Noem watches Bill Maher?!

I had to chuckle when Noem was on FOX and friends defending the ‘Fly Over’ states. I was actually surprised that she watches Bill. I’m a huge fan of the show and have been for years, I watched the episode where he talked about the red states, he was dead on. South Dakota not only has the lowest paid teachers in the nation, we have some of the lowest paid professionals in the nation. Noem argues that South Dakota has some of the highest number of people who serve in the country. Besides patriotism and family involvement, one of the reasons many serve in the military in SD is to get money for college since most families can’t afford to send their children to college right out of High School. Let’s face it, poor people tend to be less educated, this isn’t a dig on poor people, it is just a commonly known fact. Our low wages in the state (70% of South Dakotans make under $40,000 a year) contribute to less people getting a higher education or even better job training. Noem may be right to defend the hard work of South Dakotans, but she best take a long hard look in the mirror when it comes to how educated we are, because according to her and her ilk, education just leads to socialism and homosexuality.

Hey Thune and TenHaken, this is how you provide high speed rural internet

The heck with 5G, rural reservations figured this out (two years ago) Fiber optic is the way to go;

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority in Eagle Butte stands out, not only locally but nationally, for the millions of dollars invested in recent years to deploy fiber optic connectivity to every home and business in its territory northwest of Pierre. In fact, CRST has had 100 percent fiber connectivity since 2016.

“Our fiber optics give them the capacity to get into telemedicine for improved health, home schooling and even higher education. It keeps them connected to the rest of the world,” she said.

Now if someone can fill in Ironic Johnny and Selfie Paul.

City of Sioux Falls NEW Housing Director NOT only lives in Tea, she wants to be on their city council

It has been rumored that Chellee Unruh will take over as the new Community Development/Housing Manager for the City of Sioux Falls (the previous director is retiring). This has been confirmed to me by several city councilors. She supposed to start at the beginning of March.

Chellee currently works for SE Tech as Foundation Director.

I have long had an issue with city directors NOT living (and paying property taxes) in Sioux Falls. I get it, some are more important than others when it comes to those priorities. Like our Library Director being a Minnesota resident. Does it matter? How about our Fire Chief? He lives in Canton.

How about our housing director? Unruh currently lives in Tea. Tea is considered the fastest growing small town in South Dakota, far exceeding other small towns in the region. So why would the city of Sioux Falls hire someone to help solve our affordable housing issues in Sioux Falls who doesn’t even reside here?

That’s the least of our worries. If Unruh is actually confirmed and takes the job with the city (I’m starting to wonder if this is some kind of joke) her residence is one thing, but if elected to the Tea city council, she could be presenting a HUGE conflict of interest, not just for Sioux Falls but for Tea. So who do you work for Chellee? According to her FB campaign page;

I will focus in the areas of economic development and funding, and protecting the safety of our families.

Isn’t that the job the City of Sioux Falls is hiring you for? While I encourage people to run for office, especially local races, I also encourage people to be very careful about conflicts and ethics. No doubt that Unruh has many talents and probably will make a good city director. But these circumstances are highly questionable.