Trust me, I almost threw up laughing. They decided to robo-call all of the parents in the District and email them the same message about tomorrow’s election;

From: “DeeAnn Konrad” <>
Date: April 13, 2015 at 6:45:01 PM CDT
To: “Undisclosed Recipients” <“DeeAnn Konrad” <>>
Subject:Election Reminder

Hello Sioux Falls School District Families.  We are calling to remind you about tomorrow’s school board and calendar referendum vote.  You have three choices for two open spots on the school board.  Candidates are Randy Dobberpuhl, Kate Parker and Todd Thoelke.  The calendar issue asks if you wish to uphold the School Board’s decision to begin school in August or if you wish to begin school after Labor Day.  A “yes” vote upholds the School Board’s decision.  A “no” vote means school will start the Tuesday after the first Monday in September – September 8th this fall.  Voters can stop at any one of the thirteen vote centers listed below.  Remember to bring your photo ID.  Thank you.

Really?! School District elections have the worst turn-outs EVAH! Now all of sudden you care if people vote? Yet, I cannot recall if this kind of ‘informative’ robo-call has been done in the past? The stakes must be high this time? Glad to see our school administration is involved in gambling, too bad those (video lottery) revenues don’t fund you.