This is an awesome letter;

Recently, four City Council members were sworn into office for four-year terms at Carnegie Town Hall.

Three of these council members, Kermit Staggers, Kenny Anderson and Greg Jamison, have several years of experience serving the citizens in this political capacity. I personally have found all three of these men to be responsive, caring and full of integrity. This is a refreshing reassurance in a time when many politicians are motivated by big business and personal gain.

What is exciting about these men is that they have a proven track record of standing up for fiscal responsibility, and courageous decision-making. Staggers, Anderson and Jamison stood strong to defend the reputation of our city clerk, Debra Owen. Jamison and Anderson were some of the first members on the council to apologize to the public when the council was found guilty for breaking the open meetings law this spring.

I believe these men have a desire to develop public trust in government and to keep the political process open and honest. They want to do what is best for all the citizens of Sioux Falls. We are blessed to have this kind of quality on our City Council.

I invite the public to tune into channel 16 on Tuesday nights at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to view for yourselves our government in action.

As we progress onward with our newly elected officials, stay in touch and informed. This city belongs to all citizens, and we need to stay connected.

Theresa Stehly

Sioux Falls


Just a few days after his impressive win for the at-large seat in the Sioux Falls City Council, Kermit Staggers returned to the Rant-a-Bit studio to discuss various local issues. Besides congratulating him on his victory, Scott and Scott peppered Staggers with questions about city finances, the Event Center, his relationship with Mayor Mike Huether, and other pressing topics.

Downloading this episode is different than past shows, however, thanks to Mevio’s decision to no longer host audio shows. The easiest way to listen to the show? Download Hudson’s iPhone/Android app The Ledge and you can access not only all of the Rant a Bit episodes but also his music and Big Brother podcasts. Subscribing to the show in iTunes will take a little work, however, as the original Rant a Bit podcast is a dead link.



On the non-free online local newspaper’s show (4/17), 100 Eyes, managing editor Patrick Lalley suggested that he wanted to come up with a name for Stagger’s hardcore supporters like “Ehrisman and Stehly”. One of the commenters suggested the ‘Legion of Doom’.

So I challenge my readers to come up with a monicker for Stagger’s supporters. And to make this even more interesting an appropriate name for the 100 Eyes show with host Patrick ‘ ______’ Lalley


Before I get into the topics at hand (Isn’t that Aerosmith song kickass!?) I want to talk a little bit about the past municipal election.

Precinct Problems

While I can tolerate computer problems with a new system (E-Polling) running out of ballots is unacceptable. It turns off voters. When Auditor Bob Litz was contacted about the problem, he blamed someone else. Sorry, that isn’t how it works. The buck stops with you. #1 don’t put political signs in your yard and #2 don’t run out of ballots.

School Board

Todd and Kate rightfully won this race, they were both supported by the unions, and they get it. Do I agree with them on every issue. NO. But I can guarantee they will both be strong voices on the school board.

Aspiring Candidates

Jesse Vavreck, who you may or may not know from running for the legislature in District 13 got handed his walking papers from the Knudson campaign early on. He actually took out petitions to run for the At-Large council seat, and I think he would have been a great candidate. But he got a call from the Quen and bailed. While I am disappointed that Jesse let the Quen push him around, I am even more disappointed that De, who complained SHE COULDN’T FIND ANYONE to run against Kermit, discouraged Jesse from running. I think he would have added a whole new dimension to the debate, he of course would have stolen votes from De (he is a democrat, and very progressive).

“100 Eyes on Silliness”

Patrick Lalley, “Kermit Staggers supporters are not involved in politics on any other level.”

Yup, Pat went there. He said this on election night about Kermit’s supporters. Obviously he knows nothing about Kermit’s supporters, they are very in tune with the issues, and never miss an election. He did however say I was a supporter and do know my stuff, then said this,

“But he is a little strange and would agree.”

Okay, I am very strange, but casting Staggers’ supporters as weirdos? C’mon Pat. Let’s talk weird. You ride your bike to work everyday (kudos) but hire someone to shovel your drive. WTF?!

$4 million shot down for the Events Center

This is interesting for a number of reasons, the council is starting to reposition themselves on issues. Some are realizing that the public voted for a $115 million dollar EC to be paid for with strictly bonds paid back in interest and principal payments. Others, like the mayor, think we should chip away at our hard earned tax dollars, which take away from infrastructure projects, to pay for the place. This will get interesting once the Three Musketeers get involved . . .

The Three Musketeers

Okay, I am making an early prediction, but I can guarantee you will see an alliance between councilors Anderson, Jamison and Staggers. Don’t get me wrong, they will not always agree. But they will be a voting block force.

Michelle and Sue are ‘Swing’ voters, and never give a hint where they are going, but could support the Musketeers.

Karsky – I give up.

Diamond Jim and Tex Golfing will always have the mayor’s back.

Can’t wait for the sparks to fly. It is important to note, that Dr. Staggers knows the charter, knows state law, knows history and taxation, he also knows council procedures. I advise the Mayor to brush up on these topics before Kermit is sworn in.