Sioux Falls City Councilors at Dem Forum • 4/5/2019

Janet Brekke, Theresa Stehly and Pat Starr bring their Sioux Falls SD citizen first messages to a joint Friday Democratic Forum lunch crowd on April 5, 2019.

The past TWO Parks Board meetings have been videotaped, you can’t watch them HERE under the RECENT tab. There has never been a formal press release or announcement of this to the public or city council. I found out from a personal email from Jason Reisdorfer.

Sioux Falls Transit Innovation Meeting • 4/5/2019

The meeting was set. The Romantix Annex was the place. The date was set. The reservations were made. The reason was transit. The subject was buses. The facilitator was Bloomberg. The audience was well, there. The result was a lot of Post-it notes.

So the cameras showed up to the reserved 1st floor meeting room only to find a small note posted on a door saying the meeting was moved to the “unused” 3rd floor of the Romantix Annex City Center Administration Building.

It was interesting to read some of the Post-it Notes and hear the thought processes. We’re still wondering what the actual report is going to be. There were many preconceived thoughts still floating about the room based on the ideas perpetuated by the previous administration’s desire to quit wasting resources on anyone who couldn’t live in the southeast part of town or high in the sky apartments. It is always interesting to hear where policy makers are heading with their thoughts, whatever they may be.

You remember the building, our last mayor insisted was needed back in 2015 to use up our 2nd penny road, transit and infrastructure funds. This was our first time seeing the “empty” 3rd floor. Here’s a thought, as long as the town has paid for the space, why not put a decent set of speakers in it and start using as an actual meeting room? The walls have painted drywall so make it a flexible use room? The room worked well for this kind of meeting except for the sound. Don’t put a fancy ceiling in the area so it can remain flexible. Just a thought…

City version below;

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, April 9, 2019

City Council Informational, 4 PM

Community Health Status Report. Let me sum it up. We are fat, we drink too much and we don’t eat enough veggies.

Recycling Education Program

Housing Summit, Tea city councilor . . . uh, I mean, Housing Manager Chellee Unruh will do a presentation about Tea . . . uh, I mean Sioux Falls Housing.

CASA program update. We find out about Stacy Tieszen’s new job.

Veterans Advocacy Report, I guess city councilor Brekke went to DC to find out about this program.

City Council Budget Priorities. I guess since last Tuesday the council re-voted on their priorities. New results coming.

City Council Regular Meeting, 7 PM

Item#17, 2nd Reading, Ordinance, first of multiple bonds for Water Reclamation, $26 Million.

Item #18, 2nd Reading, Ordinance, Changing the nominating procedures of city council chairs.

Item #20, 1st Reading, Ordinance, naming rights for a major developer at Levitt Pavilion. While they continue to rack up sponsors (which is good) they continue to deny people to allow BYOB to the concerts.

Click to Enlarge Agenda Calendar

City of Sioux Falls Housing Director tells Tea Residents to NOT use Sioux Falls services

While she has no problem with driving to Sioux Falls to draw her paycheck from Sioux Falls taxpayers she encourages residents of TEA to not shop in Sioux Falls or use their services.

It still baffles me that we hired a Tea resident to run our housing division, and also allowed her to run for Tea City Council. But her comments about her civic pride in Tea says a lot about what she thinks of her employer, the City of Sioux Falls.