UPDATE: City of Sioux Falls dismissed from Copper Lounge collapse lawsuit

UPDATE: So I reported on this on March 22. After a couple of days I wondered why NO ONE in our local media said anything. Then it occurred to me, because the city didn’t put out a press release about it (which surprised me) or they couldn’t scrap it from another news agency. So this past Tuesday I ask Sneve at the Informational Meeting, “Why hasn’t the Argus done a story about this?” The next day the AL does a story, then as I predicted all the other news agencies fell inline.

Lazy asses. And I’m the ‘un-credentialed journalist.’

On Tuesday, March 19, Circuit Judge Camela Theeler entered a Memorandum Opinion and Order dismissing the City of Sioux Falls from the lawsuit in which the Plaintiffs alleged that the City had liability as a result of the December 2, 2016 building collapse.

Attached a copy of the Judge’s written decision; MMO_DISMISS

NOW is the time to run for Sioux Falls School Board

According to the SFSD website you have until April 12th to turn in 20 nominating signatures;

I encourage someone to run that is for transparency. As we saw today at the working session, a leak of a secret document has parents livid about cutting fine arts. As the lady who testified, studies for decades have shown that fine arts education combined with regular subjects increases test scores in those regular courses. Fine arts education works.

But besides the obvious, this constant behind the scenes planning and scheming is NOT working. I still am highly skeptical that 85% of people voted for the school bond. It’s just not plausible. But when you go about these things by gaming the system (votes were hand counted by mostly finance staff of the SFSD) you get what you want at the expense of others.

Today we found out that the school district is essentially broke. After tapping the taxpayers for several op outs and now probably around $400 million in debt they still have to cut programming. How does this happen? My simple guess is that when you run a government agency, like the SFSD, behind closed doors you have a select group of people making decisions without the input of parents, voters, taxpayers and even teachers. Open government SAVES money and helps to implement the best policies and practices. I often wonder when government officials in our city, county and state are going to figure this out instead of just begging us for more money due to their lack of open and transparent planning. Pathetic.

SFSD Budget FY20