Popular Political Blog changing name to ‘DakotaFoodCollege’

Well, we should have seen the writing on the wall, or at least the food splooge on his keyboard

After years of regurgitating press releases from the right-wing whack jobs that run our state, he must have finally gotten tired of the acid reflux it was causing, and decided to go after the real deal. Of course Pitty has been dropping hints, like his yearly fart-fest he takes to DC where he tries to find this weird dish called ‘fish & chips’. I guess he forgets we celebrate Lent in South Dakota also.

I think the biggest clue came when he posted this table of high sodium, high fructose, corn syrup and bowls full of bacon grease.

I’m glad to see Pitty is going after his real passion while staying true to his blogging style – Sh*t in, Sh*t out.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda • Feb 12, 2019

City Council Informational Meeting • 4 PM

The informational meeting is chocked full of great presentations, unfortunately there is NO links to the supporting documents.

• Committee/Commission report; Operations Committee & Municipal League Board of Directors. As we know, the city council continues to make the Operations Committee meetings secret, FOR NO GOOD REASON. Like other City Council Committee meetings, it should be open to the public and video recorded at Carnegie Hall. Often the excuse to keep these meetings silent is because they talk about employee policies. That is a moot argument, because if you are not talking about specific employees and only policy, there is no reason to keep these meetings quiet.

• Long-Range Transportation Plan Upcoming Process

• Consultant agreement for Triage Center

• Elections ordinance (Councilor Brekke). This essentially is about repealing the misguided, unwanted and unneeded election ordinance that now requires a city council candidate get a majority instead of a 34% plurality. This ordinance was not BROKEN, and NO citizen complained that it was. It’s time for the city council to FIX this ordinance that should have NEVER been changed. It will be interesting to see how the council votes on this. I know that Neitzert, Selberg and Erickson refused to sign onto to the repeal when councilor Brekke asked them to. Can’t wait to hear their excuses to keep the anti-voter, and expensive ordinance in place.

City Council Regular Meeting • 7 PM

Item#6, Approval of Contracts;

• $87K to hire a Triage Center Consultant (we need this, but I think if local officials put their heads together they could solve this).

• $300K for roof improvements to SF Stadium. I think this should be deferred until we decide what to do with the stadium. I think it needs to be bulldozed.

• $275K Handout to the SF Development Foundation. The taxpayers of Sioux Falls don’t need to fund this organization anymore. They have plenty of revenue sources. The Development Foundation needs to be funded by those who benefit, the Developers of Sioux Falls.

• $165K to Downtown Sioux Falls. As I understand this, it comes from the DT Bid Tax. But I do have a problem with Downtown becoming Snobville.

Item #12, 1st Reading, Repealing the Majority vote for council candidates.

Item #13, 1st Reading, Wedding Barn Debacle.

Item #14, Resolution, Vacating Elmwood Ave., This is the big party of the night!

More information coming.

I’m a credentialed journalist of ONE

In South Dakota, you can get a badge for almost anything!

As I have stated before, there is no credentialing of journalists in South Dakota. You can certainly belong to the SD Newspaper Association, you can also work for a TV station or newspaper in which you collect a paycheck. You can also have a degree in communications and journalism. But in SD, there is NO organization that will give you credentials.

I find it ironic that a state legislature and governor’s office find it necessary that you have credentials to carry a pen, but you only need a holster to carry a gun.

Their misunderstandings between the 1st & 2nd Amendments are astounding.