Like every morning I turn on CNN first thing, too see what garbage happened overnight. Pakistan is in shambles, yeah, yeah, yeah. Britney is still a twit, yeah, yeah, yeah, and another toy recall ‘Curious George’ dolls. I just about busted up laughing, so I decided to change yesterday’s toon, found this to be more relevant.


Not sure what is worse? Listening about Anna Nicole Smith or the toy recalls every single morning on the news.

I got this idea after scanning one of Tim’s toons. I lifted an image of BUSH he did from another toon.


The things our city government wastes our money on. I guess Jodi has been working on something.

I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but if you are targeting young ‘professionals’ you would think they would know how to navigate the city website already? I’ll stick with GOOGLE if I’m looking to have ‘FUN’ with my other ‘YOUNG PROFESSIONAL’ friends.

“Hey, Timothy, Scott here. What should we do tonight? I’m at a loss.”

“Scott, there’s this great new website called young siouxfalls I’m sure it will guide us to the best entaintment in town, where we can meet other fun young professionals like ourselves.”
