
Over the the next couple of days I will be taking a break from SouthDaCola (Don’t worry I’m not resigning to draw children’s books, the only lawyers I know want money from me for their services not vice-versa). But I will still be working on ideas for next week. I might even get out the pen and paintbrush and work on some toons, OLD SKOOL! Next week I will also be starting SouthDaCola business sponsor of the week where I will try to feature a different business each week and a discount you can only get by mentioning my site. Who is the first sponsor? Think sheep.

NOVEMBER 20, 2007


Apparently Starbucks feels it needs to sell a bunch of other garbage to get people through their doors.
Whatever happened to coffeehouses just serving, well, coffee?

This cartoon  is in tribute to Todd and Michelle two dedicated Sioux Falls coffeehouse owners.