A couple of weeks ago I warned a couple of city councilors that this was coming down the pipeline;

Free parking at night and on weekends in downtown Sioux Falls could soon expire.

Once the pay stations were put in, and the phone apps I knew the city was moving in this direction. I have been putting up with this crap in larger cities like Minneapolis for years. It’s annoying. It reminds me of paying to take a crap in bus station.

I have often said that DTSF should have FREE parking in the ramps 24/7 and only meter Phillips Ave. during the day, this would encourage business DTSF, but they seem to think they know better;

Two years ago, downtown business owners heard from a consultant who changed their way of thinking.

“If you get parking turnover 12-15 per space a day each year that could be hundreds of thousands of dollars for retailers in terms of profit,” Downtown Sioux Falls president Joe Batcheller said.

But that turnover hasn’t been happening when its free to park.

“It is a bit of an issue, particularly in evenings and weekends, someone can come and park at 5 p.m. on Friday and leave their car there until Monday morning, and if that’s right in front of a business that hurts their bottom line,” Batcheller said.


I can count the number of cars on one hand that do that. And so what?! Who pays to maintain those parking spots – I do, through the 2nd penny CIP.

If someone comes DT at night they most likely will go to several places before leaving, spending money. How long would they stay if they had to pay for parking? If I come downtown at night I will go to 4-5 places before leaving. Last Saturday Night I went to 8 places during Jazz Crawl. How is that any different then multiple people coming DT and only shopping at one place? It’s NOT. The problem with DTSF is that they don’t have any zoning that requires diversification of businesses. If you want more people coming DT and spending money, boot all the boutiques out that close at 7 PM and put in businesses that actually entertain folks late into the night. Maybe retailers DT are suffering because they are in the wrong location?! Yah think McFLY!?

I have argued over the past decade DTSF has turned into snob-ville, and if they do this, it will continue to just be a playground for those that can ‘afford’ it. It’s really becoming quite pathetic.

UPDATE: So I accidentally ran into someone tonight who explained the issue to me. I guess the ‘APP’ is NOT the problem, I guess the problem is the app is not communicating with our parking meters correctly. I guess the city is not using a very good telecom (not Verizon) for the communications to the meters which is causing the issue. This surprises me since the city just rolled out 5G with Verizon.

They finally announced today, but not until some folks on FB caught them. It seems to be happening at city hall a lot these days from potholes and floods to transparency, every time someone busts them they announce they are working on the issue;

The City soft launched the app in late 2018 for downtown parking ramps. Since then, the reach of the app has expanded to include many downtown parking meters. Soft launching the app to the public will help the City gain appropriate feedback to ensure potential bugs and issues are worked out before the official rollout, planned for August 2019.

So I guess the city’s innovation department is using us as lab rats for not just 5G, but now parking apps. I will post later about how Bloomberg is using our mayor as a lab rat. What I find interesting is that this gives meter maids a heads up of what meters are expired. Maybe this was a revenue idea they wanted to keep secret.

This was the response from the city;

Jason ReisdorferI appreciate everyone’s passion with regards to this app. We think it’s going to be a big win for the downtown scene. This app wasn’t built on the backs of the taxpayers and we’re not paying to have it developed. This is a free add-on to the pay by CC meters the city purchased (before my time). We compared several similar products, this one is the best option for our citizens for several reasons. We have been working closely with the app developers to work out the bugs and to get the locations geolocated properly. If you followed me at all with the ‘SF App’ launch, you will know that I promoted the heck out of it once we were ready…but it was live for several weeks in public beta before it was launched because I wanted thorough testing before a bunch of people jumped on and had issues and a bad user experience. There’s no reason that we’d want to keep something this awesome a secret…I just wanted it to work properly. I think KSFY is running a story tonight, and now that the cat is out of the bag on this, we’ll launch a presser tomorrow…but like anything new, I’d ask for your patience as we’re about 2 weeks ahead of schedule for when we wanted this thing pushed out full scale. I’m confident all you smart people can help us work out the bugs, so send me any feedback you have while using it and we’ll pass them along to the developers. Thanks for all the support! #OneSiouxFalls

Great video here;

The meeting is tonight from 4-6 PM at Design Center (in between Mama Lada’s and Toy Store).

I think this is a great conversation to have.

An idea I have been pushing for well over a decade has consistently fell on deaf ears, and after seeing the sidewalks over packed with pedestrians this past summer on First Fridays, I think it is time to explore the idea.

Many cities (like Austin, TX) close off their downtown’s main drag on the weekends to vehicle traffic. I’m not suggesting to do the same in DTSF or as often, but I think we could try it on the first and last Friday and Saturday of the month for 3 months. Basically you would block 12th-11th, 11th-10th, and 10th-9th on Phillips so traffic could still go through on the East-West streets. You could bring in temporary picnic tables, food trucks and allow DT restaurants to sell to go street plates and drinks in plastic cups or cans. It would essentially be a big block party.

There would still be plenty of parking in the ramps and surrounding neighborhoods and most of all it would give people a reason to come DT and ‘WALK AROUND’ and explore.

I always thought moving GermanFest from that area was a horrible idea.

Like I said, I have been panning this for years, and I always get the same response – No reply.

Funny, I got a call before the parking ramp hotel was approved from a foot soldier, he said this;

“The new hotel downtown is going to be a Residence Inn and ran by Lamont.”

What’s ironic about this is that this has been kept a secret for over 6 months (or longer), for what reason? What would have been the harm in telling the public this when they knew about it? There is no good reason. Secrecy serves no one, and sometimes oddly, doesn’t serve a purpose.

Not sure how many of my readers of South DaCola have been to downtown Rapid City, but it’s very ecletic and fun. There’s your normal gift shops and galleries with a nice mix of bars, restaurants and a brewery, but there also some unique places like the Mud Hole.

Teresa Roland and her husband David run the Mud Hole, which combines an antique and thrift store, and a café.

My first thought is that it would cool to have something like this in Downtown Sioux Falls. But can you imagine all the hooping and hollering that would go on if someone applied for a conditional use permit to have something like this in DTSF? I remember all the screaming that went on when Vishnu Bunny came downtown, or when the Night Club concept was turned down. Or the recent noise issues at ICON.

Would DTSF support such a business? We know that the new parking ramp has set up rules that doesn’t allow ‘thrift stores’ in the retail space. But we also know that DTSF already has an upscale thrift store. Would a combination café/thrift store be suitable though?

I don’t have an issue with it, what do you think?

I have felt for a long time there should be more diversity DTSF, and more homespun businesses like this would be a nice addition to our downtown.