Patrick Lalley hangs up the DJ Hat

Next week is Pat’s last on KSOO AM 1000.

Before the speculation begins, Pat left on his own accord to start a new full-time job.

I’m saddened by this. While his first few weeks were a bit shaky, I really felt he grew into the new position. He was truly an independent voice in SF political radio. There was only one other local political show, and it, well, sucks. Same old RUSH talking points and the same half-dozen callers telling us how we need to be wing-nuts or we are going to Hell.

I hope KSOO replaces Pat with a similar independent moderate. And if they do, please change the time to 4-6 PM so we don’t have to wait for the Twins games to be over with.

Well this isn’t good . . . Firefighting foam in Sioux Falls drinking water

So while it is a good thing the wells were turned off, makes you wonder how long we were drinking this crap before they found it;

Important questions about today’s PFAS contamination remain unanswered. From the date PFAS entered a private well or municipal water system to the date it was detected and mitigated, what was the effect and on whom? How many airmen and women handled and used the foam for decades without proper protection? What was the effect and where are they now?

Lubbers and Stefanich balked at addressing those questions. Bak simply stated, “You can’t really speak to what was in the past.”

Reminds me of when I warned the city about this a few years ago, and I think they changed some of the chemical mixture. But I often advise people to NOT eat the vegetables you grow in an outside garden in Sioux Falls because it is covered with dangerous mosquito spray residuals. ever notice we don’t have as many bees and beneficial insects? That’s because the mosquito spraying is killing them.

There’s a lot of chemicals our government is feeding us, that they do NOT want us to know about. Yet all the conservatives want more deregulation when it comes to the EPA. Idiots.

Sioux Falls School Board NOT transparent on Land Purchase

Sure, they followed all open meetings rules, but they were a little shady on what exactly they were discussing. When they had their meeting on Friday, they went into immediate executive session to discuss legal matters around purchasing land. They were vague as to what school they were buying land for. Here is the agenda/minutes below;



As you can see, they popped their heads out just long enough to vote then quickly scheduled a Wednesday meeting, which technically was a ‘work session’ but legally they can take action. Notice the ‘Notice’ on that meeting;

While they said there could be public input at the beginning, no mention of public input on Item #3, and even if you read the agenda ahead of time, there is NO exhibit telling us ‘what’ real property the SFSD is purchasing.

The 3 PM on a Wednesday afternoon meeting time also pretty much guarantees the public would not show up, even if public input would have been posted. They did ‘ask’ for public input on Item #3 as they were presenting it, but since it wasn’t posted that way on the agenda OR what Item #3 was really about, why would anyone show up for comment?

I figured once the bond passed the SFSD would go into full lockdown and NOT be transparent in anyway moving forward except what is required by law to the bare minimum.

Remember Homan’s lack of transparency? All of her staff still work for Maher. Konrad, Chase, Vik, etc.

I expect there to be extreme waste and secrecy surrounding the enormous $300 million dollar bond, and we won’t know the details until after it is too late. Makes you wonder if Ol’ Bucktooth and Bowlcut is running the show?

The Argus Leader’s Shelly Conlon has had several stories about the run up to the land selection process.

Here’s how that process unfolded during the last month, and especially the last couple weeks. The last three stories highlight the process, and includes an explanation from Alberty as to why they planned to decide the location during the work session instead of the regular meeting next week.

Architect hired, will help decide location by Nov. 1:

District looks at 8 sites:

Decision on where to put new high school taking longer than planned:

District remains tight-lipped on new location:

School board set to decide new location:

New location chosen: