During the informational councilor Rex Rolfing didn’t realize that the SFFD is not allowed to use ALS (Advanced Life Support) only BLS (Basic Life Support) on medical calls. It was part of the contract negotiation with Paramedics Plus. The sad part about this is that Rolfing was one of the councilors who approved the contract with PP. Obviously he didn’t read the contract before approving it.

During the council meeting, once again Rolfing couldn’t resist to tell us how little he knows, even after almost 8 years of doing his job. He didn’t want the council to get emails about potential lawsuits filed against the city. He said that certain councilors are ignoring the confidential disclaimer on emails and passing information along to the press and public. First off, these lawsuits are public record, and secondly, the public owns email transmissions between city employees and councilors. He wouldn’t know transparency if it hit him like a baseball bat.

I also reminded the council that Finance Director Tracy Turbak was full of it when he claimed the End of the Year finance reports come out the same time each year.

As the SFFD points out in their presentation at the 4 PM informational meeting today, why not use the Paramedics we have to respond to emergency situations;

Sioux Falls Fire Rescue is exploring the potential to utilize paramedics, currently employed by Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, as Advanced Life Support (ALS) responders during specialty incident responses.

Also, if we are going to be paying for this important training that I agree with 100% why not go whole hog and put in public ambulances so that taxpayers get some kind of reimbursement from the service;

  • Budgetary Considerations
  • Staff Considerations
  • Certifications
  • Skills validations
  • Equipment and Supplies
  • Medical Guidelines will need to be adopted by Sioux Falls Fire
  • Rescue and REMSA
  • Collaboration with the Sioux Falls Firefighters Association

It seems blatantly obvious that we would be paying for all the training and equipment to provide a public ambulance;

This expanded response capability would allow Sioux Falls Fire Rescue to provide immediate initial advanced life support to victims of a specialty response incident.

And with the purchase of the ambulances and expanded parking facilities we would have a complete public ambulance service instead of the taxpayers currently subsidizing a private entity’s profits, an entity currently being investigated by the Federal Government.

I’ve heard rumblings from within the SFFD that many in management support a public ambulance service but the former SF Fire Chief fought it by convincing the Mayor that it wouldn’t be cost effective. Not only would it save taxpayers millions in public safety, it would be a more reliable service that the city and public could monitor more closely.

The only REAL drawback is that the city would probably have to hire a 3rd party private contractor to collect insurance and other fees for a commission.

City Council Informational Meeting

The biggest agenda item is discussing if or how they will spend the $3.3 million surplus from 2017. Since the administration already got their way on writing up a resolution that will have to be amended, I have a feeling a majority of the council will choose to use the money on paying off debt. This isn’t a bad thing, and it will save taxpayers a couple of million in interest. It’s just the process was manipulated by the mayor, once again.

They will also be discussing the redevelopment of the 7th and Weber old firehouse and some program by the SFFD that I have no clue about since there are no supporting documents posted in SIRE.

There will also be a visual presentation of SculptureWalk 2018. Another mix of contemporary, modern, abstract and boring feel good sculptures of kids, dogs, cats and cows. As I told one local SW artist recently about his contributions, “You make art to sell beer and pizza downtown.” He didn’t like my critique to much.

Regular City Council Meeting

Item#1, Contract Approvals, hopefully we will find out the reason why Paramedics Plus was sold to a different investment company. I think a councilor will be pulling that item.

Item#5, the first recipients of the SIOUXPERHERO award will be announced. I see the co-founder of the Roller Dollz made the list. Woot! Woot!

Item#31, 2nd Reading on contract review timeline to 7 days. Like I have said before, while this ordinance doesn’t hurt anything, it certainly doesn’t solve the problem of the city council approving POLICY changes in RFPs, before the RFP goes out for bid.

Item#38, 1st Reading, Council notification of litigation. Not sure what this is about. It may be a continuation of Item#31?

Item#45, Resolution on spending the $3.3 million surplus.

So Paramedics Plus sells to an investment company, and the city decides to just transfer an important contract in the consent agenda;

So what does the city’s health department director think that conversation should look like;

Sioux Falls Health Director Jill Franken said the city’s long been aware of the pending transaction and reiterated ambulance service in Sioux Falls nor the city’s contract with Paramedics Plus won’t be effected.

How long has the Bride of Franken been aware? Was she going to fill in the public or council?

“This business transaction has no impact on the city’s agreement with Paramedics Plus, LLC to provide surface ambulance service in Sioux Falls. … I expect and am confident (they) will continue to meet all contract obligations into the future,” she said.

This business transaction has no impact on the City’s agreement with Paramedics Plus, LLC to provide surface ambulance service in Sioux Falls.  Paramedics Plus has consistently met their contract compliance requirements. I expect and am confident that Paramedics Plus, LLC will continue to meet all contract obligations into the future.”

While that is all well and good, should we take the word of one person? Shouldn’t the public have a full explanation from Paramedics Plus why this transfer is going on?

Secret, Secret, Secret, RAMROD.

I’m not sure how long Dakota Golf Management has had the lease on the city courses, but I’m pretty sure it’s been for over 40 years. Is this going to change?

The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests proposals for the Lease or Management of the Sioux Falls Municipal Golf Courses.

I know that Great Life has sparked interest in this lease and will probably bid on it. It will be interesting to see if this plays out like the Paramedics Plus contract did.