UPDATE: Looks like the Sioux Falls School Board is just as ignorant as the city council, approving the Dakota Scout as their legal paper. I know how this scenario is going to play out, the AG is probably currently writing an opinion that exonerates the city and any other entity from wrongdoing. The problem is that the AG is NOT a judge and doesn’t run a court of law, he is essentially an armchair judge and has NO legal authority in this matter except to prosecute.

Mike Zitterich made this comment on the Scab and he makes a good point, they were printing legal notices before July 1st. The law didn’t go into effect until then, so how could they be following state law? It’s clear it was broken;

Do not take this out of context, I am a huge fan of the Dakota Scout, and I am proud that we rewarded the city contract to them, however, the Argus may actually have a real clear, and winning case here. I am not sure who gives the city government legal advice, but the “law” in question, that paved the way to grant the Dakota Scout the right to publish legal notices for cities and counties does NOT (did not) go into effect until July 1st. If true, by law, the State Government was not allowed to permit, nor license the Dakota Scout to do so. It was simply adopted by the legislature, and had to clear the Judicial Review Period, clearing any such challenges from the people. And that process does not end until June 30th, or 90 days after the Legislative Session which is January 15 to March 15, whereas Veto Days are March 27-30th. There was no legal challenge, nor petitions filed, so that part is fine, but, the Secretary of State could not clear the Dakota Scout until after July 1st …. that is a clear problem here…The City will almost for sure be punished for this, jumping of the gun, but lets pray a compromise can be found, that allows the Dakota Scout to officially become the paper of choice for all legal notices.

Oh, there will be a compromise . . .

Here is a copy of their SOS filing (notice the investor data is missing). Someone told me it is because the state won’t scan the back of docs, only the front. Or the Scab didn’t send the data. Not sure, but it would be nice to see who the investor’s are. Oh, and legally they were supposed to supply that information in December.

Notice the monthly views. Heck, DaCola even competes with that . . . and I don’t have a print version.

64K monthly unique users. Maybe the Scab is cheaper because virtually no one is reading it.

Like I said, the Argus has a justifiable lawsuit, unfortunately the judicial system in this state doesn’t lean towards justice, just covering piss poor politician’s asses.


And you still can’t get it because the SOS website is not functioning correctly. And the investor info wasn’t loaded to the site. What are they hiding?

The Argus is right in suing the city. I told the council privately and publicly they needed the investor information before approving this and they ignored my warnings and now it is biting them in the butt.

I wonder who the investors are and why this is being kept a secret? Well it is only a secret for now, we will soon learn who the partisan investors are. Sneve told me in a nasty text message that;

So who exactly do you think owns this newspaper besides Jonathan and I?

He never did tell me who really owns the paper, and now the city is getting sued over it. This is going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money. I sometimes wonder who is giving the city council legal advice, oh that’s right the guy who had to suddenly leave his last job . . .


Poops is at it again, chairing an anti-tax cut initiative, which is highly unethical;

Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken is now the chair of a statewide ballot question committee called South Dakotans Against a State Income Tax.

There won’t a state income, typical chicken little crap from these folks. I may vote against the measure but not because I don’t support it, but because our spineless, very uncreative, gutless morons we call our legislature will just increase sales taxes on everything else essentially burdening us with higher taxes on other goods.

There will never be a state income tax and Poops knows it. They will lie their way out of this one just like they did on Rec MJ. The truth is NEVER on Poops side.

Since the collapse of the train bridge in Sioux City I have been enjoying the sound of NOTHING. Granted, living Downtown Sioux Falls is noisy, traffic and airplanes even without the train whistles, but it has been so pleasant. I have been getting the best sleep of my life because I am not hearing a train whistle every hour from Midnight to 6 AM. The trains are still moving cars around in town, but the major traffic at night has ceased for now.

This is what we could make our downtown, less noisy, if we would just force the trains to put up quiet zones in every road crossing downtown. There is absolutely NO reason those whistles need to blow non-stop all night long.

I’m kind of hoping it takes 5 years to fix the bridge, but my guess is it will be fixed by next year. So enjoy the sound of silence. It is nice.

We could of had THIS, but instead opted for a color fart (I am linking the image because I don’t have permission to post).

I was told this is a smaller version of what was going to be done on the Bunker Ramp and some changes were made, but very little.

So I ask Mayor Poops the question, what is racist or inappropriate about this image? NOTHING. Heck, the most famous museum in the United States didn’t seem to have a problem with it. I have a feeling that the image wasn’t ‘vanilla’ enough.

Poops, your family nickname says it best, you are full of it.

Here is my drawing I did after I got descriptions of the mural, I am not off by to much, LOL.

I guess it is the misfortune of success. The Pavilion brings in a lot of money, as you can see;

They also have millions in reserves. So why are we still subsidizing them?

Just look at the executive salaries, the Director, Smith was making $164K just 5 years ago. So apparently while he was laying people off during Covid he continued his raises. Not bad for running a couple small theaters and an out dated science center.

We also throw millions each year in maintenance of the building (taxpayers own it) from the entertainment tax. While actual building repairs like a roof, windows, foundation, etc., should be covered by the owners any equipment purchases such as lighting or sound or anything that is NOT a permanent part of the building should be the Pavilion’s expense, and the council needs to change their maintenance contract with the Pavilion when they revoke the subsidy to reflect it.

The Pavilion has proven that they can float the boat on their own, so why don’t we let them?

I also heard a rumor that the Pavilion is planning a big concert at the end of summer at Great Bear. Not sure who will all play, but they have a $2 million dollar budget supposedly.