Would you want TenHaken to make you a drink?

So this is a fundraiser for a great place in Sioux Falls! I guess the celebrity bar tenders are TenHaken, Part-time mayor Beck and TypeOver. I think the combined three of them don’t even know how to make a vodka tonic (I will give you a clue, one of the ingredients is vodka). Luckily I hear there is only beer and wine. Remember when tugging off the cap of yummy fizzy, corn syrupy, rice, domestic light beer – lefty loosey, righty tighty.

Mitchell Hair?

NO! Not another constituent trying to talk to me!

I usually don’t post to many things about politician’s personal lives unless it has something to do with the job they are doing. This next bit really has NOTHING to do with Donita (Noem) Trump’s job she is doing (well kind of) but a little bird told me today that when Noem makes a hair appointment at her salon (not in Mitchell, or Castlewood or Pierre – Shocker) she has requested her hair get done on ‘off hours’ either right before they open or right after they close.

The reason?

Well she used to get her hair done regular hours, with a regular appointment, with the rest of us poor slobs (I don’t make an appointment, I just show, because my barber is really cool). Actually Kristi goes to a very nice salon, and probably doesn’t run into many slobs.

I guess she changed her appointment schedule because she got tired of talking to folks (about politics) in the lobby while waiting during regular hours.

No surprise, Donita thinks God appointed her governor anyway, not the people. I apologize to the salon if you lose her as a customer after this post (even though I think you are secretly thanking me). I’m sure she will find some poor slob in Pierre to cut her hair after hours . . . do they even have hair salons in Pierre?

Bee Keeping and Benson’s Flea Market

Crazy who you run into at the Flea Market. Old Cartoonist friend Tim Benson and Representative Saba. You can still talk to Stehly & Brekke at the Flea Market today.

Stehly also wanted me to tell you she will be attending an upcoming meeting for Bee-Keeping within city limits. I support this. I hear from a lot of people that we don’t have as many bees as before in Sioux Falls, and they help with personal food production. I think you could limit the size of the hives so you don’t have a massive population at one specific spot, but bees are good, and they are our friends.

I also think any city ordinance that is proposed needs to be tied into with how we spray for skeeters. It has been proven time and time again that spraying is very harmful to ALL beneficial insects, just not bees. The residue left on gardens and vegetables is also harmful especially to small children. We need to take a more natural approach to limiting skeeters in the city.

Legislative Coffee • Sioux Falls • Feb 2, 2019

I guess not all of our legislature is Whacky. It seems (most of) this delegation supports having a Spanish driver’s license test, legalizing industrial hemp, studying making ingestion a misdemenor. But they want to change absentee voting from 45 days to ‘something else’. I don’t agree, leave it as is. As Representative Sullivan said, “I started campaigning and knocking on doors in August.” She also added we need to make it easier for people to vote. 100% Agreed!

I do however think that absentees should be mailed to the SD address, NOT snowbird address. I think if you travel for business and are out of state quite a bit that should be an exception, but if you don’t actually physically live here at least 95% of the time, you shouldn’t be able to vote. A great example is a certain individual who is extremely wealthy who has a SF address, and constantly is nosing around in city government but lives most of the time in California. I don’t agree with this. If you want to participate in state and municipal government, great, but you also have to live here. It is obvious you are keeping your SD address for tax shelter purposes (another law that should change).