FEBRUARY 4, 2008


I’m just going to be blunt, SD Republicans can f#$% up a wet dream. Knudson’s open records bill is no different then the current system setup to protect certain business people. Dave, you live in a $400,000 home, are a lawyer and have many real estate investments, I don’t think you are looking out for the common Joe when it comes to open records. So please stop pretending that your bill is protecting my privacy. Give me a break!


There has been a lot of talk about the Fairtax this year. The Huckster has brought it up several times. I wasn’t sure what to think of it, but I assumed (and I was right) that it was just another way for rich folk to shelter their investments and wealth from taxes. I have always been for a flat income tax, across the board.

Under the current tax system I am curently paying about: $4,960 in taxes a year (Income, SS, Medicare, retail) under the Fairtax which is a flat retail tax I would be paying $6,210 a year. These numbers don’t include property taxes. I am assuming property taxes would still have to be paid to fund education.

You will notice that wealthy Republicans are supporting the FairTax because they spend less of their income on goods and services and put most of their income in investments then the middleclass does, in turn paying less in taxes then the middle class. A retail tax is regressive. Period. A flat income tax is the only FAIR tax that makes sense.



I was down in placement this month (5th place) but had more hits then in December, so that’s good. Congrats to Todd again. An interesting experiment though would be toggle the index around. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt for Todd to be in the upper left hand corner.