Here’s how you can prevent Attorney General Jason Rumblestrips from getting a military promotion

Jason decided to spike the football a little early and tell everyone he was up for a promotion to Colonel in the Army Reserves, the problem is he hasn’t gotten that promotion yet.

But here is the kicker, you can voice your opinion on the matter and let the Department of Justice know that he is not worthy;

No form needed: 

  • Your full name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
  • The name and title of the individual you believe engaged in misconduct.
  • The details of the allegation including court case name and jurisdiction, if available.
  • Copies of any documents that support your allegation.
  • Any other information relevant to your complaint.

While I am willing to let Jason have his day in court because I believe in justice, I also think that as a guy who double dips from the taxpayer trough, this case needs to be settled in full before he receives his promotion hearing.

Improper Political Sign Placement

Trust me, I am not going to rail on Mr. Pizer for breaking the rules. In every local election I see the same ignorant mistakes. In this case, not only has Anthony placed his sign on restricted property, he ironically placed it out of the district. And you want to be my latex salesman!

I believe this was either in the Harrisburg or Tea school district

There are some simple rules here;

• Never place signs on public property or in the parking strip commonly known as the boulevard.

• Place your signs in the ACTUAL district you are running in.

• Always check local ordinances on what you can and cannot do.

To tell you the truth, I could give to sh!ts about who is going to replace another rubberstamper on the school board. I just know my property taxes continue to grow and grow and grow, and nobody on that board cares.

The Link Triage Center has given few details about post triage

While there has been several stories about the opening of the much needed new triage center, some are wondering what the mission and goals will be for clients after they are released. We do know what the purpose of the center is and that it has received plenty of outside funding for construction, but many questions remain;

• How will operational costs be funded if there is a shortfall in insurance, donations and federal funding? Do county and city tax payers pick up the tab? This isn’t such a bad thing, because helping folks on the front end actually save taxpayers money on the back end. My frustration comes from not being open with us about that funding.

• Will all individuals be directed (triaged) to a safe transition after they leave? This is the biggest question, because we know that relapsing even for people who have a strong family and friends support network is high. What about those that were taken in from the streets? Where do they go post triage? Do we want The Link to become a revolving door?

While I support The Link, and think this facility is long overdue in our community, I believe the public needs to hear a real plan on how it will operate, who will fund it, and most importantly what we are doing with the clients after they leave.

“Do your thoughts continue and repeat a cycle Seed, growth, bloom, and seed again”
― Richard L. Ratliff

Most South Dakotans are NOT Social Conservatives

During Noem’s latest blab fest interview she did not disagree with reporter Austin Goss when he said she was a social conservative. Where it got interesting was when he made the claim (she did not) that most South Dakotans are social conservatives like her.

While it may be true that a large percentage is, when it comes to the ballot box and polls the numbers speak another picture.

In raw numbers registered voters who are;

• Republican, 48%

• Democrat, 27%

• Independent, 24%

• Other, 1%

But in a poll I came across the other day (sorry, still trying to find it again) it said that South Dakotans that consider themselves;

• Conservative, right leaning, 46%

• Progressive/liberal, left leaning, 41%

• Moderate, middle, 13%

This of course blows up the notion that ‘most’ South Dakotans are socially conservative or lean right. Also, this polling has gradually become more moderate to left over the past few years (I have looked back to 2014).

You can also look at initiatives. South Dakotans voted twice that they are pro-choice. They have also supported raising the minimum wage and recently rec and medical marijuana.

While I do agree there is a fringe base that support Noem on her Highway to Whackadoodle it is quite a stretch to think that South Dakotans who voted to keep abortion legal and marijuana legalization are ‘social conservatives’ 🙂

While her supporters may be the loudest in the room, they get very quiet when the votes are counted.

Sioux Falls City Council meetings still don’t livestream properly

Unfortunately it is NO surprise to me that the city council meetings didn’t stream properly yesterday. They were both replaying fine today (INFOREGULAR) The SIRE system they use to post agendas and stream video has been marginally working for over a decade. In fact the past three city clerks have struggled with the system. You would think by now it would be scrapped. At the very least you would expect them to just automatically livestream the video on YouTube, and heck, on Facebook also. In fact, the Mayor is doing his state of the city address from the State Theatre(?) and it will only be streamed on Facebook, which is questionable since you must subscribe to FB to watch it. The ongoing Hatefest towards transparency is mind boggling.

With our Mayor and his administration consistently talking about the technological advances of the city you would think that with over a DECADE of problems with SIRE it would have gotten the boot a very long time ago. A Dotard could have figured that out, but somehow two mayors, three city clerks, multiple councilors, consultants and city IT personnel still seem to be baffled with a system we have thrown millions at when we could use a FREE service called YouTube.


Of course the Devil is in the details. During the informational meeting the city got a presentation on the new proposed facility. While Sioux Falls taxpayers are footing the bill for the land and pipe upgrades (hey Noem, that is called infrastructure), the organization will provide all the other funding privately. When asked where that money will come from, they really didn’t have an answer. Kind of reminds me of the Bunker Ramp and just taking the developer’s word on it. Here we go again. The city council never learns.

I also found it interesting that the agenda item for this presentation was posted on Friday with NO attached documents (Power Point) which seems the SOP for this administration. But when I checked back on Tuesday morning, the presentation was still absent (Until about 2 PM) But interestingly enough had a story up that morning about the vet village, then the Argus and Dakotanews soon followed. So how is a presentation that is put on the agenda on a Friday not have supporting documents until 2 hours before the meeting yet everyone in the media knows what the presentation is about? Taxpayers should always take priority. If my tax dollars are being used to pay a communications specialist, which I am ok with, the public should receive those communications before the media. I also wonder if Pigeon is getting PAID to post these stories? The city has a way of getting information out to the public without using private media except in press releases.

• Put the details/presentation in the Agenda online when posting the agenda on Friday (DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!)
• Post on main city website
• Put on Citylink or do a YouTube video
• Post on Facebook and Twitter
• Send the media a press release and grant interviews (this should be done last)

I’m all for the media doing a story about this, and I learned a lot from the Pigeon story, but when tax dollars are being spent on projects, that information should be granted to the public before the Fourth Estate.


During the Sioux Falls City Council Regular meeting, Councilor Starr asked a planning department staffer how the planning commission can even function when only 5 members are approving plans with a 9 member board. You could hear Mayor Stoneless grunt and sigh into his microphone. Of course excuses were given because we all know that planning decision are directed by the mayor and granted by the ‘approval’ process of the appointed, paid, planning staffers. The Commission meetings themselves are merely Bread & Circus.