Did we dodge a bullet with the Flood?

The good news is that we have a remarkable levee system that has been built up for the last 50 years or so. We also had very good disaster planning from department heads (I think we learned a lesson from the ice storm). We also had a good response from the state and we will probably get quite a bit of reimbursement from FEMA (or the city will).

So what’s the lesson here? We learned that city prepared this 2nd round very well, which is great. It’s unfortunate they could not have done more about the first round.

But let’s make it clear, moving forward with climate change, we can probably expect more events like this in the future. We are certainly NOT out of the clear.

As for the potholes, it may be too late this year, but moving forward we need to build our roads better. I’m not sure if there needs to be engineering or material changes (probably both) but when you look at what other cities do like Minneapolis, we can build our roads better, it is possible, but it will cost more. That’s reality. This is why the city needs to get back to using the 2nd penny for it’s intended purpose, building infrastructure. The days of building extravagant play palaces need to end and we need to put that money into our roads. We can’t continue to squander that money like we have the past 17 years on entertaining the rich. We also need to end corporate welfare in the form of TIFs and tax reduction schemes. Our development community does just fine without tax breaks, they need to start contributing their fare share towards property taxes.

UPDATE: First ‘OPEN’ Events Center Campus Book Club meets Wednesday

UPDATE: See, that wasn’t so hard to invite the public. Hopefully I will have video later today. I guess they discussed financials and the fact that Former Mayor Bowlcut and Bucktooth started the Arena Augie Contract ($25K a year-that just ended) so the discussion about building an indoor REC center there (Greg Jamison) would go away. I guess one city official also admitted (in a round about way) that Bowlcut cut corners while building the Denty to get it done faster AND cheaper. Shocker!


Mueller Report doesn’t ‘Exonerate’ Trump

While Trump and his supporters may be celebrating, Barr’s summary today (DOC: AG-Judicial) made it pretty clear what Mueller determined, with this statement;

“while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

In other words, he was the ‘investigator’ who doesn’t have the power to indict a sitting president with a crime, but others could. It will be interesting to read the full report that the Dems have demanded to see.

You also have to conclude that this investigation has NOT been in vain, just look at all that have been indicted and charged, 37 people and entities, with seven people pleading guilty and five sentenced to prison. ALL associated with Trump, his campaign and presidency. No obstruction or collusion? Yeah right.

What’s the point in impeaching the president right now? He will impeach himself in the 2020 election. Maybe this time the Electoral College doesn’t ignore an opponent that received 6 Million more votes.

What the Heck is going on at Smithfields?

Folks, I can handle a little farm stink. I grew up on a hog and sheep farm and have scooped my fair share of hog sh*t and have drug hundreds of dead bloated animals from barns and thru farm yards, but what I smelled today was so bad I almost threw up. I drove past Falls Park to see how it was barricaded (there were four police cruisers in the park, 2 parked on the Westside and 2 on Eastside. They were conveniently parked driver window to driver window. I guess if you have to be at Falls Park, best to get in your SFPD water cooler gossip in). I couldn’t see if the police were wearing gas masks, because as I got to the Silver Moon the evil smell of both manure and dead animal was swallowing up the air. It was horrendous, the smell didn’t end until I got to about 8th street. I did notice there isn’t much of a wind today, but one wonders if the scrubbers are NOT in operation at Smithfield. The rumor is they had to remove equipment from the 1st floor and close down killing operations due to the impending flood. Either way, if a strong wind comes up the whole town will be smelling like crap.