Mayor TenHaken quotes controversial Morman in employee email

Mayor Paul TenHaken sent out this email to employees yesterday about the employee picnic with this closing;

Finally, I will leave you with this great quote as you start your week of service to your city:

“The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.”  ― Gordon B. Hinckley


Paul TenHaken

Not sure if you know much about Hinckley, but he was the controversial leader of the Latter Day Saints who got caught up in issues with the Morman Church when it came to racism and homophobia. While, maybe a hero to some for trying (I use that word lightly) to correct the mistakes of the past, certainly not someone I would be quoting while sending an email to public employees. Just Sayin’.

Since it is an employee picnic, I would have sent this quote instead;

“WINE; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy!”Ben Franklin

Yes, that is the ACTUAL Franklin quote, it got changed to ‘Beer’ years later.

Paul & Maria sitting in a tree . . .

The Paul Erickson/Maria Butina saga gets even more interesting by the day;

“When the person who marries you gets into trouble with the Russians and your job is to negotiate with the Russians, you have to disclose that,” a senior administration official told me. “Everybody with an intelligence clearance knows that.”

Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said Thompson’s situation was symptomatic of larger staffing issues plaguing the Trump administration.

“From clumsy vetting to chronic failure to fill vacant positions, it’s no wonder there’s such dysfunction in the executive branch,” Engel said. “The White House needs to get its act together to make sure the officials in charge of protecting our national security meet the highest standards and comply fully with all laws and regulations on disclosure.”

The collusion delusion continues . . .

Should we really be shocked?

While I find what this gun chuckler from Hiremorewhitepeople, SD did in a parade in a town no one has heard of kind of disgusting, I will defend his 1st Amendment right to do so;

“My stance, and the city’s stance is that every person has a right to the first amendment, to express his or her speech, and the expressions of it, we do not regulate that,” said Day.

You can actually ‘regulate’ what is in a parade. Many parades held in Sioux Falls have certain regulations. It’s kind of like requiring vehicles to have headlights to drive at night. Wait, does this town even have roads? It looks like they put out a fresh patch of gravel just for this float.

What I find funny is the failed attempt at satire, yes, I’m laughing at the fact that I don’t get the joke. First off, your jail cell doesn’t have a bottom, you know they can crawl right underneath. Also, why are they smiling? I was in jail once, the only time I laughed/smiled was when I had to show the deputy how to properly scan my fingerprints (no kidding!) Secondly, while Barry and Hillary get accused of a lot of crimes, I still have no idea what those ‘actual’ crimes are and if they have ever been brought up on charges. Trump, on the other hand has been sued thousands of times, and he most likely is a criminal.

I’m glad some sh*thole town in South Dakota is sticking up for my 1st Amendment rights, I just think they need a lesson in political satire, if only we could find the place on google maps.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda • June 25, 2019

Joint City Council/Minnehaha CC meeting • 5 PM

Planning is confusing. I looked over all the documents on this planned project, and I am lost. They want to convert a triangle plot of land into ‘something’ two miles from Sioux Falls. Go for it! Why the SF city council is involved is baffling.

We also get an update about a fund that I didn’t even know existed.

Click to enlarge calendar

Levitt Cancels 1st concert of season

It’s too bad, because it looks like the rain may be way later or go around us. They also stopped the show last night at 8 PM. But hey, better safe than sorry.

I was looking forward to tonight’s band.

I also have been making some rough estimates of the crowd count. The first show was probably around 1,500 to 2,000 people, since then it has hovered at around 500 people during the week and last night around that 1,000 mark. There has also been plenty of parking and people have told me they haven’t had any trouble finding something close. I have also noticed people are car pooling, which is good.

Here’s some pictures from last week’s shows and some fun last night.

Click to enlarge