Letter to the Editor today in the Argus Leader;

There is nothing wrong with businesses becoming wealthy through hard work and mutually beneficial trade. Healthy businesses provide jobs, and competition keeps costs down for consumers. But when businesses start to lobby government for special regulatory favors and government spending projects to help pad their profits, they cease to be products of market forces.

Not sure if you saw the half-page ad the Campbell family put out in the Gargoyle Leader yesterday, but worth the read.

I like the third paragraph, which pretty much sums up the VYFL campaign;

We’ve fallen prey to the Vote Yes for Life tactics of personal attacks, intimidation, and name calling which has become the trademark in dealing with those who share life experiences that cause some undecided voters to question the merits of the Vote Yes for Life position.

Same old, lying, cheating, money laundering campaign as in 2006. They say abortion is a question of one’s morality, I think they need to take a long, hard look in the mirror and question their own morality.

I found this letter to the Editor of the Argus Leader right on;

Representatives of developers, construction companies and other groups such as the Chamber of Commerce took more than two hours to argue the need for such development in promoting the growth of the city.

This was ridiculous. Nobody was opposing the development of these arterial roads or seeking to stall the city’s growth.

I found if complete BS that the mayor let the proponents (developers) speak first. I also found it ironic that not a single individual citizen (not representing a group or business) came forth for this tax increase, and equally ironic that not a single individual came forth (representing a business) to oppose this tax increase. This really was about special interests vs. citizens. And 4 councilors (who are knee deep in special interests) and the mayor voted against the citizens.

The opposition to the tax increase might well have orchestrated another two hours of testimony from representatives of agencies and organizations that know only too well the struggles of a sizeable segment of the city’s population:

Yes, but by the time we got to take the podium it was 10:30 at night (3 1/2 hours after the meeting started, and we got to listen to councilor Knudson whine about being tired (maybe she was tired of reading closed captioning for that long).

I will be interviewed late this afternoon for Jon Micheals Sunday talk show that airs on KELO radio talking about the petition drive.

Just when I thought the Gargoyle Leader could not have more then one blunder in a day (endorsing McCain) – I turned to page two of the VOICES section of the dead tree version and saw they brought back FolkArts. (I like how he changed his signature to initials now-man, you tricked us).

But I’m not gonna rag on Jason – good for him – get it while the gettin’ is good.

Does the AL ever learn? Do they think if they hide something for a few months, the problem will just go away? Apparently they do. Jason has been caught copying other cartoonists ideas in your newspaper – why would you hire him again? It’s like borrowing money twice to a friend who never pays you back.

By hiring him all you are telling your readers is that you don’t have a problem with his actions. Which scares the crap out of me. I have often scoffed at the AL’s opinions, but now it seems I have to start questioning if they really are their opinions and ideas.

Pretty lame.

The Gargoyle Leader endorses McCain. This comes as no surprise. I argued with some of my contributors this week about it, a couple of them thought they would pick Obama. My argument for picking McCain? I know it seems cliche’ but the AL knows who butters their bread, and it ain’t liberal democrats – just read this statement about liberals (apparently boogie men to South Dakotans).

Sen. Barack Obama is a strong candidate and a compelling figure, but is a liberal Democrat by any measure. On many of the biggest issues facing the country, he simply is not the best candidate for South Dakota.

I always call a Argus endorsement ‘The Kiss of Death’. I guess Obama will win afterall.