Yeah, comprehensive sex education (teaching BC & Abstinence together) helps teens get pregnant. Actually countless studies have proven Abstinence only ed has no effect whatsoever.

DooHickey must be taking sex ed advice from Ted (I’ll be holding) Haggard:

Shannon, the difference is your ads result in teenage girls getting pregnant.  Your ads promote behavior that is against school policy. Your ads result in girls getting hurt because you lie to them about abortion and a child ultimately dies and you guys then completely cast these gals aside. You keep no records on their well-being and there is no follow up care. The Alpha Center is a place that cleans up your mess. 

Extremists often shape their arguments around ideas and opinions, not facts.

someone who theorizes (especially in science or art)

Pastor Hickey is a idealogue. He says things that are flat out lies in order to support his anti-American and anti-freedom agenda. He is a modern day theocrat. Just read some of his comments about people who are prochoice:

You can kick out a student for a variety of offenses, surely promoting child sacrifice and working to enable sex offenders are offenses relevant to her status at a pro-life school.

Is that why women have abortions? So they can SACRIFICE babies and PROMOTE sexual abuse? Quite the opposite actually.

Or his rewriting of American History claiming our forfathers were theocrats like himself, all the while forgetting that a democratic goverment was invented by non-Christians:

4. You are fully ignorant and revisionist in your comments about the separation of church and state. It’s not in the Constitution. It’s even an impossibility as the govt. IS the people and the people ALL have “religious” worldviews – even atheists. The only question is whose religious world view and moral agenda will shape this nation, the moral agenda of our founding (decidedly Christian) or something other. Did they teach you in your high school government class that pastors don’t have first amendment rights?

Instead debating the facts, he changes or twists the facts. He believes abortion is murder and believes murder is a sin. Is lying?

Okay, Okay, everyone involved with the Initiative 11 debate on both sides is absolutely free game. I’m a big free speech supporter and believe that if you are involved in either campaign you are subject to criticism; hard, brutal, nasty criticism. What I don’t agree with is posting someone’s personal/family information as the voices carry blog did today. It’s low, it’s sneaky, inappropriate, potentially libelous and quite frankly something you would not expect out of someone who preaches the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s downright hypocritical and I question the moderator’s faith.

We can discuss the issues; when life begins, abortion, women’s rights, religious beliefs, blah, blah, blah. But bringing people’s families into the debate is unjustified because we all know the violence that has been carried out over the years towards people on the prochoice side by extremist fanatics. Many of my family members probably disagree with my stance on Initiative 11. Is it fair to drag them into the debate? NO, it’s unethical and quite frankly IMMORAL.

These kind of tactics are uncalled from Pastor(?) Hickey, and if you want to cheat at the game, let’s play. Cheaters always lose (remember last year?).

I think this quote says it best that most people don’t care Mr. Brennan is leaving Sioux Falls,

He remains a devoted fan of the KBAD radio station, which features the “Morning Crash” show and combines Brennan’s affinity for marketing and hard-rocking hair bands.

“I was listening on the way over here,” he says, sitting up excitedly at the DLC office. “From my house to here I think I heard Slave Raider, Megadeth, April Wine and Ratt, and I was like, ‘This is the best station ever, dude!’”

I’ve learned the hard way over the years that no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy taste. You must be willing to except the fact that not everyone likes what you like, and you shouldn’t be offended by it. While I don’t know Chuck, I’m certainly not mad at him for leaving, he can’t make a buck here anymore, so he is leaving. It’s no different then Long John Silvers closing in Sioux Falls.