I won’t be commenting on a couple of things

The complete meltdown of the SD Democratic Party’s financials and the mysterious absence of our State’s attorney has been in the news cycle recently. While I have a lot I would like to say, I decided that I will let these matters sort out themselves. There is a lot of rumors and gossip going around about both issues and until the truth comes out, it just wouldn’t be fair to speculate (even though I do that a lot).

Also, I don’t give a sh*t about either issue. Really, I don’t.

In other news, Sioux Falls City Councilor Greg Neitzert will have at least one challenger this Spring. The announcement is coming this month, but most people probably already know who it is. I have never met this person, but if I had to sum up the race today, Greg would beat him. I think the only way to knock Neitzert out is to use the silly 50+1 rule against him and have multiple people run in his district.

At this point I have neither recruited or assisted anyone for a city council race for the upcoming Spring election.

Sanford Sports Complex proposes baseball stadium in long range plan

As I mentioned in the City Council agenda below, the Sanford Sports complex is making some adjustments to their long range plan. While I welcome a private entity building a baseball stadium, I find it interesting this all came out AFTER the EC Campus Book Club recommended tearing down the current SF Stadium and creating a baseball stadium task force. It seems we can skip that step and just let Sanford build it for us.

I also heard they are going to change the name of the team from the Sioux Falls Canaries to the Sanford Predators 🙂

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Sept 3-4, 2019

City Council Informational, 4 PM, Sept 3

A presentation from the planning department on a ‘Pedestrian Plan.’

City Council Regular Meeting, 7 PM, Sept 3

Item #6, Approval of Contracts. I find it interesting that the city is going to pay $300K for a school park? I have no idea what this plan is or if it is in coordination with the school district. Hopefully we will have more details at the meeting. It also looks like the money is JUST for ‘planning’ the site. We are also dumping another $45K into the indoor pool for something called ‘window fans’. I remember when they were designing the place, we were told they would take extra care in ensuring we would use durable materials and equipment to keep maintenance costs down. I find it interesting that after only a couple of years we are installing new equipment.

Item #35, 1st reading, Renewing franchise agreement with Midco.

Item #36-37, 1st Readings, Kirby downtown dog park and gifting agreement of $600K.

Planning Commission Meeting, 6 PM, Sept 4

Item #5B, Bob’s Chicken Casino. Planning department recommending denial due to neighborhood opposition.

Item #5C, Another casino on North Cliff, while some of the neighbors oppose, the Planning department recommends approval.

Item #5E, It’s a Pizza party! They want to build a pizzeria in a residential neighborhood by USF, they would serve beer. Some neighbors are opposed to alcohol in the neighborhood.

Item #5I, Looks like the Sanford Sports Complex is considering building a baseball stadium. First time I heard about this.

Sioux Falls Parks board August meeting minutes and video absent

I asked a city official yesterday why it takes over a week to post the minutes and video of the Parks Board meetings. We were promised more transparency of the meetings by recording not only audio but visual, yet it takes over a week to post it. What is even more troubling is that it takes that long to produce minutes from the meeting. Why?

Maybe the person in charge of the minutes is also in charge of the NO MOW list and they have conveniently lost them, until they conveniently found them. I suspect they will magically show up by the end of the day.

People are leaving because we are too conservative

I have known for a long time that many of my friends have not only left this state because of money and opportunities, but one of the main things I often hear is “The place is just too damn conservative for me.”

Increasingly, people are congregating themselves geographically and along educational lines, said Rachel Sheffield, a senior policy adviser for the committee. Highly educated people, who tend to hold more liberal viewpoints, are concentrating themselves in cities in California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., she said. Conservatives, meanwhile, are tending to stay in more rural areas. The two groups are interacting less, Sheffield said, which is exacerbating political divisions.

“If you’re not interacting with people with different political viewpoints, then you are less likely to have a face to go with differing viewpoints; that could lead to seeing different political viewpoints as connected to this unrelatable group that you never talk to and it’s easier to demonize people you don’t actually know,” Sheffield said.

I actually think Sioux Falls was less conservative in the late 90’s. Just look at the utter failure of the SD Democratic Party. I think after Tom Daschle left the Senate and GW Bush came into office, we started driving way north on the redness, and of course, Trump has made things even worse.