I have been tracking Sioux Falls city government for several years now, and nothing surprises me anymore. For instance, city councilor Quen Be De Knudson had this to say in a joint County/Council meeting on monday;

“I can’t wait until we can raise the retail tax to 7 cents so we can build all kinds of wonderful projects for this city.”

In which, Staggers laughingly responded, but he was chuckling so hard I could not understand him. I can about imagine what he was thinking silently.

There are some words that never should come out of a city official’s mouth. Take, for example, Exhibit A – a comment regarding how much money Sioux Falls has received from the federal economic stimulus package. “I don’t know that the total dollar amount is that important,” City Councilor Pat Costello says.

Yeah, I thought it was a pretty silly thing to say, but no surprise. It seems most of our council have no clue what it means to be accountable to the tax payers as a public official.

But given that this is an accountability issue, that’s exactly the kind of efforts city residents expect local officials to undertake, if that’s what’s required to get the job done.


Not sure if you remember the fiasco last year in regards to the budget hearings but they were not broadcast when they said they would be on Channel 16, and when a citizen questioned the confusion there was a lot of excuses from the GM of Channel 16. Well, it seems they are up to the shananigans again this year. Last week the hearing didn’t start broadcasting on Channel 16 until 30 minutes after they said they would. They decided to switch the info and budget meeting around at the last minute. Then this week, they said due to ‘technical difficulties’ they could not broadcast the meeting live. Yeah, right . . . . Of course you can watch it online, like I choose to do.

Another surprising aspect of the budget hearings is the finance office did not give out budget books to the councilors before the meetings. Yeah, that is right kiddies, the very people who have to vote on this budget are not given an advance copy of the budget so they can ask questions during the hearings. And the only councilor to protest this was Staggers, who was able to obtain a book, and ironically the only one who has been asking questions during the meetings. I’m sure the hearings are a good chance for Quen Be De to catch up on reruns of The Cosby Show.


About time an accountant turned bar and burger shack owner runs for mayor.

Well, it hasn’t been a big secret that Pat might run, and I actually think he would be one of the stronger candidates;

City Councilor Pat Costello is the latest potential candidate considering a run for mayor in 2010. Costello, who currently is a councilor at large, told me Tuesday where he stands in his decision-making process. “An endeavor of this nature is a big process, and I just want to make sure I have a strong team to help me do it right,” Costello said.

but after I have seen him trying to coverup some information at council meetings and his business partnerships with the SF Storm owner I have changed my mind about how effective Pat would be as a mayor. First off, I am a big opponent of businesses owners who associate themselves professionally with tax evaders. Not sure if Pat knew the details, but guilty by association can kill a political candidate really quick. Just look at Daschle’s perceived association with his wife, nail in his coffin. I also don’t take kindly to elected officials who tolerate or participate in censorship, we have had enough of that crap over the past seven years, it needs to end in 2010.

I also see that Gerald Beninga is probably not running for mayor – Mr. Berate councilor Staggers and citizens at council meetings as much as he can;

Meanwhile, though it’s not official, it is believed that Councilor Gerald Beninga might seek a seat on the Minnehaha County Commission instead.

Good place for Gerald, he’ll fit right in with those back biting brat kids over there. You need to learn to pout and blame others for your mistakes. You also need to learn to talk smack about other elected officials of the opposite political party when they are not around to defend themselves.


No surprises here, the AL ED Board wants us to get behind the task force;

The task force that’s preparing recommendations for a proposed events center is doing several things right.

Is being ‘vague’ doing things right? I have always thought when people are short on details they are trying to pull a fast one.

But perhaps the most significant steps the task force is taking are its efforts to build a coalition to lobby the Legislature for a much-needed financing tool.

The task force seems to recognize that its hard labor in researching specs for an entertainment venue that best fits Sioux Falls’ needs is practically useless unless the city can pay for construction.

To make that happen, Sioux Falls leaders need to partner with other municipalities that also need the flexibility to raise taxes to build various projects.

This has always been my biggest beef with the Events Center, I really don’t care where they build it or how big it is (well I do, but those are minor deets) How are we gonna pay for it? As councilor Staggers has said, the legislature will never let SF raise retail taxes to pay for this place, and I can guarantee the voters will not approve it either. The economy is shit, and the last thing people want is to pay more taxes on food and essential services to build an entertainment facility we do not need. This is a money maker for the city, not for the citizens, and it could not be more freaking obvious.

Eventually, Sioux Falls-area legislators – or even the next governor – will need to become intricately involved in getting taxing authority approved during the next legislative session.

Still, the task force’s lead effort is a welcomed boost

Where can I pick up my Argus Leader official barf bag?


Councilors Litz and Staggers had a protest vote against FEMA’s floodplain maps at Monday night’s council meeting, they knew it would pass without their votes but were basically telling Washington they didn’t approve of the way this matter was handled. The city was forced to accept this map. I sent this email to Staggers and Litz shortly after the vote, Litz was the only one to respond, I found what he had to say, interesting to say the least;


I applaud you and councilor Litz for voting against the floodplain map, I have been saying all along it is bogus (or something like that).

Scott L. Ehrisman

LITZ: One federal agency , the Corps is told by another federal agency FEMA they didn’t get the  job done so if your house is insured in part by another federal agency HUD you must buy insurance from another federal agency. Kafka couldn’t have done it better.  The trouble is the comedy of errors involves real peoples money…..blitz

ME: I do understand that the council had to vote for this (forced) but I still wish there would have been more vocal protest. I will have to say, that for once I am not disappointed in city government on this one, I am disappointed in our Washington delegation in not doing more, your hands were tied.

Good luck, Scott

LITZ: We are powerless against our Federal Government…blitz

ME: Really? Dissent is a powerful thing. It created this country.