like saying a Ford Pinto is the same as a Porsche 911 because they both use gasoline.

I could care less if Romney was Pagan or a Mormon, I just want honesty and integrity out of my next president.