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Why I asked for an ethics opinion

This all started on Sunday, August 22, when a concerned citizen asked me if i thought Litz and Jamison had a conflict of interest. We both looked over Sioux Falls code of ethics and state law and basically came to  the conclusion, there may be a conflict. I suggested in all fairness that we inform the council about it and let them resolve it on their own, or at least give them the opportunity to. I forwarded my concerns to the city clerk to disperse to ALL of the councilors. I guess one other citizen (that I know of) contacted ALL of the councilors himself by email. After hearing what excuses they had in some interviews with them on TV, I came to the conclusion they were not going to move forward on this themselves.

What would have been the appropriate move by our elected officials?

Well, basically to ask the ethics committee on their own whether they thought there was a conflict, they decided to act smug (as usual) about it. So I discussed it again with some concerned citizens and decided I would be the messenger.

I am not naive. I know how the mayor appointed ethics committee will rule. Probably in their favor. There is millions of dollars at stake here and I’m sure they have already gotten personal phone calls from the Mayor. What is important is that the committee tells us why they will make the decision they will. I want that on the table before the September 15th vote.

I have a feeling, that once again our rubberstamp council will approve the tax increases, instead learning how to make cuts to a bloated budget. I am beginning to wonder if any of them really want to work for their $17,000 a year pay check.


I’ll have to admit, this is the first time a journalist has ever quoted me verbatim. I owe you a beer Ben.

Wednesday he said that he turned in the request because he wanted a definitive opinion on if Jamison and Litz will face a conflict of interest when they vote on this issue.

KSFY’s story is even better. Bob, I suggest you just chill out. No one is saying you did anything wrong, just questioning your intentions. That’s it.

The Argus Leader’s take on it.

Aunt Bertha is after Todd again . . .

Goodness gracious, there goes Aunt Bertha again – this time taking off from Covell Lake to Alaska via a big ocean-liner, paddle boat…

Why did she leave? Well, after watching his wife’s speech at the Republican National Conference tonight, who can really blame her for her addiction to Hotty Toddy Palinoddy.

I mean, c’mon,  Just look at him.  Those eyes. That smile. Those perfect teeth. Even I get kind of a naughty feeling in parts that shouldn’t be naughty in a real heatersexual man like me just thinking of him.  This time, even Uncle Rusty has given up on chasing down Aunt Bertha to bring her back to reality, I mean civilization. In fact, immediately after his wife’s speech, Rusty locked himself in the bathroom with his comic books and corn-nuts and says he isn’t coming out until the next 4 years are over – whatever that means.


Also, Gramps Grumpy pointed out the following observations to us (in his usual grump-filled tone of voice) regarding tonight’s Sarah Paladin speech: “It was a good thing that the Paladin’s little syndromed baby boy got to stay up late tonight to see his mommy because the little tyke no doubt enjoyed the loud cheering and booing sounds in the Target Center.  I brought my baby Rusty to one of those Twin City Rolling Stones concerts many moons ago and he loved it. Lost some hearing, but he loved it nevertheless.  Sometimes sacrifices – like making a baby hearing-disabled and not looking out for the disabled baby’s best health-realted interests - NEED to be made. This disabled little infant doesn’t need any more good nights of sleep because as long as he’s with his family and the GOP every step of the way (low to no debt, full access to complete arsenal of fire-arms and diverse snow-machines, few taxes, anti-scientific and limited sexual public education curriculum, cheap candy and fuel from Auntie’s Alaskan gas station, pregnant relative’s specific assistance with sexual-crisis issues, full access to quality attention from nanny each day especially if/when mommy goes to jail for ethics violations, etc.), THEN he will be LIVING the American Dream.  GOOD FOR HIM!  His present and future sleepless nights and lack of close-knit infant bonding with his mother are sacrifices for the good of the GOP – and will not be in vain. Atta Boy, little fella!” 

Anyway, remembering TV legend Flip Wilson’s similarly sassy, strong-willed female character named Geraldine, TOGETHER – as both Republicans and Democrats and Republicans – we step out of the GOP Twilight-ning Zone and into the promising Sarah (and Toddy) Paladin-esque future picture of America: “What you see is what you get!”  VAVAVOOM!!!

Sincerely, (“The devil made me do it!”)

EggBert Ti. F. Ic. Go.

Finally, the Truth about Hurricane Katrina

Finally, the truth about Hurricane Katrina:

I know this is “old news,” but it has stuck in my craw for years, doggone it.  My Aunt Bertha recently emailed me this revealing, honest, and informative news video.  I am so glad that we live in the safety of KELO-LAND instead of down south in Satan-spawned New Orleans. Why?  Just watch this news video for the Truth about Hurricane Katrina’s “Storm of Spiritual Cleansing” in 2005. After watching it, Granny Gumption smiled her big toothless grin and yelled out a YEE HAW!  My family is delighted (except Uncle Rusty, who ignorantly believes those who authorized, engineered, and built the man-made levy systems at a deficient level are part of the problem) that our beloved President Bush is now finally cleared of responsibility for how the people down there took advantage of that hurricane to better their extravagant TV-watching habits and footwear, etc. Closing down that city, bringing those southerners to justice, and opening up a new fishing area for the Bush family was just what Mother Nature ordered.

For sure, it has been substantiated that the people (NOT God or Jesus Christ) who live down there are to blame.

For shame to blame GWB and his loving administration.

Sincerely, EggBert T.

P.S. Below is a newly-released de-classified photograph of my Aunt Bertha as she volunteers in New Orleans back in 2005 for the FBI’s special top-secret Red Cross Volunteer Corp “Keep-ing the Looters ‘n Line” (KILL).

Female Police Officer

Football is a need, not a want – because we need it!!!

Regarding this newsy city article –


My Aunt Bertha (who used to play men’s football for the semi-professional team, the Baltic Bullroars, as pictured below, in team uniform) 

Thlinget Woman

told me this morning (as we walked neighborhoods knocking on doors telling people not to listen to the radical few who are trying to impeach our state governor for not giving laptop computers to our children) that this kind, gracious, and belevolent gift of land for a junior football sports complex from Dr. Sanford is absolutely filling a NEED for the citizens of Sioux Falls and the surrounding territory (not to mention is a good use of our hard-earned, taxpayer money) – because we Americans (led by our beloved President) live and breath football, and you know that is true.  Now, as we proud and able-bodied citizens help pay for this (much more needed than paying for higher water and sewer rates), more of these young men (and women) can help the greater society in the future as they can practice, compete, and learn to hurt each other so that they each have the wonderful opportunity to most-likely play for the play-off bound Sioux Falls Storms football team.  And one day, they may even play for the upcoming NFL franchise – the Sanford/Krabbenhoft SD Vikings – another MUCH-NEEDED opportunity that we can continue to display our goal of progress and allegiance to our city leaders, fathers, and mothers.  Hurrah!!!