
Temper, Temper now, Bob;

Litz accused Staggers of “planting” the people in the meeting. Staggers denied the accusation and told Litz that he would have him “personally removed” if he ever made it again.

“If you want me to leave, Mr. Chairman, I’d be happy to,” Litz said. He gathered his papers and walked out.

BAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, because Kermit has that much control over people he can get them to show up to meetings. Kind of sounds like a group of citizens feeling they are getting screwed over, maybe that is why they showed up?

Earlier, Litz accused Staggers of using the meeting to make a “political rant.”

More like challenging the ‘Status Quo’ – What’s wrong with that?

When asked about the issue with Westwick, the city’s zoning enforcement manager declined to talk about it unless it was done in executive session – a meeting closed to the public.

“I’m not at liberty to put it out there and have the jury of public opinion discussed here,” Shawna Goldammer said.

This is the same ‘Shawna Goldhammer’ that was asked if the city could relax regulations a little to speed up the Whittier neighborhood revival and her stern and direct answer was “NO!” This chick won’t budge on shit. I have a feeling if Staggers gets elected she will be unemployed.

The meeting wasn’t entirely about the campground issue. Former Minnehaha County Commissioner Jerry Noonan complained the city is harassing him about a vacant property.

He said the process and staff at City Hall are unfriendly.

“I think I should be treated a little civilized in that particular process,” Noonan said.

I don’t think they are unfriendly – just really f’ing stupid.


Unless there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, I may not run for mayor

I find it unusual that Vernon hasn’t formerly announced yet or have up a website. I also find it curious that most people who would support him (financially) may be putting their money behind Costello or Peterson, which may leave Brown’s kitty dry. Like Staggers, Brown lives a modest lifestyle and can’t hardly fund a campaign on personal wealth, like Costello and Huether can.

Has anyone heard when he may announce?


Today at the SF city council informational meeting there was a presentation of the arterial street plans for 2010-11. As South DaCola reported this week, the developers haven’t put in their fair share. Councilor Staggers questions the city department head about it, and that person reveals that platting fees have brought in $258,000 to date and the .08 cent tax increase has brought in “around $2.09 million”. Staggers then asks who will be paying for the project if the platting fees are not matching the taxpayer’s contribution. (paraphrasing) “I thought the developers were going to share 50% of the cost, that’s what we were told,” Staggers. The city official responds, (paraphrasing) “NO, we did not say that, that was simply a formula we used to get to the $10 million dollar number.”

A formula? More like a load of F’ing Crap!


Pack of wolves

Last night at the SF City Council meeting, councilor Staggers was attacked for his stance against the ‘recovery zone’ resolution (fast forward to item #10).

StormLand TV had a great story about the resolution before the vote. Now watch the meeting carefully, and don’t get caught up when Costello talks about ‘saving money’ or when Staggers talks about ‘pork barrel’ spending. The best points to come out of the argument are clear 1) Other communities are more deserving of this money 2) Taxpayers are not really saving any money. The second exchange is the best, Staggers says this in response to Costello’s assumption that he is saving taxpayers $2 million dollars (paraphrasing);

“You are saving the city $2 million, not the taxpayer.  Are you going to give that money back to the taxpayer? No. Because see the city will just spend that money on something else.”

But then Costello goes into a rant about how we will build roads with it and reveals the city is $137 million behind on road maintenance. Gee, I fucking wonder why? Because over the last 8 years we have blown record tax revenue receipts on stupid projects instead the streets. And Kermit’s point is well taken. We save the city $2 million that will ultimately be blown on something else besides streets. SF city government has a proven record of doing just that.

One funny part in the exchange was when Pat was separating the city accounts (1st Penny, 2nd Penny and property taxes) then says (paraphrasing);

“Yeah, I know the money all comes from the same place, but . . .”

That’s right Pat, taxpayers don’t care if you have 3 accounts or 20 accounts, they are the ones putting money into those accounts.

It was truly a sad day when fellow councilors attacked another councilor for trying to protect the reputation of Sioux Falls. Pathetic.

As South DaCola reported last week, the Sioux Falls city council is considering a resolution that would designate our city in general distress so we can get a $2 million dollar discount. While I think it is real swell the Feds want to give us some of OUR money back I still think it is a load of crap that we are paying for the levy bonds to begin with. The FEDS created the floodplain and the FEDS own the floodplain, so who should be pay for fixing the problem? THE FEDS! I really think we put ourselves in a bad position by giving into the feds and agreeing to pay for their project. Our local tax dollars should be used on community infrastructure not on federal infrastructure. We pay federal income taxes for that stuff. Now we are agreeing to be considered a ‘recovery zone’. How will corporations considering moving here look at that designation? I guess time will only tell.

Now to the article. I’ll have to give props to Ellis on this article, he wrote what I was thinking;

For months, Sioux Falls officials have talked about how the economy here is better than in most other cities across the country.

They acknowledge that sales tax revenues are down, but officials point out that they have ample reserves to meet the city’s obligations. And while building permits haven’t matched the boom days of 2006 and 2007, officials are quick to point out that building activity here is more robust than in similar cities.

Can you say ‘Hypocrisy’?

And bravo to councilor Staggers for using the ‘L’ word when it comes to this hypocrisy;

City Councilor Kermit Staggers calls the resolution “a lie.”

“Our situation in Sioux Falls is not the best, but it’s certainly not how it’s described in this resolution,” Staggers said. “I’m concerned about the veracity of this.”

I think this video says it all;
