The first little birdy told me that apparently councilor Litz thinks I filed an ethics opinion against him because a certain politician urged me to. Let me make something very clear to Mr. Litz, NO politician or campaign staffer tells me what to do, just ask Martha Vanderlinde’s campaign manager, when I read her the riot act on that very topic. My cartoons would be very ineffective if I was getting writing and editing advice by the very people I was supposed to be making fun of. I took action for the citizens and it was the right thing to do, something Mr. Litz knows very little about.

This same birdy also told me that I wasn’t the only one who filed the opinion, another citizen did to, but they asked to be confidential – wonder who urged them – their conscience perhaps?

Shortly after the first birdy spoke with me, another one came to my window on this fine fall day and told me there is a rumor floating around that Mayor Munson is mentoring Councilor Brown, which made me laugh so hard that I think I blew birdy number 2 off of my window sill.

See, it’s no secret that Vernon is considering running for mayor in 2010 even though when he was running against Stehly he denied that, because his councilor term is not up until 2012. I think if I was running for mayor the last person I would want as my mentor was a big government spender that almost didn’t run for a second term because of a possible ordinance and campaign finance violation. I say go for it Vernon, but I would pick a different mentor, may I suggest Kermit Staggers?

One of the main reasons I pushed for the ethical decision on Friday was because I wanted the story to be in the news cycle over the weekend, and the media has delivered. Though I knew how the politically appointed Board of Ethics would rule in Litz and Jamison’s favor, I don’t think it was a bad thing. Why? Many citizens still think they have a conflict, and the decision reinforces what the upcoming vote on Monday really means. Which councilors are on the citizens/small business side and which are on big business/developers side? We will find out Monday night.

I don’t doubt that the platting fees will pass, but the retail tax increase will be close and comes down to two people; Vernon Brown and Munson. Vernon still has not said how he will vote on the retail tax increase. If he votes for it, Munson will break the tie.

Kelo TV has a story on it.

Argus Leader also puts their .08 cents in on the issue.

Just because I posed the question, doesn’t mean I don’t already know the answer. I feel the ethics committee will allow Litz and Jamison to vote. That is not what this is about, it is about setting a precedence with a legal opinion from the ethics committee. What am I getting at? Well, if Jamison and Litz vote on the fee increase, either yes or no, they will have eliminated themselves from ever developing in the areas that are affected. When the ethics committee tells you there is no conflict, that means to me, at the time of the vote. In the future if they benefit from the fee increase in their respective businesses, then an actual complaint can and will be filed.

Don’t think we won’t be watching.