Why do SD politicians and family members run off to Minnesota for medical treatment?

We recently saw it in the news, a prominent SD politician’s family member has a serious medical condition and they are seeking treatment . . . in Minnesota.

First off, I wish them the best, secondly I don’t blame them for wanting to go to one of the most advanced healthcare providers in the world. I have had many friends use the facility for all kinds of different treatments and have had great success.

But what I often find ironic is how our prominent politicians in the state will tell us how great our local Industrial Complex Healthcare providers are with research, treatment options, and jobs, jobs, jobs! Yet when one of them gets a serious condition, they run to Minnesota.

I wish they would go to Minnesota for legislative advice also, because we have a serious sickness in Pierre that needs advanced treatment.

UPDATE: Jefferson HS Groundbreaking

Not sure what the goofy symphony music was all about in the background during the dirt shoveling, but surprised they didn’t play some kind of English concerto to celebrate the ‘Cavaliers’.

I had to chuckle a bit when TenHaken bragged about getting involved with the bond vote. I would agree, if there is one thing our local politicians love more than anything is handing out property tax increases to the minions and small businesses while giving welfare to the big guys. So, no, it didn’t surprise me you got involved Paul.


As I warned when the legislature went down that path it was the wrong thing to do because sales taxes will never be repealed once implemented;

“When can schools start to trust what the legislature passes?” Holbeck said. “We had our formula, and within two years they don’t live up to their word. That’s a big issue. When can we trust something that’s being told to us?”

They are also going back on the promise to step back the increase with internet sales tax collection. I suggested they use state education investment funds interest to fund teacher pay, but apparently that money (around 1 Billion) is better off continuing to stay moldy in an account. We could also implement a corporate education income tax. But instead they raise taxes on food to people who can’t afford to buy the food to begin with.

“When are people going to quit electing people to the legislature who don’t keep their word,” he said. “All you need to do is see how they vote.”

Hardy, Har, Har. I have been asking that question for well over a decade. With a dysfunctional opposition party and an electorate more concerned about guns instead of books, you will continue to get reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies during our legislative session.

UPDATE: Another Great Night at the Levitt!

UPDATE: Look what a little bitching will get yah. Sorry if I gave the FAB guys crap about this. Looks nice!

There is also another great jazz concert scheduled for tonight! I was actually surprised how good the crowd was for a Wednesday Night, and things are going very smoothly. For this just starting, the Levitt staff and volunteers are knocking it out of the park. GOOD JOB!

I also found out that a local bike club was asked to put in bike racks or at least put their two cents in and are looking to do something more permanent by next year. I was going to take a picture of about 6 bikes last night tied to one light post, made me chuckle. Bikers are always innovative when they need to be.

Does the City have ‘Big Plans’ for Events Center Campus?

There has already been talk that the plans proposed for the EC campus could be so big that the changes would have to be voted on by the public, in other words potential bonding.

So what would that include?

Recently I have been intrigued by the fact that the latest data mining EC survey online has been asking people for personal information like voter registration status. It got me thinking that perhaps they want this data to use in a campaign if the changes go to voters for the campus, changes that could include significant changes to the campus in the form of a massive public/private partnership that could cost well over $25-50 million dollars. That could be a retail complex with a hotel attached that could sit on the land where the SF Stadium is now if demolished. But I have NO idea what it could be.

With a survey out there collecting voter data, that tells me they are gearing up for some kind of major campaign and major changes to the campus. Pure speculation at this point, but worth some thought.

Is Rep. Haugaard going to lead the charge in repealing video lottery?

I found this quote from Haugaard in the Argus Leader yesterday interesting;

Rep. Steven Haugaard, R-Sioux Falls, pointed out that the role of government is to “never exercise a vice upon the citizens” and questioned how state officials can stop the “steamroller” of legalized marijuana.

Not to get in an argument on whether legalized mary jane is less harmful then legalized video lottery (and probably raise a heckuva a lot more tax revenue). But if Haugaard is so concerned about ‘vices’ being thrown upon the citizens of South Dakota I’m assuming he will lead the charge to have the legislature to repeal video lottery in our state during the next session? I have often argued that VL is a revenue neutral, if not a revenue negative on our state with all the social costs associated with it in crime (robberies), bankruptcies, broken families and even suicide.

So Steven, will you do the right thing and repeal this vice on the citizens of South Dakota?