I guess the state spending millions on tourism contracts that are ineffective is a better use of  tax payer money then paying a couple state maintenence workers and HI-PO’s a little overtime;

Nonprofit groups no longer can host events at interstate rest stops after officials with the state Department of Transportation decided they are too much hassle.


The decision means the Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau won’t be allowed to stage “welcome” events for out-of-state visitors. For years, the group has hosted events – typically at the Interstate 90 rest stop at Valley Springs – to promote South Dakota and Sioux Falls.

Maybe it costs too little, and that’s why the state wants to do away with it . . .

In a state where tourism plays a big role in the economy, Ellis Schmidt thinks it’s in South Dakota’s interest to continue the practice. The events are inexpensive, usually costing the bureau about $100.

“That’s a pretty cheap way to touch a couple thousand people in a day,” she said.

And of course, representative Krebs found a way to spin the situation to make the state look good:

“Is it smart to have engineers picking up garbage? I don’t think that’s a good use of taxpayer money.”

You are right, why would engineers be picking up trash? Maybe the state should look into that?

Pastor(?) Steve DooHickey is still crazy – President Obortion? WTF?

And I see the school district is still in a state of denial over the failure of super precincts.

Former Sioux Falls School Board member Sam Amato also thought the turnout would be higher.


“I was thinking about 8 percent,” he said.

Amato said he went to his normal voting precinct and “it took me 10 to 15 minutes to figure out where I voted.” He called the auditor. Two Can Play That Game ipod “They were able to help. But over the years, I have never seen anything close to being this bad,” he said.

Obviously when have a former school board member who can’t even find his precinct, you gots problems. But as usual with the school district, don’t blame the obvious.


The hat may be on tight, but trust me, the screws are loose

Golly, should any of this surprise us?

When 19 Lincoln High School drummers rolled up to Terrace Park on Wednesday, they were surprised to find thousands of protesters, some wearing T-shirts bearing slogans such as “Kill socialism.”

Obviously they have never met the neo-cons version of the Merry Pranksters, Jason, Steve and Allen, without the drugs, free love and peace of course.

“If we don’t stop it here, these young people and our grandchildren and their children are going to end up paying the debt that we’ve got to stop right now,” Folkerts declared, pointing toward the students.

Dan Sailor, who also played in the drum line, was among the choir students who sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.”


“He made an example of us, which was uncomfortable,” he said of Folkerts.

Finally FolkArts did something funny, and wasn’t even aware of it.

“I didn’t know that they didn’t know,” Folkerts said Thursday. “It surprises me that the teachers and the school system didn’t do any checking. … My assumption is that the band leaders would have been fully aware of what they were going to.”

Yes, play stupid (which isn’t too hard for you and your ilk). Not everyone clings to FOX News and Stormland TV to find out the lastest circus the neo-cons are putting on in town.

School officials agree the students shouldn’t have been there.

“It was the Lincoln High drum line,” said school district spokeswoman DeeAnn Konrad. “They were representing Lincoln.”


That fact put the event in violation of a school district policy governing staff participation in political activities. “School employees shall not engage in partisan political activity on school premises during normal business hours or during a work assignment,” the policy reads.

Wasn’t Konrad the same person who allowed the abortion ad to be printed in the school guide? When is the school district gonna start punishing her or at least start asking her to do her job?

Klinedinst said the drum line’s invitation to play the event came from Pete Hansen, a private percussion teacher who is contracted to work with the Lincoln marching band for part of the year. Hansen’s wife, Sarah, works in Thune’s Sioux Falls office.

Because if you want Neo-cons to show up to an event just mention Ironic Johnny’s name and they will come in throngs.

I know I said I wouldn’t post anymore about this, but this is a satire site, and these guys are so ridiculous, I couldn’t resist. Surprised they didn’t get out the garbage can of mock aborted babies and throw them overboard to?

Dakotawomen does a fine job of reviewing the event

Hossenpheffer clears up the debate about Fairey’s HOPE print and Garcia’s photo that DooHickey is up in arms about. Garcia responds to her email:

Please tell me Mr Garcia, if you are upset about pop artist Sheperd Fairey’s Hope poster that was created using a photo you took. It is wonderful that a pop art piece is being included in the National Portrait Gallery.


My friends and I are in a heated debate over this. Some say Fairey  ‘stole’ your work, some say he was inspired by it. It is cold in South Dakota and we are cooped up and forced to debate such issues. What are your feelings?


You are a great talent.

With hope,



Ms. ——-,


It must be very cold out there and you all need to do something with more activity, LOL. At this point I can’t comment on the issues of the situation. I’ve attached a link to my website & a blog for your review.


Stay warm and I hope this finds you in good health & spirits,












You mean Warhol didn’t take this picture of Elvis!? The Shame, The Shame!

Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, where do I begin? As a fan of underground art (come look at my house walls sometime) and having a shrine to my hero, Warhol in my studio (there, I said it, are you happy) I have come to realize that everyone doesn’t understand copyright laws and ‘image borrowing’. Underground art is based on taking something that is mainstream and converting it to something original and anti-establishment. Something Fairey did with the HOPE Obama image. Underground art is kinda the thrift store version of fine art, just as beautiful and useful, but a lot f’ing cheaper. Though I am disappointed that Fairey hasn’t credited the photo, I’m also glad he didn’t. Why? He does not have to. Once you CHANGE something, it becomes yours. And that really is the essence of art. Creating something new, from something old. I would hope the original photographer would be joyous about it – not sure. But I will say this, Fairey’s version is a lot cooler than the original.

Steve, please stop trying to be an art critic and go back to something you are (kinda) good at, selling snake oil.

UPDATE: The press conference where the HOPE photo was taken was about Darfur and Human Rights, NOT abortion, as Mr. DooHickey would like you to believe.