Levitt Cancels 1st concert of season

It’s too bad, because it looks like the rain may be way later or go around us. They also stopped the show last night at 8 PM. But hey, better safe than sorry.

I was looking forward to tonight’s band.

I also have been making some rough estimates of the crowd count. The first show was probably around 1,500 to 2,000 people, since then it has hovered at around 500 people during the week and last night around that 1,000 mark. There has also been plenty of parking and people have told me they haven’t had any trouble finding something close. I have also noticed people are car pooling, which is good.

Here’s some pictures from last week’s shows and some fun last night.

Click to enlarge


Charter Revision Commission has first meeting of 2019

Local Attorney, Justin Smith was elected chair, and no surprise. He ran the meeting with an iron fist and made sure everyone was following procedures and gave extensive commentary to why policy and procedures should be followed. This is no surprise, as I told someone after the meeting, Smith made sure that the CRC last time around put nothing on the ballot, he was afraid that if something got on the ballot it ‘might pass’. Like a typical attorney, it was clear to me from this first meeting that Smith was building the case early to keep stuff off the ballot that may benefit the public. I’m not saying he won’t approve some minor language changes, but those likely will come from the administration.

During the meeting, councilor Neitzert spoke and told them to take their time on the salary increases for mayor and council (as if he was appointed by the rest of the city council to speak on their behalf) Well, he kind of is the self-appointed leader of the RS5. I’ve noticed several councilors depend on Neitzert’s research so they can hobble through the meetings while watching baseball games and texting their plumber or babysitter.

Another gentleman spoke at the end during public input, having several requests. One was to have a super majority for bonding (which I agree with). Smith asked him what would that threshold be ($$$)? The person said they could discuss later. IMO, there is no ‘threshold’. If the city council has to approve borrowing money, whether that is $20 or $20 million, it should have a super majority.

New CRC member, Anne Hajek also asked the public inputer for their street address, which took him off guard. We haven’t been required for several years to give our street address only our name and city we reside. He gave it anyway, though he didn’t have to.

I have lost all hope the CRC will put anything on the ballot accept pissy-ass crap about minor word changes in the charter. The only way to make real change in this city is by carrying a petition, and this time make sure the city clerk looks at it.

New Skate Park plans to be discussed Tuesday night

The Skate Park Association wants to use the NorthEast corner of Nelson Park (Cliff Ave & 10th Street) for a new skate park. The city did offer them the homeless camp land behind the farmers market, but I think they felt there wouldn’t be a lot of skaters going to the Silver Moon after a day of skating 🙂 Press release below;

A public meeting to discuss the Nelson Park Master Plan will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Meeting Room A at the Downtown Library, 200 North Dakota Avenue.

An update to the Nelson Park Master Plan was prompted from the idea of adding a skate plaza to the park. Nelson Park has been home to a modular skatepark for many years, but the local skate boarding community desires to create a new and exciting experience for all skaters. The Sioux Falls Skatepark Association has been investigating the possibilities of creating a skate plaza in downtown Sioux Falls, and will be sharing information about their findings. Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation will be presenting an updated concept plan for Nelson Park and would love for you to come and share any ideas you may have.

The master planning process allows the neighborhood and the community at‑large to provide feedback that will be used to develop the final master plan. Projects identified as part of the master plan can then be considered for future development of the City’s Parks and Recreation system.

Make sure you are wearing clean underwear

This may as well be what the sign at the entrance should say, because it doesn’t mean a hill of beans.

They could avoid all this by just allowing BYOB, but there is always someone who MUST make a buck from a PUBLIC function.

First off, NO ONE can search your property in a public park without a warrant, and that person needs to be with law enforcement, Levitt employees/volunteers or rent-a-cops don’t count. They CAN search without a warrant as long as there is reasonable suspicion (like a bazooka, hookah or bottle of Jack Daniels is sticking out of your backpack or cooler).

But if your cooler is closed and backpack zipped up and they ask to look inside, just say, ‘No Thanks, come back with a warrant.’

You often see these signs at other concert events, but they are usually fenced in on private property and ticketed events. In a public space at a public event no one has the right to ‘search’ you without cause. But hey, the sign is a nice gesture for those that are paranoid.