UPDATE: A new city councilor reached out and told me they have a policy of not using specific names that are revealed in public input. While I understand if it is a baseless accusation, this is factual.

It did not take long for the new city council to start ignoring me. LOL. I was aware that the city council must amend minutes, but I thought I would send the question to the city clerk first (you will enjoy his response). Then I forwarded the entire message to the city council. As I pointed out, they are using my real name in the minutes and not a general term like ‘Constituent’ so they should use the real name of the councilor I mentioned, Marshall Selberg.

Not one single councilor responded, meaning they have no intention of amending. You do realize by ignoring my request and not changing the minutes means you are just a part of the cover up. Just sayin’.

I sometimes wonder who is giving councilors legal advice . . .


Hello Jermery,

I noticed in the minutes for the meeting last week it said this under public input;

‘Scott Ehrisman spoke on TIFs, development & project costs, and a previous Councilor not living in the district he represented.’

I would like the minutes AMENDED at the next meeting so it says;

‘Scott Ehrisman spoke on TIFs, development & project costs, and a previous Councilor, Marshall Selberg, not living in the district he represented.’

I clearly stated Mr. Selberg’s name, and would like that added to the minutes.

Thank You,

Scott L. Ehrisman


Good afternoon,

The minutes will remain accurate and as drafted.  Only City Council can amend them at this point.

Jermery J. Washington, City Clerk // City of Sioux Falls


Hello Councilors,

I requested from the city clerk an amendment to the meeting minutes of last week’s regular meeting (see my original email at bottom).

He has informed me that the council has to amend (see below). So I am requesting an amendment.

I clearly stated Marshall Selberg’s name and it should be reflected in the record as I said it. For example it doesn’t say ‘A constituent spoke . . .’ It states my written name. I stated the previous councilor’s name, and it needs to be reflected in the record AS my name is clearly reflected in the record.

Thank You,

Scott L. Ehrisman

During the city council working session today they discussed all the different non-profits and other services the city helps subsidize. As you can see, most is for kids, families, homeless, public parks, public art, etc., yet the biggest grifter at the trough is Forward Sioux Falls.

Speaking of subsidies, I was discussing over the weekend with some friends the new refrigerated ice rink, they seem to be confused about the gift and mostly the subsidy. I told them that it is funny we are spending close to $100 million in this area between private and public dollars, yet every night, Camp Levitt is open for business.

How about funding something that gives these folks a safe place to sleep for the night?


UPDATE II: I am adding this EO, because it goes with the line of power.

UPDATE: Mike Zitterich sent me this, thanks Mike!

Under Article 2, Section 2.03, you find the answer you are looking for:

The selection of interim successors in the executive order shall be at the mayor’s discretion from among department heads or city employees; however, the number and order of proposed interim successor designees shall not be effective without the advice and consent of the city council.

This is the line of people who would assume mayoral authority in case of an emergency. I think during the Huether Administration the Public Works director was number one. I also find it ironic that the person that is 2nd in line is the COS who has actually been running the city and signing multiple docs for the mayor. The Council Chair should really be 2nd in line (not sure if charter language would have to change to make that possible?)

It was in 2009 when Noem was in the state legislature that I coined her the ‘Sarah Palin of South Dakota’. Little did I know at the time Noem’s political career would end the same as Palin’s.

The rumor all along is Noem wants the secretary of interior job if Trump get elected. Drill baby Drill. So while her elected positions may be done, she still may have a future in DC.

If Trump doesn’t get elected (I still keep telling peeps this is strike 3 for him, lost the popular vote in 2016, the popular and electoral in 2020 and he is going to lose again in 2024) she is pretty much over with. She will be some pundit on one of those right winger stations.